Insolite missed Alef (03/22)

PaRaDiSe Cause

Austin / Barça  / Cd Méx


Insolite “missedAlef A (א) of the Creator, the given BeReshIth InBeginningOf (ברשית) of Creation, and the lynchpin / of the Creative creature as PaRaDiSe (א/ברשית) makes all the difference in the world.

Without the cue of triad parts-PRD / one whole-S all exegesis is clueless and misguiding.

Insolite case of the missed mute one and first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Aleph A (א) as the Creator, which we as Creative prefix to the opening word of Creation BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בראשית).

As Aleph/BeReshIth A/InBeginningOf (א/בראשית) it encodes the One Commandment of the Universal Principle of Knowledge as to serve as blueprint for Civilization, same which is facilitated as acronym PaRaDiSe.

It isn’t a missing letter but rather the missed Alef which heads the holy language of Hebrew in which the Torah was written. Without the cue all exegesis is clueless.

Parley on missed Alef which makes all the difference in the world. 

Dear People, please opine: Parley: Messianism/Evolution, or PaRaDiSe Humanism?

0 Once the sages missed, hid, or ignored the takeaway access to the Bible at Genesis 1:1a/א, then disoriented they got their Torah Teaching exegesis wrong, and the World hurts broken hearted ever since.

1 Proposition: “Saving CreationEn/Es @ Amazon &

2 Theme: Today’s Twin Idolatry of Dualism: from right, religion, Messianism as ascend by future alien; from left, science, Evolution as descent from past ape.

3 Argument: Superstitious, fallacious, & frivolous claims of cancel culture. World broken by default lacking cosmic vision. At present right restart at Genesis 1:1a/Alef with the Takeaway PaRaDiSe of “The One Whole-S is Triad Parts-PRD”.

4 Solution: The One Commandment, Universal Principle of Knowledge, is to be Creative-/ by fusing Creator-S to Creation-PRD as PaRaDiSe humanism. Creativity 4 ReConstitution!

5 Conclusion: Dualistic Messianism / Evolution? Holistic PaRaDiSe Humanism! Unless you have something better. Primeval not medieval Kabbalah @  

Thanks, Ric Turullols-Bonilla, ex science teacher from Mexico, US, & soon Spain.

The Parley is spearhead of the PaRaDiSe Cause.

Messianism is idolatrous at the source because it’s Rabbinic not Biblical, having arisen after the destruction of the second Temple, and Evolution isn’t veridical but prejudicial since the advent of positivism.

Furthermore, this revision goes against the grain of the Torah itself. One waiting for what or for who? The Bible doesn’t say wait till I send reinforcements, but rather “Be holy as I am Holy”, with what was already given to us in “Creation”.

This means be “Creative” since we were made in image and likeness of the “Creator”.

For the last 3000+ years the world is broken by default lacking a unified cosmic vision to begin with.

One issue or many issues? University as unity in diversity, in theory, or pluriversity, in practice?

All that Dualism has at best are two disjointed half-truths. The other of Evolution provides physical but not mental nor spiritual similarities. Within Evolution theory resemblance to the ape may be necessary but not sufficient condition to prove ancestry.

Things come in triads, besides the Physical-P there’s also the Mental-R and Spiritual-D to make up the Whole-S. The Universal Principle of Knowledge as holism is “Whole-S of Triad-PRD”.

Regarding Messianism and Evolution if anything it showcases that Dualism is at the source of our misguided world.

They’re flip sides of each other, disjointed at that and exemplifying dualism. More so than proof of their claims, they showcase the flawed thesis of dualism, and the need of holism.

Our secular and religious leadership have misguided us all along. Like in a labyrinth or maze, there’s only one right entrance to provide an exit, all others end up against a blank wall.

Thus, let go of Messianism and Evolution and embrace Holistic PaRaDiSe Humanism Cause! From crisis to Cause to movement to reconstitution of humanity with adherence to Genesis 1:1a/Aleph.

From the Sephirot of Kabbalah, the letters connecting the 2nd Chokhmah and 3rd Binah of “creative” humanity to the 1st KeterCreator” are hanging, as if suspended, not independent but dependent upon gaining admission from Its reflection by Knowledge 4th-10th of “Creation”.

The World is held in place from above by Messianism, from below by Evolution, and from the middle by Cancel Culture. To provide adequate leadership in the globalized realm, we need to have a Big Picture and Long Duration view of things.

If the foundations of society rest on mud, we need to restart by going back to square one, and just before.

We’re still far from understanding things, but what’s certain is the right restart at Genesis 1:1a/Aleph.

I’m trying to save Creation single-handed, and it isn’t working. We need all hands on deck.