The Torah Bible is Revelation, since Teaching 101 works! (03/22)

Is there proof that the Torah Bible (תורה) was Revelation?

Yes, since the (תורה) Teaching 101 works. PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א of “today’s human leaders” is the case!

The coming of the Messiah was actually the coming of the Revelation of the rules of Biblical exegesis as PaRaDiSe.

Had there not been a Revelation from G’d to humanity, it would make perfect sense to wait for a Messiah Savior, as Revelation.

Revelation includes all that’s needed to make it in this world for Earthly success and Heavenly salvation.

But the Messiah of Revelation already happened back in 1312 bce at Sinai to Moses.

So, it’s not valid to keep on waiting anymore.

Now the assignment is to become Mashiach having been blessed to do our part in being holy.

Can you become holy by just waiting for the Messiah, or does it require action on our part, as is the case of becoming mashiach?

What more can we want, to have someone come to do it for us?

Messianism is a fabrication of the dualistic mind.

We want and need to know how to be holy. The Birkath Ha-Torah prayer before Torah Study tells us how.

Blessed are You, Adonai out God, Sovereign of the Universe, who hallows us with mitzvoth, commanding us to be engage with words of Torah.”

Furthermore, “Be holy because I am Holy, your G’d.

How can we be holy?

By being One and becoming Whole, that is, One Whole as Triad Parts.