7 PaRaDiSe App in theory and practice


Only the Torah is revealed, all else is made-up. The world is broken because of the one and only reason that it’s made up. Just like there’s only One God over a pantheon of gods, likewise, there’s only one Universal Principle of Knowledge-S/ over Religion-D, Philosophy-R and Science-P. The alternative to the broken world of dualism is a civilization integrated by PaRaDiSism. The proof provided is of illustrative examples taken from the triad fields of knowledge-PRD above mentioned.


Given the richness of its content this is a text Podcast, or XPodcast, and not your regular talk Podcast. That said, some people may find the kabbalistic, theological, philosophical, and scientific content unsettling to their beliefs, values and interests. Listener discretion, study in group, as well as reading the text while listening to the XPodcast is highly recommended. However much each episode is self-standing, yet they do build on each other to provide the mainframe for a creative civilization moving forward.


To chatting with God for world creativity.


Aaron ben Jacob ha-Kohen, Orchot Hayyim. The Paths of Life. “It is a mitzvah commandment to innovate on the Torah.”  

Deuteronomy 6:7-8. “Take these sayings to your heart…and speak about them on the way.”

Deuteronomy 10:17. “For YHVH your God…who doesn’t show favor and doesn’t accept bribe.”

Anonymous. “There’s nothing to it, but to do it.”

Summary of the Episodes

Episodes one (1) to five (5) are foundational. Nobody buys intangibles. No one buys a house because it has great foundations. Rather what’s above ground is what sells, and only after marketing puts it out there. But when you do decide to buy a house, you sure want it to have good foundations. XPodcast number six (6) starts the edification of the social construct and number ten (10) is its finale.

Episode 1. Lie and Truth, Big Lie and Big Truth I. The opening episode is about why the world is broken and what to do about it. Why is the world broken? The Lie is that the world is broken because it’s a broken world. The Truth is that the world is broken because we break it. That is, we keep breaking it trying to fix things because we really don’t know how we know that we know what we know.

Episode 2. Enlightened Democracy is dead. Long live PaRaDiSe Postmodernity! The Peoplist State consists in going from a three (3) to a five (5) power State. That is, on the one hand, the Government would consist of the Legislative first (1st) power for laws and the Executive second (2nd) power for order, and, on the other hand, the People consisting of the Judicial third (3rd) power for justice, the News Media fourth (4th) power as overseer of information, and the University fifth (5th) power for Administration of the budget. Additionally, transition from one person one vote to one person triad votes, and children entitled to vote by way of their parents or legal guardians.  

Episode 3. Bigger Lie and Bigger Truth II. The Bigger Lie is that the takeaway of the Bible is the Golden Rule. The Bigger Truth is that the One Commandment in the Torah is the Universal Principle of Knowledge as found at Genesis 1:1a/alef. This One Commandment encompasses all the six hundred and thirteen (613) commandments of the sages including the ten (10) commandments given to Moses at Sinai.

Episode 4. Age of Empowerment of Postmodernity, by PaRaDiSe chat with God. Life is all about chatting with God. All we have to do to get the blessing of creative self-therapy of empowerment is to chat with God. The sweetspot for chatting with God is at Deuteronomy 6:8, with ultimate point-origin in Genesis 1:1a/alef.

Episode 5. Biggest Lie and Biggest Truth III. The Biggest Lie is escapism of Messianism, Mysticism, and defeatism of Crisis as usual. The Universal Principle of Knowledge is the Biggest Truth. Genesis 1:1a/alef empowers us to integrate civilization and help save Creation.

Episode 6. Civilization on Israel one, Greece second. The case is made for a creative civilization based on primeval Israel, then derivatively on classical Greece. But for Israel to constitute civilization requires having Genesis 1:1a/alef as the cornerstone of the Torah. Now with the Lie, Big Lie, Bigger Lie and Biggest Lie exposed, debunked, and out of the way, Israel can finally play its anointed role in history.

