Thought of Culture as Language in Civilization, in PaRaDiSe app! (03/22)

PaRaDiSe Plain-P
Life 101
Genesis 1:1a/א
One Whole-S is made of Triad Parts-PRD
of Moses
Literal Allegorical Homiletic Holistic
Pre-Socratics Thales of Miletus, Physicists Pythagoras of Samos, Triads Parmenides of Elea, Being is, not Being is not. Pythagoras of Samos, Sect of Tetractys
School of Athens Aristotle, realism Socrates, dialogics Plato, idealism Socrates, only knew he knew nothing
Modernity Realism Eclecticism Idealism Messianism

World: Science (Knowledge) Faith
Dualism: Brokenness when Sod Secret-S is effectively missing with Messianism since it’s dependent on a future coming alien.
Holism: Wholeness PaRaDiSe as One Whole-S in Triad Parts-PRD.
Mashiach (משח): The Torah Bible only talks about the Mashiach (משח) anointed person to act as leader of the people.
Messiah (משע): The Prophets Bible made-up Messiah (משע) Savior as alien coming from the future after Second Temple.
Issue: The world isn’t broken it’s inadvertently kept broken by dualistic thought separating Faith from Knowledge by posing Religion vis-à-vis Science.
Panacea: To make the world whole simply apply holistic thought of PaRaDiSe to address the issues.