13 INC ’23 Austin, Case Study


This brief is a text podcast, Xpodcast, not your regular talk podcast, Kpodcast. Some people may find this postmodern postrabbinic midrash unsettling to their beliefs, values and interests. Study in group and reading the text while listening is highly recommended.

PaRaDiSe Compliance

The following is a Case Study for PaRaDiSe Compliance of the event Independent National Convention 2023, Austin Texas, INC ’23 Austin, for short. The material studied is based solely on my personal impressions after having attended the three days of the Convention of April 3-5, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. For more details of the event please go to their website https://www.inc23.us/event  

Once there I requested participating in the panels and also to be given an interview so as to present my contribution. I was told that these things are planned months in advance. That said, let this Xpodcast serve my grain of kosher salt contribution to the cause of democracy. The following is embedded with PaRaDiSe cues.


To those who show up.


The following is a list of quotes I heard from the panelists and audience. I don’t remember who said what, exception for the bottom one from Braver Angels who said it to me.  

 “You can’t see the frame if you’re in the picture.

 “Be the change you want to see.

 “Walk the talk.

 “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

 “The future is going to happen to you, or with you.

 “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

 “The future favors the bold.

 “If everybody is thinking the same, then nobody is thinking.

 “The best time was twenty years ago; the second best is right now.


 “Together we rise.”

It’s our independence that unites us.

 “Don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good.

Bruce. “Show up.”

Anonymous. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


The Xpodcasts of the series form a unity. It’s best practice to put theory into practice. Episodes number one (1) to five (5) are foundational, numbers six (6) to eleven (11) are edification, number twelve (12) is the keystone. Thereafter the Xpodcasts will be enhancements to conveying the entrusted message.

Normally, I would do an Xpodcast and then incorporate it into the manuscript with a view of becoming a book. This happened with Xpodcast numbers one (1) to twelve (12). Starting with this number thirteen (13) I’m writing it as part of the now firmly configured book and only later turn it into a Xpodcast. This I’m doing for discipline since the Xpodcast project turned out to be flawed. Podcasts are for listening and Xpodcasts are for reading.

This INC ’23 Austin, Case Study Xpodcast wasn’t meant to be part of the book. But since it played such an important role in bringing about this very book, it somehow won its place, be it in the caboose. Also it’s opportune since it was just celebrated.

Summary of Episodes

Episode 1. Lie and Truth, Big Lie and Big Truth I. The opening episode is about why the world is broken and what to do about it. Why is the world broken? The Lie is that the world is broken because it’s a broken world. The Truth is that the world is broken because we break it. That is, we keep breaking it trying to fix things because we really don’t know how we know that we know what we know.

Episode 2. Enlightened Democracy is dead. Long live PaRaDiSe Postmodernity! The Peoplist Constitution consists of a five (5) power State. That is, on the one hand, the Government composed of the Legislative first (1st) power for laws and the Executive second (2nd) power for order, and, on the other hand, the People composed of the Judicial third (3rd) power for justice, the News Media fourth (4th) power for reliable information, and the University fifth (5th) power for management of the budget. Additionally, People Suffrage triad votes and Children Suffrage by way of their parents.  

Episode 3. Bigger Lie and Bigger Truth II. The Bigger Lie is that the takeaway of the Bible is the Golden Rule. The Bigger Truth is that the One Commandment in the Torah is the Universal Principle of Knowledge as found at Genesis 1:1a/alef. This One Commandment encompasses all the six hundred and thirteen (613) commandments of the sages including the (10) Decalogue of Moses. In gematria, six plus one plus three gives one zero, which reduces to one. (613=>10=>1)

Episode 4. Age of Empowerment of Postmodernity, by PaRaDiSe chatting with God. Coming of age of humanity is all about chatting with God. Chatting with God is all that’s needed for the blessing of creativity. The sweetspot is at Deuteronomy 6:8 with point-origin at Genesis 1:1a/alef.

Episode 5. Biggest Lie and Biggest Truth III. The Biggest Lie is, on the one hand, escapism of Messianism and Mysticism, and, on the other hand, defeatism of Habitual Crisis. The Biggest Truth of the Universal Principle of Knowledge empowers us to integrate Civilization and help save Creation.

Episode 6. Civilization on Israel one, Greece second. The case is made for a creative civilization based on primeval Israel, then derivatively on classical Greece. Primeval Israel means constituting civilization by having Genesis 1:1a/alef for the cornerstone of the Torah. Now that the Truths have debunked the Lies, primeval Israel can play its anointed role in civilization.

Episode 7 PaRaDiSe Application in theory and practice. Sufficient examples are provided from Science-P, Philosophy-R and Religion-D to prove the existence of the underlying Universal Principle of Knowledge-S/ in the Torah Bible.  

Episode 8 Postmodernity, Postrabbinism and Primeval Israelism. Modernity and Rabbinism are dead stars with the secular negating S/ and religion neglecting PRD. Moving forward the thesis of primeval Israel is that Genesis 1:1a/alef is the cornerstone of the Torah. This point-origin as acronym PaRaDiSe uncurls as Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א/בראשית).

Episode 9 Loonlightenment Age of Unreason. This moon enlightened Age of Dualism is masquerading as the Age of Reason of the Enlightenment. The proposal is Israelism as Primeval Israel-S/ Classical Greece-PRD.

Episode 10 Dualism Vaccine. The PaRaDiSe vaccine against dualism is against ignorance which is as the source of all maladies.

Episode 11 Torah, Israel and Civilization. The Torah is the blueprints of creation and of civilization. The Torah was revealed to Moses, to Israel, and to humanity. The Universal Principle of Knowledge in code reads PaRaDiSeS/ Torah-D Israel-R Civilization-P. The chosen and charged with integrating our broken world are the Beney Yisrael Children of Israel.

Episode 12 Matchstick/ Science, Politics and Beyond. This episode is like the Book of Deuteronomy in that as Second Reading it summarizes the previous ones as keystone. In the PaRaDiSe code it’s as Matchstick-S/ Science-P Politics-R and Beyond-D.

Episode 13 INC ’23 Austin, Case Study. A critical review is attempted of such a complex event as occurred in Austin, Texas at the Palmer Events Center on April 3-5. It was the Independents National Convention for the year 2023. Their first convention was back in 2020, then interrupted due to COVID, and this is their second convention.