Episode 7 Ample examples from science, philosophy and religion are provided as evidence of the existence of the underlying Universal Principle of Knowledge at work in the Torah Bible.

Executive Summary

Episode 7 projects the foundations of the Social Edifice for the III Millennium. Today’s Age of Enlightened Reason based on Greece is a dead star. The new Age of PaRaDiSe Empowerment would be based on primeval Israel, and only derivatively on dualistic Greece.

Civilization based on Israel then Greece. The cornerstone of the Torah is Genesis 1:1a/alef. The Torah is the constitution of civilization and the blueprints of creation. Now with the Lie, Big Lie, Bigger Lie and Biggest Lie exposed, debunked, and out of the way, Israel can finally move forward unimpeded. Numerous examples are provided from science, religion and the humanities to make the case of founding civilization on primeval Israel.

The Age of Enlightened Reason of Modernity is broken because it’s based on ancient Greece which lacks foundations. Th contemporary state of chaos of Crisis as usual is courtesy of, on the one hand, of dualism of Greece, and on the other hand, of Messianism and Mysticism of Israel. The Age of PaRaDiSe Empowerment of Posmodernity for a creative civilization would be based on an Israel with point-origin at Genesis 1:1a/alef.


No prior knowledge is assumed in order to understand the basic content other than familiarity and interest with the quest of chatting with God for the creative blessing of empowerment. All concepts and vocabulary required will be provided in due course. In order to highlight its importance we’re starting smack in the middle and not at the beginning. However, since this is in  detriment to systemic exposition, we will have to leave the theory for homework to the listener. The books are the source and the Xpodcasts its divulgation. But you can just as well breeze ahead enjoying listening to the episodes.

The cautionary recommendation is to consult my self-published books at Amazon to get a good handle on the empowering approach of PaRaDiSe. These books are PaRDeSism Human Science 101 published in 2018, PaRaDiSe the Age of Unveilment of Genesis 1:1a/alef in 2019, Principle of World Caring in 2020, and Saving Creation in 2021. To facilitate understanding, there are seventy (70) or so videos on YouTube on topics taken from the books. Additionally, there are the other XPodcasts in this series at my website PaRaDiSism dot org.



The problem with the Age of Enlightened Reason is that there’s a disconnect between Greece and Israel. Greece is kept as the kingdom of the secular with Israel as the kingdom of religion. Things make sense if we keep things separate, each in its own sphere. The problem is that the world is one, not two halves of dualism. By keeping things separate we break the whole world into two worlds which don’t touch.

Some people have no problem while others go autistic or simply mad. To put them together is easier said than done. This is where the practical solution of religious tolerance comes into the picture with separation of Church and State. But the underlying inconsistency is latent and won’t go away and eventually comes back to haunt us as the chaos and the Crisis as usual we have today. Much like at the beginning when the earth was chaos and crisis veha’áretz haytha tóhu vavóhu (וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ).

But now that we’ve mentioned it, let’s quote Genesis 1:2-3 to have it close up for scrutiny and make our point.

Genesis 1:2-3

1:2 Veha’áretz haytha tóhu vavóhu. And the earth was crisis and chaos.

וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ וְחֹ֖שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵ֣י תְה֑וֹם וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם׃

Veha’áretz haytha tóhu vavóhu, vechóshekh al peney tehom; verúach Elohim, merachéfeth al peney hammáyim:

And the earth was crisis and chaos, with darkness, over the surface of the deep; and a wind from God, sweeping over the waters:

Comment: This spells out Earth-P, Deep-R, Wind-D acting separately, three parts not making a triad to provide a whole. The result of this separateness is the reign of chaos and habitual crisis.

Darkness over the face of the deep means that things get in the way through our eyes blocking our inner vision.  

1:3 Vayyómer Elohim. And said God.

