Saving Creation (03/22)

Saving Creation

Salvando la Creación

New title “Saving Creation“: Old title now sub-title

New title “Salvando la Creación“: Old title now subtitle

Global Parley

Read & View: My new book “Saving Creation” at Amazon, and new site.

Proposition: Global Parley, all are welcome to participate.

Theme: Today’s Twin Idolatry of Dualism: from right, religion, Messianism as ascend by future alien; from left, science, Evolution as descend from past ape. 

Argument: Both frivolous claims, put record straight by holism. Right restart at Genesis 1:1a/א!

Conclusion: Make world whole once and for all generations!

Thanks, Ric Turullols-Bonilla

Nothing changes unless everything changes. Things change from the top down. First thing’s first. Just like there was the Big Bang of the Universe of Creation, likewise there was the Baby Bang of the University as Civilization.

While the West may have had its cradle in Ancient Athens, its conception was in the Archaic Middle East, with Mesopotamia and Egypt dovetailing unto Israel.

Whereas Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle got their torch from the preSocratics, Thales, Pythagoras, and Parmenides, these in turn got their spark from Moses, and he got it from you know Who. Heuristically, Revelation is PaRaDiSe.

Our world is broken simply because no one knows how it’s put together. Once founding our social edifice on its cornerstone, we can start rescuing our Earth.

The Universal Principle of Civilization is that the “One Whole is made of Triad Parts”, for short as PaRaDiSe.

The New American Universal Constitution, a new constitution of ourselves & body politic, is herein proposed as rough draft moving forward.

The invitation is to all stakeholders to study and reach consensus on project.

Our world is broken simply because no one knows how it’s put together. Once having recovered the cornerstone with the UPC we can start rescuing our Earth.

The author taught science in Austin, Texas, originally from Mexico, soon in Europe. He has graduated studies in physics, philosophy, and administration, and on his own in religion.

His calling is that there’s a Universal Principle of Knowledge underlying all human enterprise, such that with it all’s good and without it it’s not.

His search took him from science, to philosophy, to symbolism, to religion, from Modernity through Antiquity all the way to the Archaic era over 3000 years ago.

He found it at the most obvious of places, inexcusably oversighted by the sages, simply combining the mute first letter of Hebrew along with the first word of the Creation Story at Genesis 1:1a/Álef!

That was the easy part, now onto global messaging.