Executive Summary Thirteenth Episode

Does the INC’23 Austin fall under the umbrella of pursuing Social Justice? In what follows I’ll offer ways to improve things for INC’24. The only thing truly independent from dualism is PaRaDiSe. From brokenness is wholeness. You get the idea.


No prior knowledge is assumed other than familiarity and interest with the quest of chatting with God for a creative civilization. Since we’re starting smack in the middle in order to highlight its importance, we will leave the theory for homework to the listener.

The assignment is to consult my self-published books at Amazon on the empowering approach of PaRaDiSe to integrate civilization and save creation. These books are PaRDeSism Human Science 101 published in 2018, PaRaDiSe Age of Unveilment of Genesis 1:1a/alef in 2019, Principle of World Caring in 2020, Saving Creation in 2021, and The Baby Bang of PaRaDiSe Civilization in 2022 but published till 2023. For ease of understanding, view the videos on YouTube as well as listen to the Xpodcasts. Please visit the website at PaRaDiSism dot org.


Declaration Of United Independents

In following is Declaration of Principles of INC, to the best of my knowledge. Due to space considerations, parts may be abbreviated. Apologies if important material is left out.

250 years ago, the founders of the United States declared independence as an act of visionary leadership to pursue the ideal of government of, by and for the people. After running this extensive national experiment, it’s now our time to declare independence again from political systems that undermine the original promise of life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. As millions of Americans affirm their discontentment with, and independence from, the two-party system, the time has come for independents from a wide range of backgrounds to unite in principle and practice–working together as a United Independent Movement to design, test and institute Good Governance That Improves Quality of Life for All as our prime objective.

Articles of United Independents:

1) Independent Character

We choose to be independent from 1) groupthink, 2) self-serving ulterior motives and 3) tactics of manipulation.

2) United Independent Practice

We choose to practice thinking, speaking and acting our own conscience in service to carefully considering and improving the quality of life for all.

3) Civic Purpose

Our ultimate purpose is to 1) prevent harm, 2) reduce suffering, 3) increase societal efficiencies 4) improve quality of life for all people, and 5) steward our natural world well for future generations.

4) Choice to Rise

We choose to rise above the division of Left-Right polarization, and us-vs-them win-lose thinking, into a new domain of civic discourse that listens to, and integrates diverse perspectives into unifying, creative and synergistic new solutions.

5) Unifying Principles of Good Governance

We align on and work together towards enacting these shared priorities of good governance:

Stark transparency in government, while respecting individual privacy

documented, goal-based representative accountability to progress civic purpose

a distributed, stewardship-based civic culture of engaged citizens

​productive constituent interactivity between each other, and with government officials

​perpetual improvement of public sense-making and choice-making (*voting)

​ongoing technological optimizations to democratic processes and government functions

​an imperative to practice legitimate due process.

6) All-Win Orientation

We are now ready to carefully examine and consider the diverse range of perspectives on any given political topic in order to form a more perfect understanding of our current conditions and earnestly progress all dialogues toward all-win solutions.

7) Coordination for United Independents to Succeed

We commit to work together in high degrees of coordination and relatedness with other United Independents to progress these priorities of good governance and ensure that United Independent candidates are elected into seats of local, state and national stewardship.

8) Independent Identity

While we may also individually identify with other groups, we place our Independent identity at the forefront to associate with all other Independents, despite ideological and group distinctions.

9) Personal Commitment

Of my own free will and personal perspective, I choose to align with this declaration. In signing this document I affirm myself as a United Independent and commit whole-heartedly to contribute my time, energy, attention, resources, access and influence to participating in fulfilling the intents of this declaration to the best of my ability, through the means I deem most appropriate and effective to fulfill our mutual purpose.

About The Independent National Convention

In 2020, the Independent National Union formed to support coordination of the US Independent Sector, and that same year ran the first Independent National Convention (INC) representing many Independent parties across the country and hosting the final 2020 Independent Presidential Debate in partnership with Free & Equal Elections. Now, in 2023, the INU is hosting the second Independent National Convention, held at the Austin Convention Center’s premium location the Palmer Events Center, April 3-5.

The purpose of this convention is to build a vision for our thriving independent civic future and what it will take to create it through a United Independent Movement. We see a more ideal US democracy as possible, including:

Increased transparency & accountability for government and privacy for individuals

Increased constituent interactivity

An empowered civic culture of engaged stewardship

​Improved governance standards for representatives

​New civic technologies including blockchain & AI

​Strict adherence to legitimate due process

​Elected officials who think, speak and act their conscience, in service to the betterment of all they represent.

The US Independent sector is rising with each passing day and as it coalesces into a United Independent Movement, we have a prominent role to play in improving the quality of our local and national governance systems. At this convention and beyond, we aim to leverage the Independent sector as a more neutral space for people of diverse backgrounds to come together, improve our democracy, discuss traditionally polarizing issues from a higher quality of civic discourse, drive common-sense solutions with less identity politics, and rise in leadership and influence to create our most positive future.

The INC does not have a formal policy platform, but has articulated and stands with the

Declaration of United Independents as the guiding principles to establish alignment with partners and stakeholders. If you are aligned, you are welcome to sign it as well.

Click HERE to review the INC ‘23 Austin Advisory Council and a growing list of partners and national leaders of the US Independent Sector who will be converging in Austin this April!

Click HERE to review the funding sources of INC Austin to date.

The INU & INC was founded by Christopher Life, a passionate and determined Independent civic activist.

The INC is produced by the Independent National Union, which is fiscally sponsored by One Nation Life, Inc a CA 501(c)3 political education non-profit. The INU, INC nor One Nation Life participate directly in any electoral or legislative activities. Our purpose is to provide education and foster relationships amongst Independent Americans to support them in progressing their own electoral and legislative ambitions.

Independents Rising Above the Ashes of Failing Systems!

Tired of watching the same old political divisions tear our country apart? Have you grown weary of manipulative partisan talking points and political posturing? Do you want our nation to come together with better solutions, beyond endless cycles of corruption and conflict? What if a new era of unity and independence is upon us, and you have the power to help shape it?

