Since youth I’ve inquired why is the world broken. Maybe in its infancy humanity didn’t know any better, but updated, why is the world just as broken today as it was before Revelation of the Bible Teaching by you know Who to Moses at Mount Sinai?
As physics teacher I understand knowledge as acquiring problem-solving skills. So, if they were taught the Torah Teaching back then, how come things remain broken today?
The short answer is that either the Holy Book is fake, or else the sages of olde missed the takeaway, either by omission, bad exegesis of Lesson 101, or by commission concealed it posing as gatekeepers.
It was revealed to humanity by “Who” and concealed by the sages of Israel, then later the Greek friends of wisdom oblivious of the Fact did what they could with what was at hand, further deepening the rift of dualism unto today’s chasm.
Moreover, there’s no need for middlemen for we’re all equally caretakers of Creation.
The Earth simply can’t afford another three thousand years of deism religion generating Messianism and of humanism science inventing Evolution. They are both are equally misguided extremes from right & left jointly producing polarization.
The good news is that we’re finally free to creatively make whole our broken world, after having gone full cycle from Revelation, to concealment, and to unveilment.
It’s high time to deliver on the goods of being “Light unto the nations of the world” and get some deserving love for it.
In plain English, Genesis 1:1a/א states “Creation by the Creator of the Creative creature!“
Holding my breath, I can say that the Bible Takeaway is “The Whole-S is made of Triad-PRD parts”. It must be the simplest to be the most general, the universal.
This Teaching of the “Universal Principle of Knowledge” plays the role of Baby Bang of Civilization of the University, equivalent to the Big Bang of Creation of the Universe.
Unfortunately for the World-at-large, the cue takeaway left by Moses as cornerstone for the social edifice was misread by Israelis and Greeks alike, one turning it into deism religion and the other into humanism science, of monism and atomism, respectively. This thus birthed dualism of today’s broken World instead of holism of PaRaDiSe.
Israelis and Greeks are both half-right and half-wrong, all the time. It’s this duo of Israeli religion vis-à-vis Greek science what’s tearing the Earth apart, only PaRaDiSe holism can make it whole again for once!
My request to you is to help avoid the Crisis of Values, Chaos of Civil Strife, and eventual Collapse of Civilization.
Thus, I’m summoning Congregations, Universities, and Communities to help make our world whole once and for all time. Please do your part making it happen from your niche of influence.
In a nutshell, the “Whole-S / Triad-PRD” PaRaDiSe Theory of Things project is Genesis 1:1a/Alef-S / Universal Principle of Knowledge-D, Democracy & Beginism-R, American Universal Constitution-P.
Please review my books at Amazon, videos at YouTube, and here at for details.