The PaRaDi/Se Cause & Kabbayotlogy Movement


(Teaching notes, by Ricardo Turullols-Bonilla)


And Powers said, “Let be light”, and there was light! (G 1:3)


The Torah is beyond us without the PaRaDi/Se teaching, and Kabbayotlogy is its pinhole.


Table of Contents

1. Creative Thinking vs Artificial Intelligence

2. Creator-S creative-/-creature Creation-DRP

3. Civilization-D (Theology & Religion)

4. Constitution-R (Philosophy & Politics)

4.1 USA

4.2 Israel

4.3 Mexico

5. Culture-P (Science & Technology)

6. Kabbayotlogy

7. Self-Messianic Age

8. References


Table of Figures

Figure 1 PaRaDiSe Democracy Constitution of Posmodernity

Figure 2 PaRaDiSe model of Genesis 1:1a/א in Kabbalah lexicon

Figure 3 The Principle of Creation & Civilization

Figure 4 Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א/בראשית)

Figure 5 Modern Alphabetical ~ The 32 Paths of “Elohim”

Figure 6 Tree of Life of Kabbalah*



It would seem to follow that if there’s this Universal Principle of Knowledge, then this would serve as cause for the universal movement in all things knowledge. No more fighting for this or that right, to correct this or that injustice, or taking sides in a conflict, and so on. Simply an all-encompassing or overarching cause to guide all movements. Something like One Cause fits All Movements. This doesn’t mean that everything is off the shelf and ready for consumption. Things would still require expertise in the subject matter and the creative aspect of applying the universal principle to all individual cases of interest in the social arena.

Briefly, as Cause-S is-/-becomes Movement-DRP, with Beliefs-D Values-R Interests-P. Gone would be the times of the Tower of Babel of social causation movements.

1. Creative Thinking vs Artificial Intelligence

Question: What is the most important thing to have as guiding thread to make sense of life?

Answer: The 0th axiom schema. If, Thought-S is-/-becomes Language-DRP, with Subject-D Verb-R ObjectAdjective-P, then thinking is the guiding thread to finding the meaning of life.



Creative doing (Holistic thinking)

Artificial Intelligence (Critical thinking)

Assumes one principle of knowledge.

Assumes many algorithms of instructions.

One unit is made of Triad integrated parts.

Whole of imaginary, complex & real parts.

One Secret-S is-//-becomes Triad parts-DRP, Integrated parts-DRP: Discover Subject-D Reflect Verb-R Plain Object^Adjective-P.

Plural Mono is made of Dual opposing parts.

No whole, & imaginary, /space/, real parts.

(One Whole Secret-S// Triad-Parts DRP)

Segregated parts D/R/P: Discover Subject-D /Reflect Verb-R/ Plain Object^Adjective-P.

PaRaDi//Se (פַּרדֵ/ס) (Orchard)

PéReD or Pé/R/eD (פֶּרֶד) (Mule)



The PaRaDi/Se thesis is self-explained in the development of the theory. It is just a formula that explains why and how things work. That’s all. It’s barebones commonsense. It isn’t panacea, it only cures stupidity. I’m Unitriadist or else a PaRaDiSist.


Background Definitions

There are 6 originary civilizations. Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Mesoamerica & Peru.

Israel is 1st derivative of Mesopotamia, Egypt & background. Greece is mixed 2nd derivative of previous two, Israel & bkgd. The West-World is mixed 3rd derivative of Israel-Greece & bkgd.

Israel is deductive: One Creator-S, separation-/, then triad Creation-DRP. S/DRP. One Powers

Mesoamerica is inductive: Flower-P Song-D, then R, triad PRD to /S. PRD/S. Infinite powers.

Greece is pendulum, omits /S/, S/DRP PRD/S as D/R/P, P/R/D. Humanism created 1/∞ powers

West lacks Toltecáyotl of Mexoamerica, thus broken as Religion-S/DRP & Science-SD/R/P.


Revealed 2 Moses

Kabbalah Torah


Creatively unveiled



Humanism reasoned

Hellenism Logos




KAL made of: 1st Derivative Kabbalah; Originary Civilization Áyotl, 2nd Derivative Logos

Kabbalah + Áyotl + Logos => Kabba-áyotl-logy => Kabbayotlogy (Kabbalayotlogy)



Moses’ teaching: Was Moses’ teaching meant as universal civilization or as sectarian religion? Why does it matter? Because knowing norms behavior. We broke it we fix it. That makes a world of difference between how things might have been and how things are. PaRaDi/Se ¡nomás!

Universal Principle of Knowledge (UPK):

What is that thing on which everything depends? What is that sole thing which if applied would change everything for the better? The UPK in Genesis 1:1a/Alef!

One whole & Triad parts:

Genesis 1:1a/Alef states the One whole-S is-/-becomes Triad parts-DRP.

Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א /בראשית

Alef/ Be-Resh-Ith ; A/ In-Beginning-Of; (א/ ב-ראש-ית

In Kabbalah PaRaDi/Se:

Original PRD/S & adapted to Genesis 1:1a/Alef. Secret Sod (סוד)-S is-/-becomes Revealed-DRP, as Discover Derash (דרש)-D Reflect Remez (רמז)-R Plain Peshat (פשט)-P.

Alef Sod (סוד)-S is-/-becomes Be Derash (דרש)-D Resh Remez (רמז)-R Ith Peshat (פשט)-P.

A Sod (סוד)-S is-/-exists In Derash (דרש)-D Beginning Remez (רמז)-R Of Peshat (פשט)-P.

In Model-C:

Creator-S creative-/-creature Creation-DRP; Civilization-D Constitution-R Culture-P.

In Model-Human:

Holy-S is-/-becomes Human-DRP, Spiritual-D Mental-R Physical-P.

In Model-H:

Holistic-S is-/-becomes Human-DRP, Heart-D Head-R Hands-P.

In Model-R:

Revelation-S divine-/-human Reception-DRP, with Rapture (Theology & Religion)-D Reflection (Philosophy & Politics)-R Research (Science & Technology)-P.

In Model Philosophy:

Creator-S is-/-becomes Concept-DRP, Wisdom-D Knowledge-R Understanding-P.