Uniting Independents: A Revolution in Politics

For too long, the enormous population of U.S. Independents has been fractured and fragmented, incapable of rising above the domination of the two-party system… until now. The Independent National Convention is a convergence of independent leaders from across America, joining forces to bring about better solutions and a new kind of synergistic politics, one that is not based on party lines or ideological divisions, but on a shared commitment to work together to drive critical developments in every sector of society. With over 50% of Americans declaring independence from the major two parties, it’s time for us to come together and set a new trajectory for our nation.

Your Chance to Help Shape the Future

We need your contributions and leadership as we all create this path forward, reclaiming our personal power and collective potential. At INC’23 Austin, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with Independent-minded leaders, activists and artists from all over the country assembling to discuss the most important topics of our day. Join this groundswell of change-makers gathering in Austin this April to learn from each other, coordinate efforts, and affirm our resolve to rebirth our nation. 

You’re Invited to This Historic Convergence

Make the choice to come to INC’23 Austin. It will be an unforgettable experience and opportunity to be a part of history-in-the-making. Don’t miss your chance to participate in this revolutionary moment. Register today to secure your spot. Together, we’ll establish this new era of unity and independence, one that will help our nation rise to new heights as we move into our best possible future together.

This ends the exposition of the purpose of the United Independents in their National Convention. Now we’ll make a few passing comments based on the above text and my personal experience at the INC’23 Austin.


Issues and Civilization

Outright my opening comment is that “The issues approach is the Issue.” With the issues approach we’ll be here till the cows come back. Issues and civilization are like the trees and the forest approaches.

The problem with the piecemeal issues approach, besides deceiving people into believing that it is the solution when it’s not, is that it fixes something upfront visible and at the same time breaks something else downback and out of sight. The problem is that the seeds it spreads of controversy only take time for them to flourish and further polarize things for the worse. Not to mention, that it’s fodder for political parties which strive on crisis and chaos to make headway.

Thinking outside the Constitution

Appeal back to the People, and bypass the Legislative. By this I mean that at a panel I attended the topic of discussion was all about the land mine obstacles that the dominant parties in the State Legislatures put in place to eliminate sources of competition. While all that was said was evidently factually and personally witnessed, it hardly does anything to change things. That is, Red Republican and Blue Democratic parties both agree to leave out of the electoral contest the independent candidates and minor parties. And there’s hardly any independent members in local legislatures to do anything about it. It’s like getting into a kick-fight with Samson.

Most if not all who were there were quite aware of this practice to keep it between the two dominant parties. Not just gerrymandering, but raising the bar of signatures and narrowing the window for collecting them, and many more too numerous to mention.

Duocracy or Duopoly

A thing I noticed was the use of the nomenclature of duopoly to describe the two-party system. A term borrowed from economics when referring to monopolies. I couldn’t understand why they didn’t adopt instead the term duocracy, coming from autocracy of political science and philosophy. My suspicion is that it’s easier to talk about numbers and facts than about ideas and proofs.

The issue in question was regarding the entrenchment of duocracy in the USA. Is it because we take after the British with their two-party system? Previously, the British had the Tories and the Whigs, or conservatives and liberals, and now the Tories and Labor, or same conservatives and the liberal, or democratic socialists. Maybe the political system of the United Kingdom has shifted a bit due to the closeness to the Continent and comprised of four  nationalities. Ours, by contrast, perhaps due to its relative isolation is still holding on to a two-party system.

Post American Exceptionalism

Colloquially, there’s a need to turn the page of history. The underlying assumptions of our democracy are Social Justice and American exceptionalism. Neither are PaRaDiSe compliant.

Americanism is heir to anglophone philosophy. Anglophone philosophy is the dominant mode of thought in the United Kingdom, the United States, and other English-speaking nations. By contrast, Continental philosophy is the dominant mode of thought in continental Europe, mainly France, Germany, and other nations as well

This is a verily a case study of a general pattern. The maxim of “the medium is the message” squarely applies here. This applies equally to any other similar event to INC’23 Austin which might be celebrated in the United States. If you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. (Spanish: para maestra basta un botón).

Mea culpa

I must confess not having ever heard of any of the panelists. I must really be missing out on what’s going on in the midst.

My own political offering affected my ability to communicate. I was speaking when I should have been listening. The first day was a shock, the second day frustrating. It wasn’t till the third and last day that I started to enjoy the convention. I then noticed the panelists pouring out their hearts in what they truly believed. 

The impression I got was that the panelists were knowledgeable in their field of expertise, and had recognition from their peers. Of course the topics of the panels and the selection of the panelists didn’t happen by chance. They were chosen by the organizers of the event to their liking.

Most were focused on the national scene, though a few were multinational, and one was global. I did some networking, however minimal.

And pardon me if this podcast appears as if written on my knees. Actually, it’s no better than any of the previous or future ones. The consolation is that if I had more time, it would have come out worse.

Net outcome

What was the net outcome of the INC’23 Austin? For one, it made me put on fast track my project. Putting a time limit. In a very short span of time I put out the last seven (7) Xpodcasts, what would normally have taken me six months. Not only that but other stuff would have attached to it pushing it further still in time.

It also made me recognize that this idea of Xpodcast is flawed. Podcasts are for listening not for reading along to understand. It’s like listening to the radio. Something to be done while multitasking. It’s not like reading philosophy or material for reflection. It’s fast-food thought. All coins that have passed through my hands have an upside and a downside. The upside of this Xpodcast venture of mine is that something good came out of it as this book. The downside another stripe on the tiger of disappointments.  

This means that in life one needs not only something to push you along, but as well something to pull you forward. If not it’s procrastination. Trivially, it’s Me-S/ Pull-D And-R Push-R.


The maxim of PaRaDiSe compliance is that “Only the Torah is revelation, everything else is made-up, and for any claim to be valid it must derive from PaRaDiSe.

This means that we must provide proof, otherwise it’s just opinion, dependent on whom you ask.

Sizing up

I don’t have a scale to measure the Convention to others of similar nature. But comments I heard was that attendance was lower than expected. It made me wonder if it’s because the keystone word “Independent” doesn’t have the charm it used to have. My personal take is that the proposal sounds as if scripted by the AI Chatbot. In other works, it’s sorely lacking originality. By the way, even the rain held back, we enjoyed two days in the nineties and one in the seventies, plenty of sunshine and breeze. Once the event we were followed on Thursday by pouring rains and cold weather.

