Kabbalah (03/22)

Herein we’ll include the Sod Secret (סוד)-S items.

Kabbalah didn’t start nor end with the Zohar Splendor (זהר) XIII century Europe, as the concealed part of the so-callled Oral Torah.

Kabbalah (קבלה) Reception refers to acceptance of the mosaic tradition of the Torah Teaching (תורה).

Things in the Torah-PRDS happened holistically-S, not triadically-PRD in mass-P space-R time-D.

Mosaicism was never meant to be religion as Judaism, thus splitting the things of the world into theology, philosophy, and science, but rather as the universal principle of knowledge unifying humanity moving forward.

The problem with Medieval Kabbalah is that it fudged Mosaicism with Greekism via humanism, Romanism via Catholicism, and European mythologies, making its opaqueness.

The Modern version has lost all memory of its origin, though inadvertently it’s the basis of the success of science.

The best is always when in doubt to go back and restart at the source of things with Primeval Kabbalah as is our case with rescuing Creation with PaRaDiSism @ Genesis 1:1a/א.

Better late than never.