וַיֹּ֥אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֖ים יְהִ֣י א֑וֹר וַֽיְהִי־אֽוֹר׃

Vayyómer Elohim, Yehi ‘or; veyehi ‘or:

And said God, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

Comment: By the look of things, back then the fix lasted for another few hundred years. But now the cracks are beginning to show and threatening the whole social edifice. To illustrate what we’re talking about we could use the original Genesis 1:1a/alef. But let’s leave it as is and take up instead Genesis 1:2-3. Recall our claim that PaRaDiSe is the Universal Principle of Knowledge, such that these verses should work just as well. This being the case, once properly identifying the respective parts we would have as follows, inverting the order of appearance for convenience:

1:3 Vayyómer Elohim. And said God.

And God said, “Let there be light-S(”; and there was light-S/.

Comment: And the earth was crisis and chaos-P, with darkness, over the surface of the deep-R; and a wind from God, sweeping over the water-D:

The transition we need to make between Israel and Greece is facilitated by properly identifying the consonants and tagging the parts of the verses. Our hypothesis takes the shape of the acronym PaRaDiSe, standing for Whole-S / Triad-PRD. Now we provide the following characterization of the Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א/בראשית) as is the norm. Passing from principle to application this unfolds as PaRaDiSe (פרדס) from primeval Kabbalah. Normally this is expressed as Sod Secret (סוד)-S / Derash Discover (דרש)-D Remez Remit (רמז)-R Peshat Plain (פשט)-P.

PreSocratics as steppingstone

The steppingstone between Israel and Greece is Ionia, a Greek colony in the VI century before the common era (bce) in ancient Persia, what is today the coast of Turkey on the Aegean Sea. That is, the preSocratics of Ionia of the VI century bce occurred between the Moses of Israel of the XI century bce and the School of Athens of Greece of the IV century bce. Historians of this period naturally ask themselves the question where did these preSocratic thinkers get their fire from. The consensus is that it was not from Hesiod’s mythology of Theogony and Works and Days, nor from Homer’s epic poems of the Odyssey and the Iliad. The belief was that these early Greek thinkers got their cue from voyages to the East which they took during their youth. The East then was the Fertile Crescent covering Mesopotamia, Israel, and Egypt. This means that the source of Greek antiquity gets its spark from the Middle Eastern archaic and not from the Greek archaic proper. This is quite a discovery and puts the conventional understanding of civilization on its head.

I developed this hypothesis quite accidentally while doing my research on the preSocratic thinkers. It was originally meant as a masters’ thesis in philosophy, but it was rejected on administrative grounds. So, I self-published it instead as “Triads (The preSocratic origins of dialogical science)” at Amazon in 2012. Without the academic constraints of rigor, I focus my interest on Pythagoras. But I must add that this only came about due to my background on freemasonry which stressed the role of Pythagoras as initiate in the mysteries of the Eleusis. Pythagoras himself didn’t leave any writings behind, but two of his disciples did, and from them I adopted the notion of the Triad.

That said, our claim is that each of the PreSocratic three philosophical Schools and one secret Sect developed in turn an aspect of the Whole-S / Triad-PRD. That is, the Pythagorean Religious Sect developed the Sod Secret (סוד)-S / in their “Tetractys”. The Eleatic School of Parmenides of Elea developed the Derash Discover (דרש)-D of “Being is and not being is not”. The Pythagorean School of Pythagoras of Samos developed the Remez Remit (רמז)-R of the “Triads”. And finally the Milesian School of Thales of Miletus developed the Peshat Plain (פשט)-P of the “Physicists”.

I will mention three Pythagorean thinkers to serve as the missing link between Archaic Israel and Greek Antiquity. I will include the acronym tags nested in their sayings. Ion of Chios DK36B1: “The beginning of my work is: everything is three and nothing more or less than three. The virtue-S / of each thing is a Triad-PRD: intelligence-R, strength-P and luck-D.” The virtue of each thing-S / as concept means that it’s made up of the parts, on the one end of the spectrum Strength-P, the outside Physical, and on the other end Luck-D, the inside Spiritual, and bouncing back and forth between these untouchables was Intelligence-R, the rim Mental.

