Messianism / Evolution conspiracies of Cancel Culture (03/22)

Messianism belief and Evolution theory, flipsides of the same rimless coin, are conspiracies of Cancel Culture of right and left.

Sourcing on the tradition of the great books starting with the earliest extant and current of Moses. Archaic traditions of the Middle East of Babylonia and Egypt dovetail unto Israel. 

From PaRaDiSe of Moses derives Traid of Pythagoras, Dialogue of Socrates, Ideas of Plato, Sense of Aristotle, and so on to repeating Enligthenment, and onwards to our broken Modern World.

Creative reading of the text for creative writing thereof. Critical theory is an improvement on Dogmatics were it not that in time it joins it.

Messianism goes against the very grain of the Torah, and the Prophets and Writings can’t contravene Revelation. The whole point of the Teaching is to empower us to take over. That settles it. 

Messianism isn’t in the Torah, nor in the Prophets, nor in the Writings. It’s a product of post Second Temple period, of Rabbinic invoicing of the so-called Oral Torah tradition.

Evolution is a conjecture which missing the link falls apart. Similarities are physical-P, but still lacking are Mind-R, and most importantly, Spirit-D.

Creativity-S has the last word as what defines humanity as the Creative, made in image and likeness to the Creator of Creation. 

That is the question in a loop. Are we Creatives, taking after the Creator, or after the Ape and before the Alien?

It’s up to us! We can answer in the negative or in the affirmative by rejecting or by being creative. But, how so?

Simply embracing PaRaDiSe and integrally reconstituting Creation accordingly, or else rejecting it altogether and holding on to the broken world of our own misknowing.

Putting blame on the ape and placing hope on the alien, what about depositing trust on humanity?


And how do you account for all these things happening, OD’s, suicides, shootings, injustices, wars, and so on?

“Well that only goes to show that it won’t be long before the Messiah comes. After all, we descend from the Ape.”

That is, the worse it gets in the present the better will the future be.

“So, don’t worry, shut down the news, keep going to worship and giving to charity, enjoy good company, and count your blessings.”


Work for Success-R Monday to Friday, go out on Saturday for Sex-P, and on Sunday worship and give charity for Salvation-D.


Life is an “If, then” proposition, as in PaRaDiSe.

That is, we put the Triad-PRD of Creativity, not the 3S’s of Sex-P Success-R Salvation-D, then the whole-S will come by added measure.