2. Creator-S creative-/-creature Creation-DRP


There is a Baby Bang of humanity just as much as there’s a Big Bang of the universe. The residue of this event was revealed to and by Moses in Genesis 1:1a/Alef. The important thing to keep in mind is that missing the cue is not the same thing as the cue is missing. Just because the sages missed it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been there all the time. It’s in Genesis 1:1a/Alef but has been overlooked till now. To make us all self-messiahs, the Messiah is a text not a person.


Homo sapiens or Homo creatrix:

Now to understand the concept of humanity starting with Moses’ revealed teaching. Since we were made and created in the Creator’s image & likeness, we are creative creatures of Creation. Homo creatrixS creative-/-creature Baby Bang-DRP, Homo sapiensD Homo logicusR Homo faberP. (G 1:26-27)

Integrating our broken world:

Was Moses’ Kabbayotlogy teaching for world civilization or for partisan religion? The reply depends on whom you ask. Different people see things differently. Critical thinking presupposes a plurality over one universal principle of knowledge. PaRaDi/Se is not panacea, it only cures stupidity. We still have to do our part.

Genesis 1:1a conundrum:

The opening word in Genesis 1:1a makes or breaks our understanding of the Torah Bible and the fate of humanity. Get it right, PaRaDi/Se world; get it wrong, the world as we know it. There are three (3) options. Rashi combined the first three verses into one thought Genesis 1:1-3, “In the beginning of God’s creating … when the …. The Easy one is the second of Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created…” The third is our thesis Genesis 1:1a/Alef of prefixing Alef Creator, “A/ InBeginningOf created Powers, dialogue with the heavens & dialogue with the earth”.

Genesis 1:1bcd:

The translation consists in including the second part of language when referring to heavens and earth as in Genesis 1:1bcd. We’ll literally translate Elohim as Power of powers or as Powers.

Bara’ Elohim ’eth…ve’eth: Bara’Dr ElohimRr ’eth…ve’ethPr.

Created Powers language; Created-Dr Powers-Rr language-Pr.

Comment: Language-Pr further unfolds as: language with heavens… and language with earth:


Genesis 1:1:

Now we’ll gloss over G 1:1 first all, then the core teaching, and finally by triad of words.

בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃

BeReshIth bara Elohim; et hashshamáyim ve’et haaretz.

InBeginningOf created Powers, language with heavens and language with earth:

Comment: This is the literal translation of G 1:1.

Genesis 1:1a/Alef:

Alef/ BeReshIth: S/DRP; AlefS/ BeD ReshR IthP.

A/ InBeginningOf; A-S/ InD BeginningR OfP.

Comment: This is Moses’ core teaching of the whole Torah. It is our thesis statement.

Genesis 1:1abAlef:

Alef BeReshIth bara’: AlefD BeReshIthR bara’P.

A InBeginningOf created: A-D InBeginningOf-R created-P:

Comment: This is without the slash-/ since we’re omitting the Alef A (א) of Creator-S which would require the slash-/ to separate it from Creation-DRP.

Genesis 1:1abc:

BeReshIth bara’ Elohim: BeReshIthDd bara’Rd ElohimPd.

InBeginningOf created Powers; InBeginningOf-Dd created-Rd Powers-Pd.

Comment: This is the first triad of words in the Torah.

Genesis 1:1bcd:

Bara’ Elohim ’eth…ve’eth: Bara’Dr ElohimRr ’eth…ve’ethPr.

Created Powers language; Created-Dr Powers-Rr language-Pr:

Comment: This is the second triad. These are the second, third and fourth words.

Genesis 1:1cdf.

Elohim ’eth hashamáyim ve’eth haaretz: ElohimDp ’eth hashamáyimRp ve’eth haaretzPp.

Powers is language with the heavens and language with the earth: Powers-Dp language with the heavens-Rp language with the earth-Pp:

Comment: This is the third triad. These are the third, fourth and fifth and last word.


Genesis 1:2abcd:

G 1:2 narrates the initial conditions overall.

Veha’áretz haytha tóhu vavohu. HaaretzS haytha/ tóhuD vaR vóhuP.

And the earth was zero and infinity: The earth-S is-/-was zero-D and-R infinity-P:

Comment: It mentions the original chaotic state of the Earth.

Genesis 1:2e-f-g-h:

Vechóshekh al peney tehom. TehomS al peney/ VechóshekhDRP.

And darkness on face of deep: Darkness-S &-/-face Deep-DRP, Time-D Space-R Mass-P.

Comment: This mentions the interphase between heavens and earth.

Genesis 1:2i-j-k-l-m-n:

Verúach Elohim merachéfeth al peney hammáyim:

ElohimS ve-/al peney ruachD merachéfethR hammáyimP.

And force of Powers hesitant on the face of decisions: Powers-S and-/-on face Force-D Hesitant-R Decisions-P:

Comment: This describes the state of things in the heavens and on earth before Creation.


Genesis 1:3:

Then the Creator intervenes in G 1:3 with Creation.

Vayyómer Elohim, “Yehi or”, vayehi or: ElohimS vayyómer-/ Yehi orD va-R yehi orP.

And Elohim said, “Let be light”, and there was light:

Powers-S and-/-said “Let be light”-D and-R there was light-P:

Comment: With the “light”-/-light of the heavens-S, the earth now shapes up as triad-DRP.


Genesis 1:1/Alef

Summary of all Day One.

Genesis 1:1a/Alef.

Alef/ InBeginningOf.

Genesis 1:1b-f.

Created Powers language with the heavens and language with the earth:

Genesis 1:2:

And said Powers “Let be light (in the heavens)” and there was light (on the earth):

Genesis 1:3:

And saw Powers that language with the light was good (in the heavens and on the earth):

Genesis 1:4 :

And Powers divided between the light (in heavens) and between the darkness (on earth):

And Powers called the light (in heavens) Day, and called the darkness (on earth) Night:

Genesis 1:5:

And there was evening (of the light in the heavens) and there was morning (of darkness on earth, light in heavens) One Day.

Comment: One whole Day-S is-/-becomes Triad parts-DRP.

3. Civilization-D (Theology & Religion)


This is a holistic approach of Cosmovision-S is-/-becomes Worldview-DRP, Theology & Religion-D Philosophy & Politics-R Science & Technology-P. It will be treated in three parts.