Pronouncement of Convention

My goal was for the Convention to make the following succinct pronouncement.

#1 Five-power State.

Government of two (2) powers. Legislative first (1st) power and Executive second (2nd) power.

People of three (3) powers. Judiciary third (3rd) power, News-Media fourth (4th) power, and University fifth (5th) power.

#2 Triad (3) votes per person. Person-S/ Beliefs-D Values-R Interests-P.

#3 Child Suffrage. Children entitled to vote via their parents. Mom two of three, Dad one.

Matchstick Proposal

The stepping stone required to get from where we’re presently at and where we want to be is our proposal of Episode 12 Matchstick/ Science, Politics and Beyond. In usual code format by Matchstick is meant Light-S/ Head-D Tinder-R Stick-P.

There is a Universal Principle of Knowledge, acronym PaRaDiSe, as one whole-S/ made of triad parts-PRD. Stepping stone between now and then.

Let’s do the Math

In what follows we’ll crunch out the numbers to demonstrate the veracity of our claim in favor of the above Pronouncement. Starting with Triad votes per person, followed by Child suffrage, which by the way is the completion of Women Suffrage, and finally, the Five-Power State.

Triad votes

Let’s do the math, let’s crunch out the numbers to prove our case. There are three categories of choices, namely, interests-P, values-R, and beliefs-D. These three are a triad and represents what we are as Physical, having interests, Mental, having values, and Spiritual, having beliefs. Our choices should represent what we are. If we’re constituted out of three inseparable yet distinguishable parts, then it would seem to follow that we should have three votes per one person.

Now, we all want our vote to count. So when faced with whom to cast our vote for, our choice is between which of the above three. There are usually two main parties and one vote to cast. The strategy of the parties is to make you choose between one or the other, abstain, or else throw your vote away by choosing a third or minor party, or independent candidate. If you abstain, your vote doesn’t count. If you vote third or minor party, or independent, mostly likely neither will win, so you’re wasting your vote. This takes you back to square one, vote Red Republican Party or Blue Democratic Party.

However, if each person had triad votes, that is, three, instead of one, then every vote cast would count; no matter if voted in favor of mayor parties, minor parties, or for independents. The person could simply split or pool the three allotted votes any way he or she chooses. This would effectively break the hold that mayor parties have on the minds of voters of “make your vote count”, or else “don’t throw your vote away”. By triad voting we would effectively be voting according to our choices, not be bullied to give away our vote.

Child Suffrage

It is necessary to think outside the Constitution. Not even Women suffrage is contemplated in the Founding document, much less Black emancipation. Women more so than men are closely linked to children since conception, birth and rearing. Women suffrage is not complete in practice until this biological linkage gains cultural recognition. Entitling children with the right to vote by way of their parents would make up for bias in a male dominant society. This would also serve to educate children at an early age to be active stakeholders.

Now, being the case that persons would have triad votes, three instead of one, and there being two parents, my guess would be to split it two for mom and one for dad. But this is just opinion, requiring deeper thought on the matter.

Five-Power State

The maxim for PaRaDiSe compliance is that “Only the Torah is revelation, everything else is made-up, and for any claim to be valid it must derive from PaRaDiSe.” Let’s now apply this to our US Constitution. Please go to Xpodcast #2 where this matter is treated in greater detail, including an illustrative slide. I practice this means S/ PRD, with R uncurling into Triad-R of Subtriads Dr Rr Pr.

Substituting the values we have. State-S/ Legislative-D People-R Executive-P, with People-R further uncurling as Judiciary-Dr University-Rr News Media-Pr.

This would update our 1779 XVIII century Constitution to III Millennium XXI century. The transition would be from a state of three powers with two power government and one power a vassal people, to a five-power state with two power government and three powers people.

At present the Judiciary represents the People, but its members are appointed by the Executive and confirmed by the Legislative Senate.  

Problem solving algorithm

Start with the point-origin of things of PaRaDiSe. Leave the problem to be addressed by the Peoplist State of the five powers. In particular, the fifth power of the University with all its studious academics and researchers. Also, the fourth power of the Media, and not forget the general population.

Rescuing Newspapers

Would you be interested in supporting a movement to save, strength the Newspapers?


Succinctly, with PaRaDiSe thesis equation, apply to problem to achieve solution.  Case in point, education. Apply to the problem of the state and come with solution of the five-power state with Media as fourth power and the University as fifth power. The University would be in charge of administering the budget of the state.

Politician, Policician and Theoretician

There needs to be a balance in conventions to make things interesting. Politicians, from politics, policicians, from policy, and theoreticians, from theory.

The politician is about the here and now, about which bills pass, getting elected, and the parties. The policician is about the setting which gives support to the issues in question. The theoretician is about the wall whereon hangs the picture and its frame. The one is about practice-P, the other about reflection-R, and the third about research-D. Usually, the politician is a member of congress, city council, elected or nominated official. The policician comes from the Media, a pundit, a commentator, a news editor, from the non-profits, NGOs, foundations, and so on. The theoretician comes from the universities, a professor, an academic, or a free-lance thinker. Probably, short, medium and long-range planning.

By way of example, school vouchers and teachers’ salaries, education, and civilization, respectively. We are all overly familiar with the politicians and policicians, but much less so with theoreticians. What these later ones provide are narratives, grand theories, big picture view and long duration of things. Normally the former is all we need. But if a crisis persists and is resistant to change, then perhaps conditions are ripe for grand narratives.

Lone Star Forum

I happen to live in a state which has a lone star in its flag. The reason it’s there depends on whom you ask, not surprisingly. But beyond the anecdotic, the reason it’s of relevance here is because it serves our purposes of a point-origin of orientation against the blue day and spotted dark sky at night. Not the whole sky full of stars, or more like a nebula of galaxies, but solely a single star in the sky to serve as orientation.

The question is are we ready for Lone Star leadership, or not just yet? Things still have to slide a bit more or get closer to the edge of the cliff to raise alarm. This brings us to the notion of salon of the Enlightenment period. Today we like to call it more like a tribune of discussion, but basically, it’s the same things. The idea is a tribune, or forum.

Dubitative Creativity

The problem that I’ve encountered, besides problems of my own shortcomings, is that the corporate ventures with their local chapters leave little breathing room for dubitative creativity. They suck all the oxygen from the room. It is hard to speak over the bully-pulpit and the budget.

