PaRaDiSe model of Genesis 1:1a/א in Kabbalah lexicon

Let’s start the exegesis of the first word of Genesis 1:1a. BeIn- (-ב) alludes to what’s “inside of things”, quite illusive since as soon as we flesh things up, they’re “out” and no longer “in”.

This by experience we identify as characteristic of the “Spirit” of living things, same which we encode as Derash Discern (דרש) D.

At the opposite end of the word is –IthOf (ית-) referring to the things “out there in the world”, same which we identify as “Body”, and encode as Peshat Plain (פשט) P.

Additionally, though these two don’t touch yet they are connected at the second story level of things by this back-and-forth agent of –Re’sh– –Beginning- (-ראש-) which we identify with the head as the “Mind”, and likewise encode as Remez Reflect (רמז) R.

Lastly, let’s finish with the mute first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Alef A (א). This we identify with the Creator and encode as Sod Secret (סוד) S. Wrapping things up as mnemonic this spells out as the acronym PRDS PaRaDiSe (פרדס).



Bible’s 613 commandments in 1 Commandment @ Genesis 1:1a/א of PaRaDiSe!

Checking from behind with numbers we verify it by noting that the 613 commandments of the Bible reduce to one (1) Commandment. As in

613 => 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1!

This Principle unifying 613 principles in one (1) is the master key to Biblical exegesis.

Moreover, down the timeline this supreme panacea blessing is to serve as powertool to address all challenges in the social edification of Civilization.

Sages rewrite Biblical Mashiach leader (מָשִׁחַ) as Rabbinic Messiah Savior (מֵשַׂעַ)!
Questions: Welcome to PaRaDiSe Cause, teshuvah Return & Call to Creativity
Answers: Welcome to PaRaDiSe Cause, Teshuvah Return & Call to creativity

In closing, the lingering question in our hearts and minds is how come with all these blessed resources at our disposal of counting with the blueprints of Creation in the Torah Teaching Bible the World is still broken.

What happened, where did things go wrong?

The short answer is that the “Sages” overlooked the Point beginning at the very mouth of the Bible which outlines the qualities of the Mashiach today’s human leader (מָשִׁחַ), thus concluding that the Torah Teaching Bible must be incomplete.

Then at a loss as to how to make whole the broken world they took the easy way out shielding their station of power by surmising a Messiah alien coming Savior (מֵשַׂעַ) from the heavenly future to fix things.

Therefore, the Sages broke the law by rewriting the text of the Bible from mashiach leader (מָשִׁחַ) to Messiah Savior (מֵשַׂעַ) by a tricky change of a single letter. The rest is history.

In a nutshell, the applications of PaRaDiSe cover the whole spectrum of human activities. A sample includes the New “US and Us” American Universal Constitution, the holistic Education from preK to postPhD, and the list goes on.

Finally, please opine concerning the “Cause” Return Teshuvah on the Teaching 101 of PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א for the Panacea restart of Civilization.

Well, that’s all People. Ric, your charro anusí, G’d bless & Amen!

There is a Principle of principles, a Beginning of beginnings, a Point origin which makes sense of things and without which we’re bewildered.

This master Teaching 101 of the Torah Bible @ Genesis 1:1a/א I call the PaRaDiSe app of Panacea.

In Revelation to Moses and logically to us all it is that the “One Whole is made of Triad Parts” and encoded as “One Whole S is made of Triad Parts PRD.

This Teaching 101 is so simple yet universal that it serves as cornerstone for the Social Edifice of civilization.

As master key to the consensual oldest comprehensive document of Creation it’s found at its very mouth consisting in the first word of the book of Genesis and the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

The first word as Genesis 1:1a is the triad Be-Re’sh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (בראש-ית) of the Creation Story and the first letter is Alef A (א) representing the Creator, as in Genesis 1:1a/א.

This in turn we encode in the acronym mnemonic PaRaDiSe as One Whole S of Alef A (א) in Triad Parts PRD of Be-Re’sh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (בראש-ית). This states in no uncertain terms Creation by the Creator as “Alef-Be-Re’sh-Ith AIn-Beginning-Of (אבראש-ית).”

The challenge is how can we Creative creatures derive Civilization from the given premise of Creation by the Creator as per PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א. For that we need to have a better handle of the Principle of principles of the Teaching 101 by laying the above finding out on the drawing board.