There are seven (7) key characteristics that define a civilization: 1) Stable food supply through agriculture and animal domestication. 2) Complex social structure with different social classes and jobs. 3) System of government to direct society and enforce laws. 4) Established religious system with beliefs and places of worship. 5) Highly developed culture through arts, architecture, music, and others. 6) Advances in technology that contribute to development. 7) Written language to record history and development over time. (From the Internet.)


The following from Deuteronomy 6:4 is included to exemplify.

Shema Yisrael Listen Israel

שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יְהֹוָ֥ה ׀ אֶחָֽד׃

Shema Yisrael. YHVH Elohéynu, YHVH / Echad:

Listen Israel! YHVH our God, YHVH is one:

Shema Yisrael: ShemaS / YisraelPRD, YisP raR ElD.

YHVH: YodS / HehD VavR HehP.

Echad-S Shema-/-Yisrael YHVH-D Elohéynu-R YHVH-P.

The One Creator of the creative creature of Creation is our Powers.


What is the Teaching:

The Torah is the Teaching, but what is the Teaching? Not the three hundred thirteen (613) precepts of the sages, nor the ten (10) commandments of Moses, but the one (1) teaching of the Creator. Do the gematria to convince yourself. 613 => 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 => 1 + 0 =1!

The question is what is it? The answer is where it is. What is it? It’s found where it is. And where is that? Where but at the beginning? But is there a beginning if it was be created out of nothing. What is it? There’s no it if there isn’t a where to look for it. Beginning comes from nothingness, just as infinity comes from zero. In math, the zero in denominator or infinity in numerator. That is, Creation-/Creator-0 of PRD/S.

Disproving Messianism:

The disproof of Messianism is it’s absent from the Torah. This makes perfect sense since the Teaching Torah was precisely to empower us. Messianism originates in the  Oral Torah tradition of the sages as rationalization for their oversight of Genesis 1:1a/Alef.

Oral Torah & Messianism:

To fix our broken world we simply have to drop the revisionism of the Oral Torah tutelage and its corollary messianism. There’s no further need of tutelage, for each and every one of us witnessed the giving of the Teaching. And thereafter be creative for a whole world by returning to the pre-beginning of the Book of Moses.

It consists of the one first letter of Hebrew Alef A (א) meaning Creator, separator slash creative-/-creature, followed by the first word of Creation BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית) as in Genesis 1:1a/Alef Alef/ BeReshIth A/InBeginningOf (א/ ב-ראש-ית).

Text & Context:

Why can’t we understand today the text of the Torah written in a different context? Because we’re missing the translation code for interpretation. The key is hear-YHVH &-/ fear-Elohéynu.

The code or cue or teaching is not a solution but the solution. This is exemplified variously as not tying an ox with an ass in working the land, or not combining linen with wool for making garments. It is its way of rejecting Mono-dualism and hinting us the answer of Uni/triadism. The language of the Torah is universally valid yet written for an archaic, nomadic, pre-agricultural society some three (3000) thousand plus years ago.

Civilization & Religion:

More to the point, is Judaism a religion, a culture, a civilization, or what is it? Creator-S / Creation-DRP; with Concept D R P as Civilization-D Constitution-R Culture-P. And let’s not forget the bigger picture of Revelation-S common-/-sense Religion & Morality-D Philosophy & Politics-R Science & Technology-P.

On the classical timeline of thinkers, it would be Moses-S / Pythagoras-DRP; with Socrates-D Plato-R Aristotle-P.

Same before as after:

Why is the world just as broken before as after the Revelation of the Torah Teaching to Moses at Sinai? It matters because the teaching was precisely to empower us to do the job on earth. Maybe because there was a piece missing in the puzzle? This could explain the Messiah hypothesis of someone coming from the future with the missing fragment. But if one claims unicity of the Torah as reflection of the unicity of the Creator, then it is dismissed outright. This then leaves the other possibility of something missed, but which was not missing. Missing something is not the same thing as something is missing. The quest then is for the missing piece, which isn’t missing. This piece is Moses’s cue or teaching.

Short & long:

The two versions. The short version is Creator-S / Creation-DRP. The long version is Creator-S of creative-/-creature of Creation-DRP, with Spiritual-D Mental-R Physical-P.

State/ Church separation:

Today’s world is fractured into Church and State. The State ultimately springs from Greece while the Church from Israel. As precautionary measure they were separated to keep people from killing each other. The wars were avoided but the substance of the question at issue was never addressed, much less resolved. The question is how to put Church-S / State-DRP together again in this day and age to make a whole. Well, you don’t put them together haphazardly unless you want to provoke a short-circuit. It’s obvious that they belong together and not separate. We know it in an ideal world yet can’t seem to figure a way to put them together in the real one. So, for convenience sake we keep them separate in the meantime.

But what proof is there that they should be separate in the first place? There isn’t one. One thing is not having the proof of separateness, and quite another is that its absence is proof of its separation. The unwanted consequence of this separation is legitimizing Mono-dualism of the broken world. The solution for an integrated world is Uni/Triadism.

War & Peace:

Church/ State separation was an expedient measure taken to avoid wars and live in peace. How to turn this norm into a principle? Church-S / State-DRP, Imaginary-D Complex-R Real-P.

Triad within one. Church Creator-S / Creation State-DRP. Keep Church and State separate until you figure how to combine them. Church/ State practice of principle. Principle of practice of Church/ State separation.

The Church/ State separation practice as principle is that Israel can’t be Synagogue & State. Either it’s the universal or else it’s a particular, but not double standards. That’s the contradiction that the Saatán detected. Sinai/ Zion separation is the same as Church/ State separation of S/DRP.

4. Constitution-R (Philosophy & Politics)


This is a holistic approach of Cosmovision-S / Worldview-DRP, Theology & Religion-D Philosophy & Politics-R Science & Technology-P. It will be treated separately in three parts.

A constitution is a set of fundamental rules that establish the structure and processes of a government and the rights of the people. It’s a higher law that’s usually written down in a document and can’t be changed by a regular legislative act.