Capitalism, Socialism and Peoplism

The classical dilemma between socialism and capitalism is left for academics. Our proposal would be Peoplism insofar as it has a state of five powers instead of the usual three.

The problem with democratic socialism is that it’s a wish list. Reality is that we have capitalism and socialism. The problem is how to reinforce the social net without increasing the size of the government. There are things which are essentially public and should therefore be in the hands of the public sector, like armed forces and printing money. Likewise, there are things which are essentially private, liking selling cars and eating out, and should be in the hands of the private sector. So, what has been going on of late in this hybrid model of democratic capitalism is that essentially public things have ended in the hands of the private sector, or else to enlarging the size of the government. Since there’s nowhere else to go, quite simply. 

This would be resolved by Peoplism of the five-power state with the incorporation of the fourth power Media and fifth power University to the democratic capitalist and socialist state. The University in this age of knowledge would henceforth be in charge of the administration of the budget, of that which is not essentially public, to be in the government, nor by default end in the private sector either. By added measure we would be able to finance the existence of the News Media, which isn’t essentially private nor public and which is essential in the age of information.


This question of who should take care of the administration is displayed in city government quite clearly. There’s the city council and there’s the city mayor. In the case of Austin what we presently have is a city manager. That is, the council, including the mayor, has political power in the dais to vote on resolutions, while the monies are administered by the city manager.

The idea at the national level is just a projection of the same model. The Executive and Legislative are the government, but the administration of the monies would be in the hands of the People of the University as the Fifth Power of the State. This would be oversighted by the Fourth Power of the News-Media, amongst its many other functions of informing the public and fact-checking declarations of public and private figures of importance.

There is a need to strengthen the safety net and reduce the size of government. This apparent contradiction actually spells out the path to go. Need to create the People by two powers, plus the Judicial, and transfer the administration presently held by the government over to the University, as well as finance the Media to guarantee accountability by free access to information.

Overhauling various aspects of the state, including fifth power of the University and the fourth power of the News Media.

Words mean something

Let me be perfectly clear, the following opinion refers to the system not to individual persons. Well intentioned persons have been misguided into committing such a fault. Lying has dire consequences. The misuse of the epithet “Independent” in our broken system is shameless, hypocritical, and putrefactive.

In God we trust

In God We Trust” (also rendered as “In God we trust”) is the official motto of the United States. It was adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1956, replacing E pluribus unum (“Out of many, one”), which had been the de facto motto since the initial design of the Great Seal of the United States. God-S/ In-D Trust-R We-P. It is PaRaDiSe compliant.

Et pluribus Unum

This translates as “Out of many, one”. Or in ordinary English, one out of many. UnumS, et-/, pluribusPRD. It is PaRaDiSe compliant.

They are holding on to the belief that what we have is a democracy, which only accidentally happens to be dominated by two parties, hence duopoly. “In God we trust” and “Et pluribus unum”reflects this congruence. The claim is that what we have is a democracy with duopoly. Instead of calling a spade a spade, we call duocracy a duopoly! Hypocrisy. The protagonists simply don’t have the toolbox to undertake an explanation of what is going on. The belief continues being that of  issues, as in duopoly, and not that the Issue is democracy. That is, duopoly is the issues approach and democracy is the Issue approach.

Democracy addresses civilization, whereas duopoly stays at the cosmetical level of fixing things to appear photogenic. Social justice (lower case j) of duopoly is cosmetical, whereas unqualified Justice (upper case J) of democracy is civilization. The former is accidental, whereas the latter is substantive.


The Convention is no different from collective praying at Church or Synagogue or Mosque, all proportions kept. Noe are PaRaDiSe compliant. Prayer is echo of ourselves. Only chatting is PaRaDiSe compliant.

Restaging or reenactment from, on the one hand, Greek feedback of Socratic, Platonic, and on the other hand, backsliding to Egyptian idolatry. The Greeks had their Eleusis, but it mirrors the Egyptian which is the original version.   

Egypt-S/ Greek-PRD. That is, Idolatry-S/ Demiurge-D No first cause-R Only know nothing-P.


The recommendations are as follows. It had limited success. By take is as follows.

Independent => Creative. National => Global. Convention => Chatting with God. ’23 =>’24, ’25, and so on. Austin => Regional and local. In what follows I will do my very best to explain.

IINO, Independent In Name Only

The independent movement is independent in name only. IINO, for acronym, as in RINO, Republican In Name Only. Pardon the pun, but it explains things quite nicely in user-friendly  terms. This IINO written as “I, I no” passes as sounding like “I, I know”. This sounds like an affirmation followed by a negation of the same affirmation. Like in “I am not”, as if saying “I not whom I say I am”, or “I am not what I say”, or as “I am not what I do”. In cue it would be IINO-S/ Not am-D Not say-R Not do-P. That’s the twisted message of Independentism that comes across.

The IINO’s are the kid brother of Big Brother of the Red RINO and Blue DINO Parties, who likewise aren’t whom they say they are, who are not what they say, nor do what they say they’ll do. In plain English, they talk the talk but don’t walk the talk. IINOism doesn’t represent a challenge to duocracy, and in captioning dissent but falling short only serves to buttress injustice which it is against.

Independentism in itself of is an admission of lack of identity, mission, and project. Iinoism follows in the footsteps of Western civilization of the School of Athens of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. It serves to showcase the underlying void of foundations of dualism upon which rises the social edifice of our vacuous modernity. Socrates in his honesty confesses that he only knows that he knows nothing. Plato that his created Demiurge created reality. Aristotle, that when you can’t prove something it must be because it’s wrong. Our Iinoism believes its own imaginings, seems to think it knows what it doesn’t know, and figures everybody else is wrong by default.

Uses of Independent

With the passage of time the term Independent has come to mean being “out of power”. Can minor parties claim to be independent? At one of the side panel discussion groups there were minor parties like the Libertarian and the Forward, plus maybe others which I might have missed. No Greens. It would be the last straw if they claimed independence being a sizeable party with worldwide presence. Fortunately they didn’t show up. They have shame, which is a start. They’re an integral part of the global system of deceit.