To this effect I’ll employ the heuristic and intuitive approach of common sense of plain English.



PaRaDiSe model of Genesis 1:1a/א in Kabbalah lexicon

Let’s start the exegesis of the first word of Genesis 1:1a. BeIn- (-ב) alludes to what’s “inside of things”, quite illusive since as soon as we flesh things up, they’re “out” and no longer “in”.

This by experience we identify as characteristic of the “Spirit” of living things, same which we encode as Derash Discern (דרש) D.

At the opposite end of the word is –IthOf (ית-) referring to the things “out there in the world”, same which we identify as “Body”, and encode as Peshat Plain (פשט) P.

Additionally, though these two don’t touch yet they are connected at the second story level of things by this back-and-forth agent of –Re’sh– –Beginning- (-ראש-) which we identify with the head as the “Mind”, and likewise encode as Remez Reflect (רמז) R.

Lastly, let’s finish with the mute first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Alef A (א). This we identify with the Creator and encode as Sod Secret (סוד) S. Wrapping things up as mnemonic this spells out as the acronym PRDS PaRaDiSe (פרדס).



Bible’s 613 commandments in 1 Commandment @ Genesis 1:1a/א of PaRaDiSe!

Checking from behind with numbers we verify it by noting that the 613 commandments of the Bible reduce to one (1) Commandment. As in

613 => 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1!

This Principle unifying 613 principles in one (1) is the master key to Biblical exegesis.

Moreover, down the timeline this supreme panacea blessing is to serve as powertool to address all challenges in the social edification of Civilization.

Sages rewrite Biblical Mashiach leader (מָשִׁחַ) as Rabbinic Messiah Savior (מֵשַׂעַ)!
Questions: Welcome to PaRaDiSe Cause, teshuvah Return & Call to Creativity
Answers: Welcome to PaRaDiSe Cause, Teshuvah Return & Call to creativity

In closing, the lingering question in our hearts and minds is how come with all these blessed resources at our disposal of counting with the blueprints of Creation in the Torah Teaching Bible the World is still broken.

What happened, where did things go wrong?

The short answer is that the “Sages” overlooked the Point beginning at the very mouth of the Bible which outlines the qualities of the Mashiach today’s human leader (מָשִׁחַ), thus concluding that the Torah Teaching Bible must be incomplete.

Then at a loss as to how to make whole the broken world they took the easy way out shielding their station of power by surmising a Messiah alien coming Savior (מֵשַׂעַ) from the heavenly future to fix things.

Therefore, the Sages broke the law by rewriting the text of the Bible from mashiach leader (מָשִׁחַ) to Messiah Savior (מֵשַׂעַ) by a tricky change of a single letter. The rest is history.

In a nutshell, the applications of PaRaDiSe cover the whole spectrum of human activities. A sample includes the New “US and Us” American Universal Constitution, the holistic Education from preK to postPhD, and the list goes on.

Finally, please opine concerning the “Cause” Return Teshuvah on the Teaching 101 of PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א for the Panacea restart of Civilization.

Well, that’s all People. Ric, your charro anusí, G’d bless & Amen!

Genesis 1:1a/א, PaRaDiSe, Alef-Be-Re’sh-Ith AIn-Beginning-Of (אבראש-ית)

There is a Principle of principles, a Beginning of beginnings, a Point origin which makes sense of things and without which we’re bewildered.

This master Teaching 101 of the Torah Bible @ Genesis 1:1a/א I call the PaRaDiSe app of Panacea.

In Revelation to Moses and logically to us all it is that the “One Whole is made of Triad Parts” and encoded as “One Whole S is made of Triad Parts PRD.

This Teaching 101 is so simple yet universal that it serves as cornerstone for the Social Edifice of civilization.

As master key to the consensual oldest comprehensive document of Creation it’s found at its very mouth consisting in the first word of the book of Genesis and the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

The first word as Genesis 1:1a is the triad Be-Re’sh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (בראש-ית) of the Creation Story and the first letter is Alef A (א) representing the Creator, as in Genesis 1:1a/א.

This in turn we encode in the acronym mnemonic PaRaDiSe as One Whole S of Alef A (א) in Triad Parts PRD of Be-Re’sh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (בראש-ית). This states in no uncertain terms Creation by the Creator as “Alef-Be-Re’sh-Ith AIn-Beginning-Of (אבראש-ית).”

