3 The Bigger Lie and the Bigger Truth! II

The Golden Rule of Civility and the One Commandment of the Universal Principle of Knowledge of Integration of Civilization. English La Regla de Oro de la Civilidad y el Mandamiento Único del Principio Universal del Conocimiento de la Integración de la Civilización. Español La règle d’or de la civilité et le commandement unique du principe […]

2 Enlightened Democracy dead PaRaDiSe Posmodernity lives

Postmodern Democracy as 5-power State of old 3-powers Modernity plus Media & University. English. Democracia posmoderna como Estado a 5 poderes de 3 poderes modernidad más Medios y Universidad. Español. Démocratie postmoderne comme État à 5 pouvoirs du 3 pouvoirs modernité plus Médias et Université. Français. Postmoderne Demokratie als 5-Mächte-Staat mit 3 Mächten Modernität plus […]

1 The Lie & the Truth, plus, the Big Lie & the Big Truth! I

This is about why the world is broken and what to do about integrating it. English. Se trata de por qué el mundo está roto y qué hacer para integrarlo. Español. Il s’agit de savoir pourquoi le monde est brisé et ce qu’il faut faire pour l’intégrer. Français. Es geht darum, warum die Welt kaputt […]

Ballot box or Battlefield?

Ballot box or Battlefield (03/22) Settle differences on the ballot box or on the battlefield. Otherwise, it’s going to be battling it out fascists against socialists. Activating the Insurrection Act, declaring martial law and governing by decree. It’s going to play out to completion once entering a vicious cycle it retro feeds. At the other […]

Lessons learned

Lessons Learned (03/22) What are the “Lessons learned” from 2020 of the Pandemic, political wrestling and economic downturn, and in general of the crisis of Civilization? Well, what’s The Teaching 101, to begin with?

Books, Videos & Website!

Books, Videos & Website! (03/22) Two decades ago, I received the calling to continue making infant incubators, but for humanity. Ever since I’ve been downloading the message and slowly but surely building it into the “Cause”. I started writing books then recording videos to facilitate things and now finally after the previous efforts failed to […]