Not that there’s anything wrong with ambition. After all, that’s what makes the world go round. What I object to is appropriating the name independent which is the question of interest here. When something is used to signify pretty much anything, it ends meaning nothing. The only thing truly independent from dualism is PaRaDiSe. From vacuous brokenness is wholeness. You get the idea.

Nowadays everybody who isn’t somebody is independent. Minor parties would need to cease being parties to be independent. They are as much part of the corrupt corporate dehumanizing system in question as their successful big brothers. You’re on the side of government or on the side of the People. But you cannot have the pie and eat it too. That much should be clear by now. Hypocrisy shouldn’t be even allowed at a convention of independents. Just because you’re not making it doesn’t make you independent. I’m not saying that their political platform is flawed, just that they’re not independent.

Independent means independent of government and dependent on the People! Case in point is the funny were it not tragic situation of the Blue party in Red State Texas, claiming being independent because they’re out of power. And the same goes for Red parties in Blue states of New York or California, claiming being for the people when out of luck at the ballot box.

And no, Independentism is not PaRaDiSe compliant.


Minor parties are wannabes not independents in the least, just unsuccessful. Simply wanting a share of the spoils. A word of note. This doesn’t mean that running for office as an individual makes independent. This just makes you not running as a candidate of a party. That’s all.  There’s a lot more to being independent than not being dependent of parties. We need to distinguish the accidental from the substantive. But let’s move on.

Case Studies

Case studies are useful because they allow us to see our flaws when mirrored in others similar to us. It’s lack of awareness on the part of independents that they’ve fallen for the game and are being used to justify duocracy in practice as democracy in theory.

Provincial mentality due to this underlying myopia. No case studies were undertaken for the purpose of comparing and contrasting models of nations. Case in point would be Israel with Palestine and presently its overhauling of the Judicial system. Actually, Israel doesn’t even have a constitution. Imagine that! And regarding Jewish Israel, and Islamic nations for that matter, can you even have a theocratic democracy? Sounds like a living contradiction in terms. Like a Jewish Democracy or an Islamic Republic? And by extension, with respect to the United States, can we even have a Duocratic Democracy or Duopolic Republic? All the above are in the same bag of tricks to fool people into submission.

Definition by negation may be acceptable when it comes to God, who never dies, who is unlimited. As in Ayin sof unlimited (אין סוף). But this is hardly acceptable in human affairs, finite and mortal. Simply to say that you are independent doesn’t say anything, and what’s worse, it’s deceiving by giving a false impression. To be upfront and not be hiding behind rhetoric, you have to say what you are and not what you are not. Otherwise, you’re just pulling the wool over people’s eyes just as much as the government has been pulling it over ours all this time and counting.

What’s worse is that this masterpiece theater serves to showcase as proof that there is democracy since there is freedom of dissent. It is shallow critical of the accidental of duopoly and not critical of the substantive of duocracy.

No hard questions, please

There is this program at YouTube on Jewish history by an accredited and funny historian who constantly requests “no hard questions, please”. The narrative flows nicely but conditioned to no hard rocks be overturned to block the highway. Though it is very instructive, it’s nonetheless cosmetical hiding the forest with so many trees. History is so prone to intertwined facts and fictional narratives that it can’t withstand serious challenges. The same occurs here in the event of the Convention of Independents.

The Independents are accidentally independent but substantively dependent, that’s the problem. The Issue is the issues, and the issues are the Issue. For the same reason that INC has little interest measured by the low attendance, is the reason that independent candidates and so-called independent parties have low numbers at the ballot. It’s time to pack-up and go, or rather to unpack and go.

Wish List program

Their Principles sound more like a wish-list of patches to a broken system than a program. More like cosmetic makeup to cover up the cracks and wrinkles of an obsolete system well past its prime, badly aged, and in free-fall. I’m not sure if there’s an equivalent to dementia in nation states. It covers up the symptoms instead of addressing the underlying character contradictions.

What keeps it going is its power, wealth and trust. Plus the fact that everybody else on the world stage is no better off. We’re all ships cruising the same ocean. In cues, it’s Wealth & Power-P, Prestige-R, Trust-D. Though acting separately.

Communism and Fascism

Communism is no longer cherished as panacea. The Soviet Union collapsed and Red China turned Pink China. The challenge today is that fascism is the new panacea of right-wing radicalism.  


My proposal is found at https://paradisism.org/podcasts/

Please view the following Xpodcast. 12 Matchstick/ Science, Politics and Beyond.

And yes, this pronouncement is PaRaDiSe compliant. But let’s clarify what we mean by this hard condition of PaRaDiSe compliance to claim validity.

PaRaDiSe Model

This is a Brief.The acronym PaRaDiSe stands for the Universal Principle of Knowledge. It is in turn shorthand for Secret-S/ Discover-D Remit-R Plain-P.  

Commonsense premise. The closer to the truth that a principle of knowledge is, the more issues are resolved. Hence, the biggest truth, the Universal Principle of Knowledge, resolves all issues. Pretty straight forward, not much to explain. Like in what part of yes or no don’t you understand.

Things are like a coin. Sometimes it’s easier to explain by way of example using common sense than by concepts. There’s a side facing us, the real, there’s also the flip side facing away from us, the imaginary. Though the sides don’t touch they are connected by the rim. The coin comprises the whole, while the parts of side and flipside and rim comprise the triad.

However, while the coin may prove intuitive, it is hard to work with. Let’s instead use the right triangle in a complex grid. The real side of the coin would stand for the horizontal real axis, the flip side would stand for the vertical imaginary axis, while the rim would stand for the  hypotenuse. Let’s call the whole Sod Secret S (סוד). Next, we have the front side of the coin, the horizontal real side of the triangle which we denominate as Peshat Plain P (פשט). This is because it’s what’s plainly in front of us and serves as reference. Next would come the flipside of the coin, the vertical imaginary side of the triangle which we denominate as Derash Discover D (דרש). This is imaginary because it’s in our imagination and we have to discover it by turning the coin. Finally, this leaves the rim of the coin, the hypotenuse of the right triangle which we denominate Remez Remit R (רמז). This is so because it remits us from the front to the back of the coin, and from the back to the front, as it were.

One last thing, we have to find a way to signify the whole, which is in our hearts somehow, and the parts which are in the universe. This we accomplish simply by a forward slash (/) joining or separating the one whole-S and the triad parts-PRD, as in S/PRD.