The challenge is how can we Creative creatures derive Civilization from the given premise of Creation by the Creator as per PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א. For that we need to have a better handle of the Principle of principles of the Teaching 101 by laying the above finding out on the drawing board.

To this effect I’ll employ the heuristic and intuitive approach of common sense of plain English.



PaRaDiSe model of Genesis 1:1a/א in Kabbalah lexicon

Let’s start the exegesis of the first word of Genesis 1:1a. BeIn- (-ב) alludes to what’s “inside of things”, quite illusive since as soon as we flesh things up, they’re “out” and no longer “in”.

This by experience we identify as characteristic of the “Spirit” of living things, same which we encode as Derash Discern (דרש) D.

At the opposite end of the word is –IthOf (ית-) referring to the things “out there in the world”, same which we identify as “Body”, and encode as Peshat Plain (פשט) P.

Additionally, though these two don’t touch yet they are connected at the second story level of things by this back-and-forth agent of –Re’sh– –Beginning- (-ראש-) which we identify with the head as the “Mind”, and likewise encode as Remez Reflect (רמז) R.

Lastly, let’s finish with the mute first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Alef A (א). This we identify with the Creator and encode as Sod Secret (סוד) S. Wrapping things up as mnemonic this spells out as the acronym PRDS PaRaDiSe (פרדס).



Bible’s 613 commandments in 1 Commandment @ Genesis 1:1a/א of PaRaDiSe!

Checking from behind with numbers we verify it by noting that the 613 commandments of the Bible reduce to one (1) Commandment. As in

613 => 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1!

This Principle unifying 613 principles in one (1) is the master key to Biblical exegesis.

Moreover, down the timeline this supreme panacea blessing is to serve as powertool to address all challenges in the social edification of Civilization.

Sages rewrite Biblical Mashiach leader (מָשִׁחַ) as Rabbinic Messiah Savior (מֵשַׂעַ)!
Questions: Welcome to PaRaDiSe Cause, teshuvah Return & Call to Creativity
Answers: Welcome to PaRaDiSe Cause, Teshuvah Return & Call to creativity

In closing, the lingering question in our hearts and minds is how come with all these blessed resources at our disposal of counting with the blueprints of Creation in the Torah Teaching Bible the World is still broken.

What happened, where did things go wrong?

The short answer is that the “Sages” overlooked the Point beginning at the very mouth of the Bible which outlines the qualities of the Mashiach today’s human leader (מָשִׁחַ), thus concluding that the Torah Teaching Bible must be incomplete.

Then at a loss as to how to make whole the broken world they took the easy way out shielding their station of power by surmising a Messiah alien coming Savior (מֵשַׂעַ) from the heavenly future to fix things.

Therefore, the Sages broke the law by rewriting the text of the Bible from mashiach leader (מָשִׁחַ) to Messiah Savior (מֵשַׂעַ) by a tricky change of a single letter. The rest is history.

In a nutshell, the applications of PaRaDiSe cover the whole spectrum of human activities. A sample includes the New “US and Us” American Universal Constitution, the holistic Education from preK to postPhD, and the list goes on.

Finally, please opine concerning the “Cause” Return Teshuvah on the Teaching 101 of PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א for the Panacea restart of Civilization.

Well, that’s all People. Ric, your charro anusí, G’d bless & Amen!

Welcome to the PaRaDiSe Cause, Teshuvah Return & Call of Creativity (03/22)

Thank you for visiting our site and I’ll do my very best to make it worth your while.

What we’re proposing is a “New Age of Faith and Knowledge” based on the already given cornerstone to humanity which was overlooked by the “Sages” of yore of PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א.

The solution to the challenge of crisis which we live on a daily basis is simply to restart our Civilization at the very beginning of Creation at T = 0.

So then, in practical terms the invitation is to design “The New US and Us Constitution” starting in Education from pre-K to Post-PhD and in Politics from local to global.

This “New American Universal Constitution for State and People” is founded on the imperative of pursuing Justice and Justice.

This “Cause” of Return Teshuvah to the Point origin of things is my modest contribution to civilization, but it will take the wholehearted participation of all stakeholders to make it one of worldly success and heavenly salvation.

Please follow along attentively the links in the chain of arguments and Peace be unto you. Let’s get started.

Genesis 1:1a/א, PaRaDiSe, Alef-Be-Re’sh-Ith AIn-Beginning-Of (אבראש-ית)

There is a Principle of principles, a Beginning of beginnings, a Point origin which makes sense of things and without which we’re bewildered.

