Rabbinism / Scholarism or Mosaicism for broken / whole world? (03/22)

The choice is clear. Broken World till the Alien comes no telling when, we grow back a tail and return to the wild, or else fix it. We, here, and now!

A confluence of factors shaped my worldview so as to find the solution point blank.

Perhaps having grown in the border towns of Cd. Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico and Del Rio, Texas.

Having studied physics and philosophy, symbolism and hermeneutics, business and teaching to at-risk students. Catholic schooling. Anusim convert with supposedly Sephardic roots, though Ashkenazi hosting.

Age of reflection, teacher author, not leaving stone unturned, never tired of questioning, and so many other factors which shaped my unique point of view. 

The question is the following. One God or a pantheon of gods?

Likewise, a Universal Principle of Knowledge or a plethora of specific principles of faculties of the university, such as physics, philosophy, biology, anthropology, and hundreds more who only serve to divide knowledge.

The same thing that manifests itself is in the very same instrument of knowledge of Language, and, from there, extends universally to all kinds of knowledge.

I discovered a Primeval Kabbalah based solely on Genesis 1:1a/א, as distinct from the Medieval one of the Zohar based on the Prophets.

The primeval one is crystal clear while the Medieval is mystic and complicated. The Medieval as well as the Modern versions of Kabbalah all derive ultimately from the Primeval Kabbalah of Moses.

This is more in accord with the present Age of Knowledge as compared to the previous one based on faith.

Can the world survive another two millennia of Rabbinicism, and the same goes true regarding Scholarism?

Is there still room in Judaism for Mosaicism? Rabbinicism comes after the Second Temple, previous to it were the priesthood and prophets, and at the source of it all is Moses.

Rabbinicism is historical, having occurred in mass space time it’s not holistic like Mosaicism.

But the world is just as broken since Rabbinism as before, since Scholarism as before might I add. Surely, when all else is lost, go back to the source of it all.

To the Torah of Moses.

And how do you account for all these things happening, OD’s, suicides, shootings, injustices, wars, and so on?

“Well that only goes to show that it won’t be long before the Messiah comes. After all, we descend from the wild ape.”

That is, the worse it gets in the present the better will the future be.

“So, don’t worry, shut down the news, keep going to worship and giving to charity, enjoy good company, and count your blessings. Amen.”

Work for Success-R Monday to Friday, go out on Saturday for Sex-P, and on Sunday worship and give charity for Salvation-D.