Creative Cause Movement, Ric, & Governor Race Campaign

Means to an end. Ends come first at the beginning. I have till August 22 to decide to register to run.

First let me tell you about the Creative Cause Movement proceeding by analogy.

If there’s one Creator of Creation of the Creative & Creatures, then there’s also one Principle of Knowledge of Civilization and Culture. 

If there are 613 precepts in the Bible Torah Teaching, then doing the math we have 10 Commandments, moreover, it boils down to 1 Principle.

That is, 613 precepts => 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 Commandments => 1 + 0 = 1 Principle!

The 1 Principle is  “One Whole-S is Triad Parts-PRD” and is found in Genesis 1:1a/א! To faciliate things it’s coined as acronym PaRaDiSe

By way of example to clarify things and a visual as well regarding what we mean by the PaRaDiSe application.

The PaRaDiSe app unfolds as Thought-S / Language-PRD. Thought is what’s inside of us and Language is what’s outside us. Thought is secret and language is shared for all to hear and read. 

Thought-S is beyond words, all the while it finds expression in language as Sentence-PRD consisting of Subject-D Verb-R Object-P. (Adjective-P if using the verb “to be”.) 

By way of visual the PaRaDiSe application. Please bear with me. 

This involves a little math of complex variable comprised of algebra and geometry. Herein we have the equation z = x + i y, with x the horizontal real component, y the vertical imaginary component, i the symbol for the square root of minus 1, and z the complex aggregate made up of real and imaginary components. 

The Thought-S is trascendent, that is, beyond expression whatsoever, inside of us in an inexplicable manner. Mapping the above math to our application we would then have the Sentence-PRD of Language as follows: Verb = Object + i Subject, that is, Verb-R = Object-R + i Subject-D

In summary: Thought-S / Language-PRD as Thought-S /  Sentence-PRD as Verb-R = Object-R + i Subject-D

Before moving on, let’s ask why is the world just as broken before as after Revelation of the Bible Teaching at Sinai?

The answer is that the sages and philosophers missed the cue left behind by Moses at the very opening of the Torah at Genesis 1:1a/Alef.

Now that we’ve found it it’s time for World ReConstitution employing the PaRaDiSe app to integrate our broken world system.

What we have now in the West is duocracy, and in the East is autocracy. What the world needs is Democracy. 

Let’s start with the New American Universal Constitution. Let’s mention a few outstanding features here. For greater coverage view it here

One (1) Person triad (3) Votes, best triad (3) run-offs.

Global Cause Movement and locally Texas Governor’s Race Campaign.

Accept the challenge of leadership or else share passing it on.