Another presocratic thinker was Philolaus of Croton (DK44B1): “the nature in the cosmos was fitted together from unlimited-S / and limiters-PRD, both the cosmos as a whole-S / and everything-PRD in it.

Finally, the Pythagorean Oath: “Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy, holy Tetractys-S /, thou that contains the root and source of the eternally flowing creation-PRD!” This “Tetractys” of the early Greek thinkers is the equivalent to the four-letter secret name of God, YHVH (יהוה) the Tetragrammaton of Israel

They’re mentioned here because they purportedly form the missing link between, on the one hand, between YHVH Creator (יהוה) the Tetragrammaton of Moses of PaRaDiSe Whole-S / Triad-PRD, and on the other hand, the School of Athens as above cited. As previously mentioned, the preSocratics receive little to no credit. This being the case, let’s then jump to the next stage in the chain of command. These three form the link between the Revelation in Israel unto theocracy, and the Flowering in Greece unto humanism.


School of Athens

Regarding the School of Athens, the correspondences are the Priesthood of the Eleusis who developed the Sod Secret (סוד)-S / in their Greek Pantheon. Plato developed Derash Discover (דרש)-D of idealism. Socrates developed the Remez Remit (רמז)-R of dialogue as “I only know that I know nothing”. Aristotle developed the Peshat Plain (פשט)-P of realism. The problem is that Plato confessed “not knowing if we’re coming or going from first principles”, while Aristotle proposed a myriad of principles, and Socrates only knew that he knew nothing.

Now seeing Greek thought on its own we get as follows. Greek philosophy-S / boils down to the themes of Truth-D, Beauty-P and the Good-R. From the one universal principle of Moses of the whole-S / made of triad-PRD parts it went downhill to the first principles of the Greeks. Each of the parts is a principle in turn and reigns over the rest, in a separate and indeterminate manner. With time this crystalized into the unifying principle of the Church-S / as kept separate from the powers of the State-PRD.

Greek Antiquity, Enlightenment, and Modernity

Fast forward from Greek Antiquity IV century bce to European Enlightenment of the Modern Era XVIII century ce. This giant leap is justified in that there is a passing of culture as in a relay race from Greece to Rome, through the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, and to the Enlightenment period. Ultimately, our thesis is that the European Enlightenment is heir of Greek Antiquity which in turn is heir of Israeli Archaic of the Mosaic tradition. To understand contemporary times as heir of the Age of the Enlightenment we need to map the Model to these two Ages.

That said, we need to characterize the schools of thought of the Enlightenment and Modernity and link them to our master players of the components of the Primeval Common-Sense Model in its PaRaDiSe App presentation. Namely, just like we did with the PreSocratics, the School of Athens and with the Mosaic Tradition, link them to Sod Secret (סוד)-S / Derash Discover (דרש)-D Remez Remit (רמז)-R Peshat Plain (פשט)-P.

Let’s now map the guiding thread connecting the Enlightenment thinkers with the left, center, and right as guide names for liberalism, independentism, and conservatism, all under Church-S / State-PRD separation. Given its proximity to our times we’ll be more deliberative. All the Enlightenment thinkers believed in Church/ State separation, with the Church under the State, such that Church-S / but under State-PRD. In practice this solution made perfect sense, but in theory it puts things standing on their head.  

That said, let’ then start the narrative. Firstly comes to mind the English Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) who wrote Leviathan (1651), a defense of absolutism. According to him humanity first lived in a state of nature, much like living in the wild, but with time the populations moved from this state to one which protects life-D, property-P, and liberty-R. They drafted a Social Contract-S/ amongst themselves and surrendered their freedom to a king in exchange for security of their three priced possessions. Within our model we identify Hobbes with Sod Secret (סוד)-S /, due to his absolutism, or oneness.

Next comes to mind the English John Locke (1632-1704) who wrote Two Treatises on Government (1690). He shared certain beliefs with Hobbes, such as the need of a social contract. However, he argued that man had natural rights of life-D, liberty-R and property-P in the original state of nature-S/, and that these rights were inalienable in the social contract. Also, that the contract wasn’t amongst the people but rather between the people and the ruler. Within our model, we identify Locke with Derash Discover (דרש)-D of limited ruler reached by consensus under the social contract.