This master Teaching 101 of the Torah Bible @ Genesis 1:1a/א I call the PaRaDiSe app of Panacea.

In Revelation to Moses and logically to us all it is that the “One Whole is made of Triad Parts” and encoded as “One Whole S is made of Triad Parts PRD.

This Teaching 101 is so simple yet universal that it serves as cornerstone for the Social Edifice of civilization.

As master key to the consensual oldest comprehensive document of Creation it’s found at its very mouth consisting in the first word of the book of Genesis and the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

The first word as Genesis 1:1a is the triad Be-Re’sh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (בראש-ית) of the Creation Story and the first letter is Alef A (א) representing the Creator, as in Genesis 1:1a/א.

This in turn we encode in the acronym mnemonic PaRaDiSe as One Whole S of Alef A (א) in Triad Parts PRD of Be-Re’sh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (בראש-ית). This states in no uncertain terms Creation by the Creator as “Alef-Be-Re’sh-Ith AIn-Beginning-Of (אבראש-ית).”

The challenge is how can we Creative creatures derive Civilization from the given premise of Creation by the Creator as per PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א. For that we need to have a better handle of the Principle of principles of the Teaching 101 by laying the above finding out on the drawing board.

To this effect I’ll employ the heuristic and intuitive approach of common sense of plain English.



PaRaDiSe model of Genesis 1:1a/א in Kabbalah lexicon

Let’s start the exegesis of the first word of Genesis 1:1a. BeIn- (-ב) alludes to what’s “inside of things”, quite illusive since as soon as we flesh things up, they’re “out” and no longer “in”.

This by experience we identify as characteristic of the “Spirit” of living things, same which we encode as Derash Discern (דרש) D.

At the opposite end of the word is –IthOf (ית-) referring to the things “out there in the world”, same which we identify as “Body”, and encode as Peshat Plain (פשט) P.

Additionally, though these two don’t touch yet they are connected at the second story level of things by this back-and-forth agent of –Re’sh– –Beginning- (-ראש-) which we identify with the head as the “Mind”, and likewise encode as Remez Reflect (רמז) R.

Lastly, let’s finish with the mute first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Alef A (א). This we identify with the Creator and encode as Sod Secret (סוד) S. Wrapping things up as mnemonic this spells out as the acronym PRDS PaRaDiSe (פרדס).



Bible’s 613 commandments in 1 Commandment @ Genesis 1:1a/א of PaRaDiSe!

Checking from behind with numbers we verify it by noting that the 613 commandments of the Bible reduce to one (1) Commandment. As in

613 => 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1!

This Principle unifying 613 principles in one (1) is the master key to Biblical exegesis.

Moreover, down the timeline this supreme panacea blessing is to serve as powertool to address all challenges in the social edification of Civilization.

Sages rewrite Biblical Mashiach leader (מָשִׁחַ) as Rabbinic Messiah Savior (מֵשַׂעַ)!
Questions: Welcome to PaRaDiSe Cause, teshuvah Return & Call to Creativity
Answers: Welcome to PaRaDiSe Cause, Teshuvah Return & Call to creativity

In closing, the lingering question in our hearts and minds is how come with all these blessed resources at our disposal of counting with the blueprints of Creation in the Torah Teaching Bible the World is still broken.

What happened, where did things go wrong?

The short answer is that the “Sages” overlooked the Point beginning at the very mouth of the Bible which outlines the qualities of the Mashiach today’s human leader (מָשִׁחַ), thus concluding that the Torah Teaching Bible must be incomplete.

Then at a loss as to how to make whole the broken world they took the easy way out shielding their station of power by surmising a Messiah alien coming Savior (מֵשַׂעַ) from the heavenly future to fix things.

Therefore, the Sages broke the law by rewriting the text of the Bible from mashiach leader (מָשִׁחַ) to Messiah Savior (מֵשַׂעַ) by a tricky change of a single letter. The rest is history.

In a nutshell, the applications of PaRaDiSe cover the whole spectrum of human activities. A sample includes the New “US and Us” American Universal Constitution, the holistic Education from preK to postPhD, and the list goes on.

Finally, please opine concerning the “Cause” Return Teshuvah on the Teaching 101 of PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א for the Panacea restart of Civilization.

Well, that’s all People. Ric, your charro anusí, G’d bless & Amen!