Here are some key features of a constitution: Codification: Most constitutions are codified, meaning they are written down in a single document. Preamble: A ceremonial preamble sets out the goals of the state and the reasons for the constitution. Articles: The substantive provisions of the constitution are contained in articles. Amendments: Most constitutions require a special procedure for amending the constitution, which is more stringent than the procedure for ordinary legislation. Flexibility: A constitution can be amended, making it a living document. (Internet)



Philosophy today is best described as Post-past, Neo-future, and Self-present. As for the why, when, where, who, how, and why? Classical, then neo and finally post. Modernity, Neonothing, Postmodern, and the Autoself! It’s in crisis being unable to account for the things in the world.

Gone is Enlightenment when it spearheaded civilization. Descartes: I think, therefore I am (Cogito, ergo sum). Kant: Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me. But it’s just neo-Classical Greece. So, we’re recycling back to the IV century bce.

53i Nation State:

Then the breakthrough. The 5-power State, 3 votes/person, and tutored Infant suffrage. The triune state of Enlightenment consists of 1st power Legislative, 2nd power Executive, and 3rd power Judicial. The triad state of PaRaDiSe Kabbayotlogy would include the 4th power Media and the 5th power University, as representing the Ages of information and of knowledge, respectively. That is, the 4th power Media reporters and staff, and 5th power University academics, students and staff would designate the 3rd power Judicial judges. All communities would have News Media to keep them well informed with fact-checking.

Recall that the whole Individual-S is-/-becomes triad Person-DRP, Beliefs-D Values-R Interests-P. This would indicate triad (3) votes per person for democracy, instead of one (1) vote per person under duocracy. Lastly, humans have all rights from birth, including Infant Suffrage under parental tutelage. This is exemplified in the USA, Israel, and Mexico case studies. The reference model for the case studies is the USA Constitution of 1789.

4.1 USA


Today’s Judicial System dates from the Constitution itself of 1789. Its drawbacks are life appointments to SCOTUS, and partisan nomination by the Executive and ratification by the Legislative Senate. Each political party in power stacks the Judicial with its choices. Also, it’s behind the legislation for private financing of political campaigns and the two-party duocracy. From now onwards, cultural rights to information and knowledge would be added to the roster, in addition to individual and social rights.


Charges and Duties 53i:

Given that the News Media and the University are powers, they would have roles to play in the administration of the state. The role of the Media would be overseer. Every population would have reliable news sources. The role of the University would be administration of the budget. Solely students and teachers of all educational levels, reporters, and anchors, would vote and run for office.

From 1789 to XXI Constitution:

The State as source People-S is-/-becomes Government-DRP, with Legislative-D Judicial-R Executive-P powers.

The Preamble to the United States Constitution establishes the People as Sovereign-S, as in “We the People of the United States, … , do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.

Article 1 of the Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch of Government as the 1st Power-D. Article 2 establishes the Executive Branch of Government as the 2nd Power-P. Article 3 establishes the Judicial Branch of the People as the 3rd Power-R.

The 9th Amendment of the Bill of Rights, corresponding to the Age of Information, makes the News Media the 4th Power of the State-Pr, based on “In the Constitution…certain rights … retained by the people”.

The 10th Amendment, corresponding to the Age of Knowledge, contemplates the University as the 5th Power of the State-Dr, based on “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution … are reserved … to the people”.

Furthermore, given that the People entrusts its sovereignty in the Judicial Power-R, this would in turn make the Judicial-Rr.


Figure 1 PaRaDiSe Democracy Constitution of Postmodernity


Necessary and sufficient conditions:

In our case of interest, the necessary condition for democracy is the 3-power state, with  the sufficient condition the 5-power state. The necessary condition for democracy of the 3-power state-S consists-/ of the Legislative-D, Executive-P and Judicial-R powers. Sadly, it solely guarantees duocracy. But fortunately, the sufficient condition for democracy is the 5-power state consisting of Legislative-D and Executive-P powers, with the Judicial-R power further unfolding in modality Judicial-Rr, as the University-Dr, Judicial-Rr and Media-Pr


The Universal Principle of Knowledge of commonsense Unitriadism states that The One Whole-S is & becomes Triad Parts-PRD. Or else One Whole-S is-/-becomes Triad Parts-PRD.

Right to 3 votes per person:

In practice, this translates as one Person-S is-/-becomes triad Beliefs-D Values-R Interests-P. Consequently, the citizen would have three (3) votes per person instead of just one (1). We refer the proof to political science that duocracy is one (1) vote per person and that democracy is three (3) votes per person.

Tutored Infant Suffrage:

By the same token, the human rights of the infant are safeguarded by its parents’ tutorage. Women’s suffrage isn’t complete without Infant suffrage. The civic formation of the infant begins at home with the family from the very first cry at birth.

Starting a Movement:  

Leaders are wanted to overcome Mono-dualism and inaugurate PaRaDiSe Kabbayotlogy.


4.2 Israel


The Israeli Judicial Overhaul (Coup) proposed by the governing coalition in the Knesset in January 2023 is a set of five changes to the Judicial System and the balance of powers in Israel. The intent of the measures is to curb the Judiciary’s influence over lawmaking and public policy by limiting the Supreme Court’s power to exercise judicial review, granting the government control over judicial appointments, and limiting the authority of its legal advisors.

Israel lacks a Constitution and solely has Basics Laws. The Supreme Court has reserved the right to declare Knesset legislation unconstitutional. The proposed reform would permit the Knesset to override such a ruling by reintroducing the legislation and approving it with a majority of Knesset members. The reform would additionally diminish the ability of courts to conduct judicial review of the Basic Laws and empower the ruling government in deciding the makeup of the Judicial Selection Committee over the appointment of judges.


Israel 53i Project of State:

Summon a Constitutional Congress to create a state with five (5) powers, three (3) votes per person, and tutored Infant suffrage, amongst others. Transcend the Basic Laws of 1950, dating from of the times of Dualism of the Age of Enlightenment, and inaugurate the Era of PaRaDiSe Kabbayotlogy.

The problem with Dualism:                                                     

The West is best summarized in ‘the White-man speaks with forked-tongue’. Contradiction is the lingua franca of Modernity. The solution of Dualism so as to avoid the short circuit of making nonsense is simply to keep the contradictions apart.

Definition of Israel

The question ‘does Israel have a right to exist’ is unresolvable without defining what is meant by the state of Israel. That is, does Israel as Jewish Democracy have a right to exist? The answer is No because it’s actually Jewish Duocracy. The reason for the negation is that it violates the principle of Church State separation. Doing so would justify all injustices committed in the name of Christian Nation and Islamic Republic. But most importantly, because it violates the Biblical mitzvah of not mistreating the stranger in our midst since we were strangers in Mitzráyim.

