Elon's Twitter, Moses' master key, Ric's PaRaDISe is Okay World

Open Invite 2 Elon Musk:

Counter Cancel Culture, Counsel Creative Cause & be world Townsquare.

Today politics, state & humanity broken bc front democracy & backstory duocracy.

Duocrats Reps & Dems taking turns at spoils. Info + Knowledge = PaRaDiSe Age.

Creative Cause Movement, Ric, & Governor Race Campaign

Moses’ master key is at the very entrance to the Teaching at Genesis 1:1a/alef. This has been interpretated by Ric as the acronym PaRaDiSe. 

Elon may have the info but without the knowledge it amounts to naught. It takes individual intellect added to Moses’s master key insight to unlock the safe. Either we hand together or else hang separately.

Elon, Ric & World hang together or hang separately.

Dear Elon. 2 change world 4 the better requires Info w/ Knowledge.

Twitter needs Moses’s master key of Genesis 1:1a/א recovered by Ric as PaRaDiSe 2 inaugurate Creative Cause Era.

Please let me know if you accept my invite challenge
