The "Cause" in Big Picture with key details view of things (03/22)

From Physics 101 to understand anything you have to know the initial conditions of mass, time and space as well as the applicable equations of motion, case in point the Universal “Big Bang” of Creation.

Likewise, to truly understand Civilization you have to go back to the Archaic period 5000 bce (before common era) and Revelation 1312 bce of the blueprints of Creation and Civilization of the Torah Teaching (תורה) to Moses at Mount Sinai and take it from there forwards.

But you also need to know math and English and use common sense to solve the problem and come up with the solution.

During the Archaic Period Mesopotamia and Egypt dovetailed unto Israel at its crossroads in the Pentateuch of Moses of the Torah Teaching (תורה) as Revelation to humanity.

The Sages of the Priesthood and then of Rabbinism in Post Temple Periods missed the “takeaway” at the very point beginning @ Genesis 1:1a/א.

The master key of Teaching 101 is simply “One Whole Thought-S of Faith is made of Triad Language Parts-PRD of Knowledge” as inscribed in the acronym mnemonic of PaRaDiSe.

At a loss as to how account for a broken world in spite of their counting with the blueprints of Creation and Civilization, the Sages then embraced dualism surmising “Faith as Religion”.

During Antiquity the philosophers of Greece starting with the PreSocratic thinkers and onwards with the Schools of Athens continued on the path taking “Knowledge as Philosophy (Science)”.

The Middle Ages saw an unfolding of dualism of “Religion as Messianism” and “Knowledge as Scholarship“.

In Modernity the challenge today moving forward is how to restore original “Faith and Knowledge” of PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א to our world in the grips of dualism under the curse of “Faith as Religion vis-à-vis Knowledge as Science“.

Today the Sages and Scholars have doubled down on their oversight and intentionally have mistranslated the very Torah Bible which is not supposed to be altered in any way, shape or form.

Without the “master key” the Kabbalah Reception (קבלה) of Moses in which was written the Torah Teaching (תורה) would be irremediably lost.

A “Medieval” version of Kabbalah surfaced during the Middle Ages but was sadly contaminated by rampant dualism.

Fortunately, thanks to the pioneering work of Pythagoras of Samos with his school of Triad as well as the sect of the Tetractys that I managed to rescue the “Primeval” Kabbalah of Moses as PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א.

Additionally, as science teacher with modern methods of delivery of instruction I detected the “Modern” version of Kabbalah in the Table method.

The above argument is placed in visual format employing the PaRaDiSe approach.