Let’s then identify Zion zeal as the definition of Israel as Jewish Duocracy. Our proposed definition for Israelist Democracy is Sinai 53i. Again, does Israel have a right to exist? The answer is Yes, Israel as Sinai 53i Democracy! The choice is between Zion and Sinai.

Israel as ‘Sinai 53i:

Wonder no more why ‘Israel as Jewish Democracy’ of Zionism could never enact a fitting constitution nor achieve lasting peace with its neighbors. If you start off with Church State separation as the pillar of Modernity, then how can you justify Synagogue State cohabitation of Israeli exceptionalism? If Christian Nation state makes no more sense than Islamic Republic, then how can one admit the state of Israel as Jewish Democracy? 

The thinking is that, on the one hand, Israel already has a constitution in the Torah, while on the other hand, Israel as a democracy needs a written constitution along standard lines. This is the challenge. The two apparent exceptions are just as fraught with self-contradiction. One is Great Britain with its consuetudinary constitution based on the Magna Carta which blends dual sovereigns of Monarchy and People as constitutional monarchy. But this contradiction is not existential like the case of Israel with Jews and Islamic Palestinians sharing the same land and not adhering to the Church State separation principle. The other case of Saudi Arabia of a pure monarchy with no democracy hardly has validity outside this anachronism and is irrelevant to our case of interest.

New wineskins for new wine:

New wineskins for new wine, for old ones only ages it. The stakes for Israel are to be or not to be, depending on how one defines it. What is the question which will decide its future? Only a creative way of thinking can debunk Dualism and save Israel. In a nutshell, the Beginning is at the beginning of the beginning at Genesis 1:1a/Alef! Moses left it there, where it couldn’t be missed by simply binding the first letter of Hebrew, Alef,  to the first word of the Torah BeReshIth. Namely, Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א/ב-ראש-ית). It is self-explanatory once one is focused and is not distracted by multitasking.

PaRaDiSe Kabbayotlogy:

Now a brief on the passage from the simple to the complex of the real and imaginary. The above innovation used to define the ‘53i state’ is based on Kabbalah of the Torah of Israel, on áyotl of the originary Mesoamerican civilization, and on logos of classical Greek humanism. We call this originary science of Kabbalah, Kabbayotlogy, as in biology science of life. This holistic thinking is unitriadal and neither mystic nor dualistic. Properly defined it’s the one whole-S is-/-becomes triad parts-DRP, with Imaginary-D Mental-R Real-P. Briefly, it’s Uni-S / Triad-DRP. It helps to read it right to left, as if chiseling on stone.

Commonsense Unitriadism

Please pardon my insistence on the obvious. The innovation of Kabbayotlogy is based on Kabbalah (קַבָּלָה), or reception of the tradition of revelation of Moses, on áyotl of originary Toltecáyotl civilization, and, on logos, or reception of the tradition of reason of Aristotle. Only PaRaDiSe thought, non-mystic Kabbalah, and non-dualistic reason, can integrate our broken world moving forward. Namely, Kabbayotlogy-S/ Religion & Morality-D Philosophy & Politics-R Science & Technology-P. Briefly, PaRaDiSe as Theism-S / Humanism-DRP.

Sinaiism as Israel’s Torah:

Sinaiism of Kabbayotlogy originates in the Torah, whereas Zionism is the dualistic construct of Rabbinism and Enlightenment. Israel as Jewish Democracy is a contradiction in terms. It’s actually Jewish Duocracy. The ‘53i’ nation state is the one and only way to save Israel from self-destruction.


Since its independence in 1948, there has been a growing need to construct a Constitution for Israel. The draft of a new constitution ‘Israel 53i’ consists of a State with five (5) powers, three (3) votes per Person, and tutored Infant suffrage. Contrariwise, the constitutional means and the ends of justice pursued are be short-circuited as Jewish Religion of a National State.

State with 5 powers:

Now to the application of Kabbayotlogy. Information is not a commodity; it is a human right in the Age of Information. Consequently, the News Media would be the 4th power of the state. Likewise, knowledge is not a commodity; it is a human right in the Age of Knowledge. Consequently, the University would be the 5th power of the state. And, given that judgment is based on information and knowledge, the 3rd Judicial power would be chosen by the powers of the 4th Media and 5th University.

Cultural rights:

In addition to individual and social rights, cultural rights to information and knowledge would be added to the roster.

Necessary and sufficient conditions:

In our case of interest, the necessary condition for democracy is the 3-power state, with  the sufficient condition the 5-power state. The necessary condition for democracy of the 3-power state-S is-/-becomes Legislative-D, Executive-P and Judicial-R powers. Sadly, it solely guarantees duocracy. But fortunately, the sufficient condition for democracy is the 5-power state consisting of Legislative-D and Executive-P powers, but additionally with the Judicial-R power further unfolding as the University-Dr, Judicial-Rr and Media-Pr.

Charges and duties:

Now, since the News Media and the University are powers of the state, they would have roles to play in the administration. The role of the Media would be overseer. Every population would have reliable news sources. The role of the University would be administration of the budget. Solely students and teachers of all educational levels, reporters, and anchors, would run for office and vote. 

Right to 3 votes per person:

The Universal Principle of Knowledge states that The One Whole-S is-/-becomes Triad Parts-DRP’. This translates in practice as Person-S / Beliefs-D Values-R Interests-P.

Iteratively, the person goes from being a simple singular to a complex triad of beliefs, values, and interests. Consequently, the citizen would have three (3) votes per person instead of just one (1). Suffice to crunch the numbers to show that one (1) vote per person gives duocracy and that three (3) votes per person gives democracy.

Diaspora suffrage:

The mission of Israel is to save Creation. Diaspora Jewry have an inalienable right to intervene in the internal affairs of Israel. That is, the right to vote for the People as Judicial 3rd power, the Media 4th power, and the University 5th power of the State. But not on the 1st power Legislative nor 2nd power Executive of the Government. This is reserved for haaretz Jewry.

Unfolding Israel:

Applying PaRaDiSe to Israel we get Judaism-S / Religion-D Cultural-R Racial-P. Interpreted it means that there are religious Jews, cultural Jews, and racial Jews.

