Civilization: Archaic, Antiquity, Middle Ages to Modernity

Heuristic timeline of civilization from Archaic Times 5000 to 800 bce, Antiquity from 800 bce to 400 ce, Middle from 400 to 1400 ce, and Modernity from 1400 ce to present times.   
The focus of interest is the foundation of world civilization in the Revelation of the Torah Teaching (תורה) to Moses at Mt. Sinai in 1312 bce.
The cardinal assumption made is that the Torah Bible is the blueprints of Creation and Civilization written in Kabbalah code of Moses.

The Middle East is taken as the confluence of East and West consisting of the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia all the way to Egypt and Canaan, later known as Judea-Israel or Near East.
The thinking of the Archaic period was mythological magical up to Moses as father of Civilization. Kabbalah (קַבָּלָה‎) just means Reception referring to the tradition started by the Chumash Pentateuch (חמש) of Moses. I will use it in the original sense as referring to what was revealed as blueprints of Creation and Culture for the edification of the social edifice.

Human crisis is thus explained due to the discrepancy between Culture and Civilization, understood as contained in the Torah and as misinterpreted by us, respectively. My calling consists in aligning Civilization with Culture as originally intended.

Intuitively we’re right but err when thinking about doing things. The problem isn’t in the heavens anymore than it is on Earth, it’s in the crossroads of our mind.

I use the original Kabbalah of Moses, the primeval of PaRaDiSe of the “Seed of life” appropriate for teaching core and all subjects from preK to postPhD, as distinct from the medieval of the Prophets of the “Tree of Life” of mystical invoicing. Needless to say, it’s based solely on the Torah of Revelation out of all the books of the Bible.

Our claim is that the master key to unraveling Kabbalah lies at the very point beginning of the Torah at Genesis 1:1a/א. It consists simply in the first word and the first letter and spells out Creation by Creator.
It simply states that the One Whole is made of Triad Parts, namely, that one whole Secret-S Thought unfolds in Language as the triad Plain-P, Reflective-R and Discerning-D senses. Mnemonically as acronym it’s PaRaDiSe written left to right as Creation by Creator.

Now, based on these premises the task before us is now to give an account of history as its unfoldment. This cornerstone was sadly missed by the Sages thus putting humanity on a tail spin with soon meteoric landing.
This we will now proceed to do in three stages. Starting with a bird’s eye view of the Archaic Age, followed by Antiquity, then the Middle Ages and finally Modernity up to contemporary times.
The conclusion should point us in the right direction to make the necessary changes to bring about earthly success and heavenly salvation.

Civilization of Archaic Era from 5000 to 800 bce.

Civilization of Archaic Era from 5000 to 800 bce. On the right side of the page Mesopotamia and Egypt flowing down to Israel and into Greece. From Israel an arrow pointing to Greece but in Age of Antiquity. On the left side of the page explanation. Early Archaic 5000 bce, of mythology and magic; Middle Archaic 1200 bce, Revelation of the Torah Bible at Mt Sinai as Kabbalah thought of Moses; Late Archaic 800 bce, Mythology of Homer and Hesiod, referring to Mesopotamia and Egypt, Israel and to Greece, respectively.

Civilization of Antiquity from 800 bce to 400 ce.

Civilization of Antiquity from 800 bce to 400 ce. On the right side is Israel, pointing with arrow down to Ionia, to Greece and finally to Rome. On the left side top down: Early Antiquity 800 bce, theological Prophets over Kabbalah Torah thought; Middle Antiquity 600 bce, PreSocratics in Ionia founders of 3 Schools and 1 Sect traveled to East; Middle Antiquity 400 bce, School of Athens Socrates, Plato and Aristotle; finally, Late Antiquity 400 bce, Hellenization and Rome of World as we know it today.

Civilization of Middle Ages, 400 ce to 1400 ce.

Civilization of Middle Ages, 400 ce to 1400 ce. On right side top going down Rome and Greece and Israel with arrow pointing to Europe and Africa. On left side going down: Early Middle Ages 400 ce, theological Prophets and Athenian philosophy over Kabbalah Torah Mosaic thought; middle Middle Ages 800 ce, same as above; late Middle Ages 1400 ce; same as above.

Civilization of Modern Ages from 1400 to XXI

Civilization of Modern Ages from 1400 to XXI. On right side going down Greece and Israel pointing to the World. On left side going down: Early Modernity 1400, theological Prophets as Religion and Athenian philosophy as Science over Kabbalah Torah Mosaic thought; Middle Modernity 1700, theological Prophets and Athenian philosophy over Kabbalah Torah Mosaic thought; Late Modernity 2000, Kabbalah Torah Mosaic thought over theological Prophets and Athenian philosophy.