Ricardo Turullols-Bonilla

Biography (03/22)

I was born in Mexico and raised on the border towns of Ciudad Acuña Coahuila and Del Rio Texas. I got Catholic schooling up to 8th grade, went to Del Rio HS, got my bachelor’s in physics at UT Austin, and a master’s degree in mathematical physics at Imperial College London.

Back in Mexico I taught science at the National Polytechnic for 3 years, then had my own business making infant incubators. I got an MBA from Ibero American U, and did graduate studies in philosophy at the UNAM, and studied theology on my own.

At one point I had a calling to continue making infant incubators, but for humanity. It was then that I decided to return to the United States to pursue my mission. I taught science at Austin ISD from 2005 till retiring in 2019.

It was during this time that I researched and discovered the Universal Principle of Civilization found at Genesis 1:1a/Alef. This Universal Principle of Knowledge is simply that “the one Whole is made of Triad parts”. It must be the simplest, otherwise it wouldn’t be the most general, the universal. 

I ran for Austin City Council 2016, for the US House 2018 intention, US Senate 2020 as write-in, and now for Governor Texas 2022. Politics is a means to an end, of my mission to proclaim this message to rescue our World.

I have four daughters, am divorced, and living in Austin.

Ricardo Turullols-Bonilla