Tutored Infant suffrage:                                                          

The human rights of the infant are protected under the tutorage of its parents. Women’s suffrage would not be complete unless the infant has the right to vote from the very first cry at birth.

Starting a Movement:

Leaders are urgently needed to overcome Dualism and inaugurate the PaRaDiSe Cause and Kabbayotlogy Movement Era.

4.3 Mexico


The 2024 Mexican Judicial Reform is a series of constitutional amendments that restructured the Judiciary Power of Mexico. The reform replaced Mexico’s appointment-based system for selecting judges with one where judges, pre-selected by the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary, are elected by popular vote, with each judge serving a renewable nine-year term. It reduces the number of Supreme Court justices from eleven (11) to nine (9 ) and limits their terms to twelve (12) years. The reform also allows the use of “faceless” judges and establishes a new tribunal for judicial oversight and accountability, while significantly reducing benefits and salaries previously received by members of the judiciary. With its passing, Mexico becomes the first country to have elections for all judges.

The Judicial Reform was put forward by the governing coalition led by the National Regeneration Movement (MoReNa) as part of its 4T with the goal of eliminating corruption in the Judiciary power. It faced significant resistance from opposition political parties, judicial workers, and international organizations, who argued that it threatened judicial independence and put democracy at risk. The amendments secured the required two-thirds majority in Congress and were then ratified by a majority of state legislatures in record time. It was promulgated by the outgoing president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) on 15 September 2023. Shortly after winning the election, president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo committed to prioritizing the Judicial Reform. Between June 14 and 16, 2024, three opinion polls showed that around 80% of respondents supported the reforms.

The Transformations (T) alluded to are: 1T Independence of Mexico from Spain (9/16/1810). 2T The Reform Church State separation (1854-1876). 3T The Revolution (11/20/1910-12/1/1920). And lastly, the 4T of MoReNa (2018 onwards), I call 4T The Reconstitution.


Project ‘Mexico 53i’:

The  Permanent Constituent Congress would create a state with five (5) powers, with three (3) votes per person, and tutored Infant Suffrage, among others.

Name change:

Change the name of the nation from Mexican United States to Mexico.

2nd Floor of the 4T:

The mandate for direct election of the Judicial power by the people was already given in the election of June 2, 2024. What remains pending would be the 2nd Floor of the 4T. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo would have three years to achieve it, since the mandate could be revoked in the middle. This by proposing the PaRaDiSe state during the first half with a qualified majority, or the Permanent Constituent Congress during the second half of her six-year term, assuming achieving a qualified majority again. However, to become the Fourth Transformation (4T) of Mexico requires much more than moral regeneration.

Caveat. Precaution should be exercised with the pendulum law swinging from neoliberal to neosocial and back again to its starting point. To be 4T, it will need to transcend to the next level, or else run the risk of backsliding.

State with 5 powers:

One cannot be judge and party. One cannot be the people and the government. The parties are the Legislative power and the Executive power, and they cannot be the Judicial power. But they are if they appoint it. The Judicial power would have to appoint itself. But how if there are only three (3) powers? By creating two (2) more powers by unfolding the Judicial power, such that one nominates and the other confirms. The people elect the government, the Legislative and Executive powers, and then it remains active as the Judicial power to generate other powers.

That is to say, information is not a commodity, it is a right in the Age of Information. Therefore, the Media would be the 4th power of the state. Knowledge is not a commodity; it is a right in the Age of Knowledge. Therefore, the University would be the 5th power of the state. Justice is determined by information and by knowledge. Therefore, the Judicial power continues being the 3rd power of the state.

The state consists of people and government. Today, the state consists of, on the government side, the 1st Legislative power and 2nd Executive power, and, on the people side, the 3rd Judicial power. The proposed innovation is that the people, subdelegating their sovereignty as the 3rd Judicial power, pass from a singular power to a triad of powers composed of the 4th power, the Media of information, and, on the 5th power, the University of knowledge. The 4th Media and 5th University powers would then elect the 3rd Judicial power.

Positions and duties:

Now, since the Media and the University are powers of the state, they would have duties in the administration. The Media would be in charge of monitoring the nation’s performance, and the University of the administration of the government budget. All population must have reliable information Media.

Cultural rights:

In addition to individual rights, and social rights, cultural rights to information and knowledge should be added. Right to three (3) votes per person. In this section we will iterate the innovation of splitting the simple singular into the complex triad of parts. Here the singular person comes to have beliefs, values, and interests. For electoral purposes the citizen would have three (3) votes per person. One (1) vote per person favors duocracy, while three (3) votes per person reinforces democracy. Doing the math proves that one (1) vote per person gives duocracy, and that three (3) votes per person give democracy.

Tutored Infant Suffrage:

Women’s suffrage is not complete until the right of the child to vote is recognized from birth. The mother would be recognized two (2) out of three (3) votes of the minor, and the father one (1) out of three (3) votes. In any case, the details would be left to the Legislative power.

Unitriadic thought:

The innovation of Kabbayotlogy is based on the Kabbalah, or reception of the tradition of Moses, on áyotl of originary Mesoamerican civilization, and, in the logos, or reason of Aristotle. Only PaRaDiSe thought, non-mystical Kabbalah, creative áyotl, and non-dualistic reason can integrate our broken world under Kabbayotlogy-S/ Religion & Morality-D Philosophy & Politics-R Science & Technology-P.

No one escapes the Era of double standards without ending up resembling the nothingness of becoming a bot. To get out of the orbit of reification, it is necessary to transcend from dualism to holism, and from mysticism to reason of science and mathematics. Yes, from a far-fetched nonsense of Mono-dualism to a common sense like unitriadism of PaRaDiSe.

Autonomy & Economy:

The autonomy of the University as 5th Power and source of knowledge would empower Research and Development of the industrial base for the general good.

Movement of proposition, opposition, and transcendence:

Just as in logic there is thesis, antithesis, and synthesis; in philosophical politics there is action, opposition, and transcendence. Let’s say, left coalition of Morena, right opposition coalition of PRIAN and MC, and transcendent proposition of all.