The one whole is made of triad parts. That is, the one whole S/ is made of triad parts PRD, same which we express as the sign S/PRD. To this nomenclature made solely of consonants we now add a few vowels to make it into a recognizable word. From right to left as the sign S/ PRD, or the other way around as th sign S/ DRP. With vowels a-a-i-e and reading the sign S/ DRP right to left we would have PaRaDiSe.

The vowels we’ve chosen identifies our PRDS as primeval PaRaDiSe. Had we chosen the vowels a-e, we would have the medieval PaRDeS.By this procedure we have the acronym PaRaDiSe standing for the Universal Principle of Knowledge.The claim is that PaRaDiSe as the Universal Principle of Knowledge underlies all knowledge. This means that it serves as the master key, as the cornerstone of the social edifice, and so on.

Mention is made in passing that the ten (10) Sephirot of PaRDeS Kabbalah are reproduced by PaRaDiSe Kabbalah by way of the one whole and the triad of triad parts. That is, that three times three makes nine, adding one to nine (1+9=10=>1) makes ten, which in turn reduce to one (1). Note that while the medieval PaRDeS requires the whole cloud of the Bible TaNaKh to understand it, the primeval PaRaDiSe requires solely the point origin at Genesis 1:1a/alef.

Success and Failure

Success or failure ultimately depend on what you make of it. Depends on what you get out of it. Laudable, yet in general, limited success, which means the flipside as limited failure as well. What were the lessons learned, the takehome messages. Creative, but create what?

AI Chatbot

It was a common occurrence in the first panels to first to hear what the AI Chatbot had to say about the discussions. Later it stopped being played. It happened with two of the panels chaired by Chris. Was it because it was too hard a critique on the panelists that the Bot could say it better, or was it because the Bot wasn’t saying anything other than generalities. It sounded like summarizing, or middle of the road, net sum zero. My impression was that people didn’t like it, for whatever reason. Or because they didn’t like what they hear on the mirror.

Opinion and Knowledge

If not sourced from a principle, then it’s opinion, not knowledge. But opinion could be right, and knowledge proved wrong when the principle source is debunked, and the opinion is right if it raises a new principle in its place.

Language conditions thought

English and German are an adjective first/ noun second language, whereas Spanish, and French, is a noun first/ adjective second language. In code, Thought-S/ Noun-D Verb-R Adjective-P. Now for convenience, let’s assign Thought-T, Noun-N, Verb-V, and Adjective-A. This would make English AVN, that is, English-PRD language. And this would make Spanish NVA, that is, Spanish-DRP. In other words, English S/PRD and Spanish S/DRP, but for short and simplicity we’ll use English-AN and Spanish-NA, with AN standing for Adjective-Noun and AN standing for Noun-Adjective, instead of our usual English-PRD and Spanish-DRP.  

A little background may help to put things in perspective. There are two schools of philosophical thought today, Continental and Anglophone. It may sound and is a strange classification. One would expect something like realism and idealism, or words to that effect. But no, it’s actually based on where they live and what language they speak. Continental philosophy refers to thinkers who live in continental Europe, and Anglophone philosophy refers to thinkers who speak English.  

One way to compensate for this philosophical bias in deliberation would be bilingual English/  Spanish conferences. But in the case of the Americas then there’s also French and Portuguese. Of course, in Europe it’s more complicated. You can’t leave the Deutsch out, nor the Italians.

Can there really be national conferences in a globalized world? Yes, and no. Legally nations have their own laws, but ideas are global.

As politics, this independents’ convention falls under Anglophone philosophy insofar as English is the spoken language. The medium is the message updated means that English spoken language in practice comes out as analytical philosophy in theory. Technology triumphing over substance. Driven by mechanics not by ideas. Driven by “how-to” more so than “why-so”. Or previously as “know-how” more so than “know-why”.

Analytical comes quite naturally, and thus catches people unawares of the English-Adjective/ Noun language proclivity. A remedy countering this inclination would be bilingual conventions. The natural inclination is accidents over substance, or differences over similarities. Perhaps an example may help clarify the point in question, say the tall brown horse. By accidents is meant that the horse could be short, or black and not tall nor brown and still be substantively the same horse.

In other words, speaking English translates as practice over theory. Try it yourself. Express an idea naturally in an Adjective/ Noun language and then try saying it in a Noun/ Adjective language. Or the other way around. It just sounds like a Bot speaking to the person in the other language. It comes across as not in the least authentic. Like posing. We’ll leave it at that.

Underlying assumption of monolingualism

An underlying assumption is that oral convention and written convention modes are the same. That language doesn’t matter.

Monolingualism is a byproduct of Dualism. This is further aggravated and fixed by the noun and adjective sequencing. Case in point Adjective-P Noun-D of English, and Noun-D Adjective-P of Spanish. More technically Accidents-P Substantive-D.

Half-way solutions

The problem with half-way solutions is that they become part of what’s blocking going to the bottom of things. In the process of becoming part of the solution they also turn into part of the problem. Short-term solutions long-term problems.

Activism with reflection. Partial solutions turn partly solution to the problem, and also exacerbate the problem by becoming part of the solution and part of the problem. Case in point, minor parties. They’re independent from mayor parties, but block independent individuals from succeeding. They don’t succeed nor let others succeed either. Divided we stand and united we fall.

Written and Oral Convention

Independents are defined negatively, by what they’re not. This means not dependent on the Red Republican Party nor on the Blue Democratic Party. But in this sense, it’s demonstrating being dependents, by definition, on not being them.

Reinvent ourselves?

Reinvent ourselves? No, not invention but derivation from Revelation from the Torah PaRaDiSe.


Hope was mentioned but not  sufficiently stressed. Hope in Spanish translates as “esperar” which means to wait. But wait for what?


It was mentioned that care had been taken to balance the sexes, the races, the ages, and other factors. There was a good mix of women and men, blacks and whites, young and old, and so on. Again, the measurable was well taken care of, but not what’s underlying and out of view, like ideas.

Debit Card lost and found

And yes, I lost my debit card when I paid for coffee and a cookie, but after three days it showed up. Just want to thank to all those who made it possible.


How did INC’23 Austin affect me, that is the question. Sometimes in life what’s needed is a shock to turn the page and move from one’s present state of stupor.

