Civilization as A/InBeginningOf in Gen 1:1a/Alef
Ric’s videos on YouTube
Great books made easy with accompanying videos. Check at Amazon books for the Table of Contents match between the books and the videos, respectively.
For the most part the 2016 videos are in the 2016 book, likewise for 2018 and 2020.
In all there are 174 videos and counting in both English (cowboy hat) and Spanish (charro hat) with closed caption as of 2020 in my YouTube Channel.
Try reading the text in a book while viewing the video version.
“Saving Creation, PaRaDiSe app, and the American Universal Constitution” (2021)
The Baby Bang of the Universal Principle brief HD 1080p
El Bebé Bang del Principio Universal breve HD 1080p
Welcome to the PaRaDiSe Cause, Teshuvah Return & Call of Creativity
Bienvenidos a la Causa PaRaDiSo, Regresar Teshuvá y Llamado a la creatividad
The Baby Bang of Civilization brief
El Bebé Bang de la Civilización, breve
Character of Sages of Messianism hierarchical and overreaching
Carácter de los sabios del Mesianismo, jerárquico y extralimitado
Mashiach of PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א vis-à-vis the coming Alien Messiah 2
Mashíaj de PaRaDiSo @ Génesis 1:1a/א versus el Mesías alíen del futuro 2
“You shall be holy because I am Holy!”, the Mashiach, mashiachs & Sanctity
“¡Serán santos porque Yo soy Santo!”, el Mashíaj, los mashíajes y la santidad
Sages rewrite Bible, ignoring pw PaRaDiSe @ Gen 1:1a/א panacea Mashiach invent Messiah Savior!
Sabios reescriben Biblia, sin pw PaRaDiSo @ Gén 1:1a/א panacea Mashíaj inventan salvador Mesías
Rabbinism rewrites Torah Bible: missing Mashiach Gen 1:1a/א surmises Messiah! I
Rabinismo reescribe Biblia Torá: pasa x alto Mashíaj Gén 1:1a/א ¡conjetura Mesías! I
Rabbinism rewrites Torah Bible: missing Mashiach Gen 1:1a/א surmises Messiah! II
Rabinismo reescribe Biblia Torá: pasa x alto Mashíaj Gén 1:1a/א ¡conjetura Mesías! II
Faith-&-Science Primeval Genesis 1:1a/א or Faith-vs-Science Posteval Messianism? I
Fe-y-Ciencia Génesis 1:1a/א Primeval o ¿Fe-vs-Ciencia Mesianismo Posteval? I
Faith-&-Science Primeval Genesis 1:1a/א or Faith-vs-Science Posteval Messianism? II
Fe-y-Ciencia Génesis 1:1a/א Primeval o ¿Fe-vs-Ciencia Mesianismo Posteval? II
Science-vs-Faith schism due to missed takeaway PaRaDiSe in Genesis 1:1a/א!
Cisma Fe-vs-Ciencia debido a pasarse por alto el itacate PaRaDiSo en Génesis 1:1a/א