Constitutional background:

There are three, not two positions. In favor are those of the 4T, against are the opposition of the PRIAN and the MC. But, in addition, the third option would be that of PaRaDiSe. In favor of change, but not as a judicial reform but as a constitutional background. That is, that the Judicial power does not remain under the government as Executive power, and Legislative power. Rather as the sovereign People it’s autonomous through its triad split into 4th power Media, 5th power University, all the while retaining as 3rd power Judicial.

5. Culture-P (Science & Technology)


Culture today refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, traditions, and behaviors of a group of people, encompassing aspects like language, art, food, music, social norms, and ways of interacting, which essentially define the “way of life” of a particular community or society. It’s considered a complex whole that evolves over time and is distinct across different groups of people.

The key points of culture are as follows. Shared elements: Culture is based on shared knowledge and practices within a group, not individual beliefs alone. Intangible aspects: While including material things like clothing and cuisine, culture primarily focuses on intangible aspects like values, beliefs, and social norms. Dynamic nature: Cultures are not static and constantly evolve with new experiences, interactions, and societal changes. (From the Internet)



Now PaRaDiSe as Thought-S/ Language-DRP, with Subject-D Verb-R Object & Adjective-P.

Universal Principle of Knowledge:

Let’s express PaRaDiSe as Principle-S/ principles-DRP; as Spiritual-D Mental-R Physical-P.

One whole/ Triad parts:

Now PaRaDiSe as One Whole-S is-/becomes Triad Parts-DRP, as In-D Between-R Out-P.

Common Sense Coin:

Now PaRaDiSe as A Coin-S is-/-becomes Triad parts-DRP, as Tails-D Rim-R Heads-P.


Let’s express PaRaDiSe as Being Ontology-S/ Becoming Metaphysics-DRP, with Knowledge Epistemology-D Good Ethics-R Aesthetics Beauty-P.


Let us express PaRaDiSe as Force-S equals-/-equals mass times acceleration-DRP. In formula F = ma = ms/t2. Force-S equals-/-equals time-2D space-R mass-P. Or, as Force Source-S/ Force Field-DRP; with variables Time-D Space-R Mass-P.


Now PaRaDiSe as Creator-S/ Creation-DRP, with Civilization-D Constitution-R Culture-P.

The Cause of causes:

This problem of going to the first principle to fix things was treated classically by Aristotle in the context of deliberating on whether there was a beginning of the universe or if it’s permanent. He arrived at the conclusion that the universe must have always existed since it was impossible to go back to infinity to access it. Hence, no creation no Creator.

Contemporary application:

In contemporary terms this could be applied to the affair of how to fix a broken Judicial System. It can’t reform itself since its judges are corrupt to the core. It has to be fixed from the outside by a reconstitution of the state. Today’s modern state is based on the work of the thinkers of the Enlightenment period, who in turn base their arguments on the supposed birth of knowledge in classical Greece. Theoretically in Europe and practically in the USA as in the Constitution of 1789 and the Declaration of Independence. A Reform would then have to be based on a second reading of the classical thoughts of Athens. A bottom line turned loop means it’s not the last word on the matter of reason. So where do you go from here to found rationality?

One Cause:

Our solution in the original context is that while it’s impossible to access the First Cause of Aristotle buried in the infinite past, there is the One Cause of Moses at the Baby Bang of humanity! However, we had to wait till the Theory of the Big Bang of the universe gained acceptance to prove Aristotle wrong and Moses right. The rest as our thesis of the Baby Bang of PaRaDiSe Kabbayotlogy follows by added measure.

Just think about it:

Have you ever stopped to think why things are as they are? That all things are connected and how to change them with one single simple step?

How far is in:

Remember the old Chinese fortune cookie saying how far can you go in before you’re going out? This refers to going into the center of a circle or sphere, or forest. And referred to the event horizon, there’s no going out once you go in. While referred to a crisis it means that only a reboot from scratch can save things, nothing short of complete overhaul will do the trick.

6. Kabbayotlogy


This finally includes the full composition of Kabbalah of Moses with the Áyotl of Toltecáyotl from Mesoamerica, plus the Logos of Reason from Classical Greece. In what follows we’ll show that none are complete nor consistent except the last one of Kabbayotlogy (KAL).


Primeval Kabbalah (pK):

Primeval Kabbalah” precedes the Medieval and was developed by the author.

Medieval Kabbalah (mK):

 “Medieval Kabbalah” is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism. It forms the foundation of mystical religious interpretations within Judaism. Historically, Kabbalah emerged from earlier forms of Jewish mysticism, in XII-XII century Spain and Southern France and was reinterpreted during the Jewish mystical renaissance in XVI century Ottoman Palestine. The Zohar, the foundational text of Kabbalah, was authored in the late XII century, likely by Moses de León. Isaac Luria (XVI century) is considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah; Lurianic Kabbalah was popularized in the form of Hasidic Judaism from the XVIII century onwards. During the XX century, Gershom Scholem has inspired historical research on Kabbalah in the field of Judaic studies.

Jewish mysticism:

The major texts in the main line of Jewish mysticism are the Bahir, Zohar, PaRDeS Rimonim, and Etz Chayim (‘Ein Sof’). The Séfer Yetzirah is acknowledged as the antecedent from which all these books draw many of their formal inspirations. The Séfer Yetzirah was written sometime between II-VI century ce, detailing an alphanumeric vision of cosmology. (From the Internet.)

Kabbalogy (KL):

This is a combination of Kabbalah of Moses with the Logos of Reason from Classical Greece.

Kabbayotl (KA):

This is a combination of Kabbalah of Moses and Áyotl of Toltecáyotl from Mesoamerica.


The Áyotl of Toltecáyotl from Mesoamerica may have roots dating to China and maybe India. But in this case the thing is that there seems to be a split between East, Middle, and West Asia in the greater picture view of things. The source still seems to have been in Africa. That is, on the one hand, the West comprised by the originary civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, out of which sprung Israel and later Greece. And on the other hand, by China and India, and between them by Mesoamerica & Andean civilizations. But in all this there is supposedly the source in Africa out of which developed the Big Six. How far back we’ll leave to experts to resolve.


The view of history is very much inclined in favor of the West due to contributions of Greece and Israel though originating in originary civilizations Mesopotamia and Egypt, and in detriment to those of other civilizations like of China, India, Mesoamerica, and Andean. 

