PaRDeSism ~ Human Science 101 (03/22)

PaRDeSism ~ Human Science 101
PaRDeSismo ~ Ciencia Humana 101
PaRDeSism ~ Human Science 101
PaRDeSism ~ Ciencia Humana 101
Ricardo Turullols-Bonilla

Education is the baton of culture in the race of civilization.

Let not the Crisis go to Waste.

Let’s start the PaRDeS Universal Enlightenment!

Though late in coming, this is an enthusiast’s proposal for Universal ReEnlightenment, based on the Bible’s Creation Story 1:1-2:3.

Be in your actions, values, and beliefs, as the calling in your heart.

We need to stop stupefying Education. The problem with teaching is it has too many trees and very little forest. In its place, we propose PaRDeS human-science.

We all have a primeval PaRDeS, original common-sense, that is hard-wired in our hearts, as found encrypted in the Bible’s Creation Story 1:1-2:3. The source-code is PaRDeS (PaRaDiSe): acronym for Peshat (Plain), Remez (Remit), Derash (Discover), and Sod (Secret). In plain English, Life (PaRDeS) declares: that we are Human Beings (Sod), made up of Body (Peshat), Mind (Remez), and Spirit (Derash). Herein we employ the user-friendly Seed model, of a right-triangle inside an ellipse, to help better visualize things.

That is to say, that “the Whole is made up of Triad parts“, and these parts in turn go to relighten a whole, as do the sides and hypotenuse of a right-triangle. Imagine the potential that this has to resolve the crisis of civilization, starting with Education.

Instead of “keeping things separate“, herein is packaged theology, philosophy, science, and technology, unto a harmonious unity, in the best traditions of Moses, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Newton.

Our forefathers did the Revolution, our grandparents, the Reform, now we, ReEnlightenment!