Genesis 1:1a/א is the point beginning of Creation & of Civilization (03/22)

God hiding face or our backs turned? The World isn’t broken, just restart PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א for panacea!

If you miss the master key of Teaching 101 @ Genesis 1:1a/א of Creation, then the social edifice of Civilization is skewed thereafter.

The Torah Bible as the Teaching of the blueprints of Creation & Civilization for building a sound social edifice were revealed to Moses at Mt Sinai.

The master key is at the point-beginning @ Genesis 1:1a/א! That is, at the first word of Genesis (1:1a/) and first letter of the alphabet (/א), signifying Creation by Creator, respectively.

The first word of Genesis and the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is code for the acronym mnemonic Aleph / BeRe’shIth AInBeginningOf (א/בראש-ית) / PRD/S / PaRaDiSe.

Moses wrote the Teaching in code such that the though unfolds as at triad language text levels, namely, as physical literal, mental allegorical, and spiritual homiletic.

The Sages having the Torah Teaching as blueprints of Creation & Civilization, but having overlooked the master key @ Genesis 1:1a/א and being at a loss of how to make the broken world whole, opted for Faith as Religion divorced from Knowledge as Science by way of surmising a future coming of an alien savior of Messianism.

The Torah Bible teaches us throughout to be Mashiach Anointed / Leader (משח).

But the Sages effectively rewrote the text of the Bible and interpreted in its place Messiah Savior (משע) by substituting a single letter thereby changing the original lesson of Faith-&-Knowledge unto one having Religion-versus-Science, thus introducing the broken world of today.