Next comes to mind the French Charles Montesquieu (1689-1755) who wrote the Spirit of the Laws (1748). He argued that it was when people united that war arose, which in turn leads to human laws and government for the purpose of maintaining law and order-D, as well as freedom-R and property-P of the people. He advocated for the three powers of the state as well as checks and balances of power. More to the point he proposed the Legislative-D, Executive-P and Judicial-R powers of the state. He somehow equated the King with the Executive power, the Nobility with the Legislative power, and the Pope with the Judiciary power. Within our model, we identify Montesquieu with Remez Remit (רמז)-R of a state under a constitution of laws.

Lastly, comes to mind the Swiss Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) who wrote an essay entitled the Social Contract (1762). He argued for a state of nature as free-R, equal, peaceful, and happy-D. Then private property-P came into the picture and things went downhill. He argued that the People are sovereign-S / and favored a representative form of government, something like a republic or a democracy. Within our model, we identify Rousseau with Peshat Plain (פשט)-P of the People as Sovereign.

Within the American part of the Enlightenment intellectual movement, there are seven personalities who one way or another share in varying degrees the Sod Secret (סוד)-S / Derash Discover (דרש)-D Remez Remit (רמז)-R Peshat Plain (פשט)-P. These are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. They all participated in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution of the United States of America of 1789. Saying more is beyond my competence, suffice to mention it and move on.

So much for European and American Enlightenment, now onwards to Modernity in general. In broad strokes within our model, we would identify the Church with Sod Secret (סוד)-S /, in its absolutism. There is Church-S/ State-PRD separation just as in PaRaDiSe standing for Whole-S/ Triad-PRD. The Right, or conservatism, we would identify with Derash Discover (דרש)-D. The Center, or independent, we would identify with Remez Remit (רמז)-R for its back and forth. The Left, or liberal, we would identify with Peshat Plain (פשט)-P for its populism.

Applications to Science and Humanities

The following is what I tried to teach to my juvies during my years at Austin Independent School System, with no help from the AP, thank you. Overall I use the Empowerment Approach of Creative-S / Holistic-D, Systemic-R and Heuristic-P. The idea is that once the University plays the role as fifth (5th) power of the State, which is itself an application of PaRaDiSe to politics, it will be in a position to do research all across the board and on a deeper scale. This would trigger blast off of science, humanities and deism in unison! Though, what follows merely signals in the right direction, nothing more.  

Of course, the PaRaDiSe app is just a guiding thread. The researcher still needs to know his trade. This episode does not pretend to be a compendium of universal knowledge. This is just a sample yet illustrative of the bigger picture. It is based for the most part on the subjects I taught at public school.

The idea is that by comparing and contrasting the different applications of PaRaDiSe to the different fields of study will help us better understand how to make the most out of it in each and every field of knowledge. The mainframe for Science is Science-S/ Biology-D Chemistry-R Physics-P.



Newton’s Laws of Motion. First, Second, and Third Laws of Universal Gravitation. Force equals mass times acceleration. (F = ma) By convention in science the unknown, or independent variable, goes on the left side of the equation, and the known, or dependent variables, go on the right side.

The above equation is succinctly expressed, on the left side, as Force (F)-S/, and on the right side-PRD, as mass (m) space (x) time (t). This right side of the equation of mass acceleration in dimensions comes across as mass space divided by time squared. Having acceleration as velocity as space divided by time, and divided in turn by time. It happens to be that Force we identify with the whole-S. It is the result of measurement, not measurable itself as such, rather providing the conditions of possibility for measurement. Using the PaRaDiSe App model we have Force-S = equal/ Mass-P Space-R Time-D. Physics somehow is reminiscent of Genesis 1:2a-d, regarding the earth. Let’s quote the respective verse for clarity.