Democracy, Social Justice and Civilization

Democracy is broken because civilization on which it stands is broken underneath. This means transitioning from “Social justice” to “Civilization”.

This we now proceed to do regarding democracy, whether it should be guided by skin-deep social justice or by something underneath.

Democracy is broken because civilization on which it stands is missing. This means transitioning from “Social justice” to “Civilization”. To fully understand this transition would require engaging with the relevant text Deuteronomy 16:18-20, from Parshah Shoftim Judges (שֹׁפְטִ֣ים).

For your benefit this empowerment approach of primeval kabbalah is extensively employed in the Xpodcasts.

Deuteronomy 16:18-20

Deuteronomy 16:18 Shoftim veshotrim. Judges and magistrates.

שֹׁפְטִ֣ים וְשֹֽׁטְרִ֗ים תִּֽתֶּן־לְךָ֙ בְּכׇל־שְׁעָרֶ֔יךָ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יְהֹוָ֧ה אֱלֹהֶ֛יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לְךָ֖ לִשְׁבָטֶ֑יךָ וְשָׁפְט֥וּ אֶת־הָעָ֖ם מִשְׁפַּט־צֶֽדֶק׃

Judges and magistrates shall you appoint for yourself, in all your gates, which YHVH your God gives to you, for your tribes; and they shall judge chatting with the people, with judgment, that is just:

Comment: Here it’s talking about the installation of the judiciary system made up of judges and magistrates to judge chatting with judgements that are just.

Deuteronomy 16:19 Lo tateh mishpat. Do not bend judgment.

לֹא־תַטֶּ֣ה מִשְׁפָּ֔ט לֹ֥א תַכִּ֖יר פָּנִ֑ים וְלֹא־תִקַּ֣ח שֹׁ֔חַד כִּ֣י הַשֹּׁ֗חַד יְעַוֵּר֙ עֵינֵ֣י חֲכָמִ֔ים וִֽיסַלֵּ֖ף דִּבְרֵ֥י צַדִּיקִֽם׃

Do not bend judgment, do not show deference to individuals; and do not accept a gift, for the gift will bend the eyes of the wise, and will twist words that are just:

Comment: Here it’s talking about the practice of the judiciary system. This is saying that the administration of justice should mirror the same rules as the interpretation of the Torah as set out in Deuteronomy 4:2 of not adding or subtracting, and in 5:29 of not leaning right or left.

Deuteronomy 16:20 Tzedek-tzedek, tirdof. Justice-justice, shall you pursue.

צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק תִּרְדֹּ֑ף לְמַ֤עַן תִּֽחְיֶה֙ וְיָרַשְׁתָּ֣ אֶת־הָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃        

Justice-justice, shall you pursue; so that you will live, and you shall possess chatting with the land, that YHVH your God gives to you:

Comment: In biblical Hebrew there were no spaces between words, punctuations marks signaling end of sentences, much less capitalization of letters, not to mention the absence of vowels altogether. This leaves us on our own to figure the meaning of the wording of the specific verse in the context of the whole Pentateuch five books of Moses.

The perennial question is what is the case here with the apparent repetition of the word “justice”, as in “Tzedek-tzedek Justice-justice (צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק)”? Since the norm which justice should comply with is the Torah, as above mentioned, and since the Torah as Teaching one zero one (101) is about civilization, it would seem to follow that the first Justice is referring to Civilization and the second justice refers to the judiciary detailed in the previous verses. The first Justice written in upper case with the second justice written in lower case. Much like substantive Noun first followed by accidental Adjective second.

Thus, we would have that Justice-Civilization as Justice-S, and justice-judiciary practice as justice-P. But in the Principle of Universal Knowledge of PaRaDiSe as S/ PRD, we have the forward slash playing an important role separating the one whole-S from the Triad-PRD. This would seem to imply that the slash would occupy the space between them, as if separating them all the while joining them, as it were. In this case, the slash would play the role as /-D. This would then leave the remainder as pursue-R. This has to be in order for pursue-R to unfold in turn as Subtriad-R unto Dr Rr Pr. This would further fill the text provided. In all, said verse would then be coded as said:

Deuteronomy 16:20 Tzedek-tzedek, tirdof. Justice-justice, shall you pursue.

צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק תִּרְדֹּ֑ף לְמַ֤עַן תִּֽחְיֶה֙ וְיָרַשְׁתָּ֣ אֶת־הָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃        

“Justice-S /-D justice-P, shall you pursue-R; so that you will live-Dr, and you shall possess chatting with the land-Rr, that YHVH your God, gives to you-Pr:”

Alternatively, assigning the consonants and slash differently, we would have as follows.

Deuteronomy 16:20 Tzedek-tzedek, tirdof. Justice-justice, shall you pursue.

צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק תִּרְדֹּ֑ף לְמַ֤עַן תִּֽחְיֶה֙ וְיָרַשְׁתָּ֣ אֶת־הָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ׃        

“Justice-S/ justice-D, shall you pursue-R; so that you will live-P, and you shall possess-Dr chatting with the land-Rr, that YHVH your God, gives to you-Pr:”

The point in the above thorny argument is to demonstrate that for any claim to be valid it has to be PaRaDiSe compliant. Recall that “Only the Torah is revelation, everything else is made-up, and for any claim to be valid it must derive from PaRaDiSe.” This is telling us the “Social Justice” is not a valid claim. That the valid claim is Civilization. That is, that Social Justice is effect of the cause Civilization.

Justice as civilization, upper case, and justice lower case as administration of justice of the judiciary. Justice lower case is not stand-alone, but rather rides on the coattails of Civilization. That is, sidestepping Civilization as cause and erroneously making “Social Justice” the cause is the effect of Dualism which is what’s haunting Independentism in this English-speaking national convention.


 We can’t really change anything unless we change everything starting at the point-origin of things. That is, that Social justice, with lower-case justice, being half-way is likewise half part of the problem and half part of the solution. That only Civilization Justice, with upper-case Justice, being at the beginning of culture, can be nothing of the problem and wholly the solution.

Only striking the matchstick of PaRaDiSe Civilization can the goals of independentism achieve their lofty goals. A cordial invitation is extended to consult the other Xpodcast of the series for a fuller grasp of what’s herein proposed moving forward.
