Ukriane backstory (03/22)

Ukraine beware, don’t fall thru the cracks of East-&-West.

Stand on their shoulders instead!

Let’s save Creation, Earth, and humanity with words not wars by exposing their monist/dualist rationality, instead of Holism.

Hear ye media, congregations, universities, & communities.

Reporting atrocities instead of substance; praying instead of Insolite missed Alef; endorsing dualism instead of triadism/holism; playing opposing sides instead of New American Universal Constitution, respectively

Political philosophy:

Autocracy from Monism, Duocracy from Dualism, Democracy from Holism.

Hence, Russia as autocracy, US as duocracy, and Ukraine as democracy mirage.

Their cancel culture mechanism difference is one of Eastern hardware and Western software, that’s all.

Lost opportunity with fall of the Soviet Union to call out the backstory US-West vs USSR-East.

Now with Ukraine proxy war US-EU vs Rs-Ch is the moment.

For democracy need to look at big stage view of things, otherwise it gives room for switching roles to fool you.

Communism wasn’t proven wrong any more that Capitalism proven right. Suffice China’s half-communism half-capitalism!

Not just because an autocracy is fighting a duocracy makes it democracy, any more than a duocracy fighting an autocracy makes it democracy.

Mutually accusing each other of autocracy and claiming democracy, when in fact they’re autocracy and duocracy and neither is democracy.

The historical argument of sovereignty in Eastern Europe is of little use since the lines have switched following every war, including present-day Ukraine which acquired nationhood only in 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Perhaps a more rational argument would be one based on peoplehood, nationality, as in common language and identity, rather than nation state from Enlightenment period. 

Ukraine, in a greater sense, is the case of the status of nationalities within nation states, as is the case with Cataluña, Scotland, Quebec, Uhigars, countless others.