The Middle Road Path:

This is reminiscent of the In Xóchitl In Cuícatl Flower Song of Áyotl, as Flower-P Song-D, with space-R to give Flower-P /-R Song-D, thus giving us the Triad-PRD, which thrusts us unto unity-S, as PRD/S. When we mention Flower Song, we’re the inbetween slash-/, as Flower/ Song, which together makes the triad-PRD on the way to unity-S. Overall it’s the statement of PaRaDi/Se read left to right as PRD/S.

Figure 2 PaRaDiSe model of Genesis 1:1a/א in Kabbalah lexicon


Figure 3 The Principle of Creation & Civilization


Figure 4 Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א/בראשית)


Figure 5 Modern Alphabetical ~ The 32 Paths of “Elohim”


Figure 6 Tree of Life of Kabbalah*

7. Self-Messianic Age


Don’t read more than is claimed with the universal principle of knowledge. It’s all about the slash-/ in S/DRP and PRD/S, much like the rim of a coin, standing to both keep together yet separate the heavenly divine from the earthly human.


The One Teaching:

The Sages’ 613 => Moses’ 10 => YHVH’s 1 Teaching! 613 => 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1!

Mordechai Kaplan:

Mordechai Kaplan’s book “Judaism as a Civilization: Toward the Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life (1934)” is best suited to start the discussion. All that is fine but moving forward post 1948 Israel, what about the ‘other’? Keep in mind “Am I my brother’s keeper?

Who wrote the Torah:

Who wrote the Torah is the question. The next to the last question is if there’s a way to integrate the available versions ranging from the Official, the Documentary, the Supplementary, and others worthy hypotheses. If we’re to remain faithful to our claim of PaRaDi/Se as Alef/BeReshIth A/InBeginningOf (א/ב-ראש-ית), then the reply should be found therein in S/DRP, –DRP. Thus, Given by YHVH is S, grace-/-revealed Moses-DRP, Inspired prophets-D Enlightened sages-R Erudite scribes-P.

Literary criticism:

The literary criticism approach is hardly fundamental if we recognize that Thought-S / Language-DRP, Subject-D Verb-R ObjectAdjective-P. So literary criticism as an unfolding of traid-DRP as X-D Y-R Z-P would have to refer to linguistics at the triad-DRP level. Perhaps, anthropologically about the origin of common sense as root of language. Contrariwise, it’s a circular argument inside and outside canonical and critical points of view.

Israel Palestine:

The only way to amiably resolve the Israel Palestine issue is consensually by applying PaRaDi/Se. Power maddens anyone. The chips turn around in history. The themes: Hostages play the role of consciousness. Disproportional response. Rules of engagement in times of war. Two-state solution. Church/ State separation. Judicial Overhaul Coup.

KAL Cause/ Movement:

Caveat: The advantage of using rigorous formalism as in PaRaDi/Se is the removal of confusing dust and paradox chaff from discourse. I’m not a one-man band. The universal project of humanity can and should be done. This is not saying that it’s been done, much less that I’ve done it. The point is to encourage others to jointly accomplish it.


Antisemitism comes immediately after inquiring who wrote the Bible. It starts with the claim in the Torah of being the chosen people. To this is added supremacy due to mixing with the white dominant races during the diaspora. This along with their success in all fields of endeavor. Overall, this may sound like double-dipping without strings attached.  

Assuming the above for the sake of argument, did the Torah make them chosen or did their choosing to study the Torah make them supremely successful. The point in all this is regarding noblesse oblige of whether there is any social leadership role to give back to other peoples. This is not a separate question, but rather is at the crux of the issue.

Servers & leads:

Translation is interpretation. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Rabbinism of Rabbinic Judaism has been the gatekeeper since the end of the Second Temple and the Diaspora.

Case in point is the interpretation of  Exodus 19:6.

וְאַתֶּ֧ם תִּהְיוּ־לִ֛י מַמְלֶ֥כֶת כֹּהֲנִ֖ים וְג֣וֹי קָד֑וֹשׁ אֵ֚לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר תְּדַבֵּ֖ר אֶל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

Rabbinic: You shall be for Me, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, these are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel:

PaRaDi/Se: You shall be for Me, a kingdom of servers and a nation of leaders. These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel:

Comment: Generically, Judaism was meant as civilization of Israelism and only optionally of religion as Judaism. In other words, religion is fine at home, but outside the gates it’s civilization.

The human project:

The Torah is the source of knowledge. The closer to it the greater the benefits or blessings. Is the human project for all and everyone? Or is it for a specific nation, ethnicity, or persons? Or are we to exterminate wild animals, like bears, wolves, and coyotes, because they eat our cattle? Or the buffalo as a way to get at the native Indians?

Heart vs Head:

The dilemma is between, on the one hand, heart-and-community, and on the other hand, head-and-sect. Numbers say it all. Heart leads to large numbers; head leads to fewer. This is relevant because it was revealed to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that they would be as numerous as the stars in the sky or the sand on the beaches.

Sinai vs Zion:

Is Israel or the world the home of the Beney Israel? This connects with the partition of the land to the Beney Yisrael once in Canaan. It was divided between the tribes with the exception of Levi, whose job was liturgical and not tied to agriculture or earthly endeavors. Their charge was generic not particular, meant to be universal to the heavens and not particular as tied to the earth.

1% Moses & 99% Aaron:

Numbers speak louder than words. Assume getting 99% right out of 100%. This means missing 1%. But omitting the missing one (1) leaves 00%! Is it religion or is it Kabbayotlogy?

Messiah person or messiah text:

PaRaDi/Se isn’t panacea, it only cures stupidity. We still have to do the math, the heavy lifting, and deep breathing to be able to peek through the slid with the third eye.

8. References


Videos at

Books at

Friends of Dialogue (The quest of keeping the heart, a philosophy of practice) 2005.

Dialogue of Friends (Making sense of the human spirit, a practice of philosophy) 2005.

Triads (The preSocratic origins of dialogical science) 2012.

PaRDeSism (Human Science 101) 2016.

The Principle of World Caring (Peace by wholeness) 2019.

Saving Creation (The Baby Bang of PaRaDiSe Civilization) 2022.

The Sweet Spot (On the obvious, all-revealing yet hiding-in-plain-view) 2023.

512-743-3054, Austin, Texas

The Teaching Notes can be downloaded from the website.,

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