Knowledge in PaRaDiSe model (03/22)

Physics: Equation, S = DRP as F(S) = ma = m(P)x(R)/t2(D)
Mathematics: Frame of Reference; (0,0) origin(S) / z-axis(D) y-axis(R) x-axis(P)
Grammar: Sentence as noun verb object/adjective; Sentence(S) / noun(D) verb(R) obj/adj(P), adjective with to be, object otherwise
Philosophy: Themes as Being(S) / Truth(D) Good(R) Beauty(P)
Theology: Creator of Creation as G’d(S) / Spirit(D) Mind(R) Body(P)
Culture: Civilization Theology(S) / Philosophy(D) Science(R) Math(P)
And many more waiting for you to discover!

Theology ~ PaRaDiSe master code as Creator of Civilization

Theology – PaRaDiSe master code as Creator of Creation.

The Creator of Creation is the PaRaDiSe master code in theology.

The Creator of Creation in theology consists of one whole of Creator of triad parts of Creation, as G’d S / Spirit D, Mind R and Body P.

Underneath is the model of with PaRaDiSe heading, and inside ellipse G’d S, and surrounding the right triangle y-axis Spirit D, on hypotenuse Mind R and x-axis Body P.

Philosophy ~ PaRaDiSe master code as Creator of Civilzation

The “Themes” is the PaRaDiSe master code in the humanities.

The humanities are best represented by Philosophy.

The Themes in philosophy consist of one whole made of triad parts, visually as follows below.

Life S as Truth D, Good R and Beauty P.

Underneath is the model heading with PaRaDiSe heading, and inside ellipse Life S, and surrounding the right triangle on y-axis Truth D, on hypotenuse Good R and on x-axis Beauty P.’

Science ~ PaRaDiSe master code as Equation

The “Equation” is the PaRaDiSe master code in science.

Science is best represented by Physics.

The Laws of Motion of Newton in the formula F = ma, mass times acceleration, means Force equals mass times space divided by time squared, or Force = mass space / time2.

In PaRaDiSe master code this is Force (S) = mass (P) space (R) / time (D)!

Math ~ PaRaDiSe master code as Frame of Reference

The “Frame of Reference” is the PaRaDiSe master code in mathematics.

Mathematics is best (easier) understood as applied mathematics.

The Frame of Reference consists of a point origin (0,0) with a measuring orthogonal reference system in 3D made of x-axis P, yaxis R, and z-axis D.

Underneath is a visual of the point origin and the 3D orthogonal frame of reference.