Genesis 1:2

1:2 Veha’áretz haytha. And the earth was.

וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ וְחֹ֖שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵ֣י תְה֑וֹם וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם׃

Veha’áretz haytha tóhu vavóhu, vechóshekh al peney tehom; verúach Elohim, merachéfeth al peney hammáyim:

And the earth was zero and infinity, with darkness over the surface of the deep; and a wind from God sweeping over the water:

Comment: I fill in infinitely small and infinitely large for unformed and void. This is reminiscent in math of dividing by zero, the left-side, or multiplying by the non-number of infinity, the right-side. 

Big Bang vis-à-vis Eternal Universe

But everything must derive from A/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf, otherwise it wouldn’t be the beginning, meaning that something other is previously the beginning. From PaRDeS Kabbalah the world is broken because of Tzimtzum Contraction (צמצום), the flash of infinite light shattering the vessels and that our job is collecting the shards. But Tzimtzum isn’t mentioned in the Torah, so it must be outside, either before or after. And if it explains the Torah happening, it must come afterwards. But this negates the very idea of A/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf of Creation. Any use of external sources to account for Creation negates Creation in the Torah to begin with. Verdict on Tzimtzum Contraction (צמצום), it is made up.

This takes us to the classical question of the creation of the universe or whether it has always existed. The School of Athens address it frontally. The question is that if there is creation, then there must be a Creator. Contrariwise, if there’s no creation because the universe has always been out there, then there’s no Creator. The argument is basically that simple.

Let’s take it from the top and work our way downwards. Socrates founded the school. He didn’t leave any writings behind, and we know of him from Aristophanes’ comedy The Clouds. Herein he is presented in caricature with sophistic inclinations and sort of atheist. Later, on a more serious note he appears in numerous Socratic dialogues of Plato. For our limited purpose in the dialogue Apology, he exclaims that he “only knows that he knows nothing”, or words to that effect. So, this makes him of little help in our inquiry.

Next in line comes his self-appointed disciple Plato, the founder of the Academy. He claims in his dialogue Timaeus that the universe was created, but explains it by way of a Demiurge, a man-made figure. His explanation is made up. This means that the universe was created, yes created and not always there, but in our own creative imagination. That there is a Creator, but created by us, creatively made-up by us. So, this doesn’t help much either. Even though it’s philosophy not literature, it amounts to the same. Reason of philosophy takes backseat to fantasy of mythology. Plato endorsed a “Fictional Universe” creation by a Demiurge. That is, his account of Creation was a figment of human imagination. Philosophy fiction much like Science fiction of today.

This takes us finally to the interesting case of Aristotle, the founder of the Lyceum. In his book Physics Aristotle endorsed the “Eternal Universe” based on his argument about the impossibility of an infinite regression to a first cause. Therefore, according to his reasoning, in order to safe reason from chaos, he concluded that there was no Creation. Aristotle endorsed the Steady State Universe based on the impossibility of an infinite regression in time to a first cause. After all is said and done, the Aristotelian argument can be summarized as follows. Aristotle saved his ass, dualistic reason, and Greece from oblivion, but threw humanity into a tailspin. That is, faced between, on the one hand, an inherent contradiction in reason, and on the other hand, dropping creation, he simply chose to save reason and proclaim the eternity of the universe. This amounts to saying that what you cannot explain must be because it must be wrong to begin with.

For reference we’ll include Moses of Israel who endorsed Creation of the Universe by the Deity. His account appears in the One Creation Story of the Seven Days in Genesis 1:1-2:3. Bear in mind that Moses had to write in code to be understood both by the society of the archaic period all the while for all ages afterwards.

The PaRaDiSe’s argument herein presented is similar to Aristotle’s impossibility of an infinite regression to a first cause, just that we arrive at a diametrically opposite conclusion. And all this is mostly because we start from the Universal Principle of Knowledge as reason, and not from the reason of dualism. Aristotle concludes in favor of the permanent universe in order to save reason, we conclude favoring Creation and instituting a new reason. 


Cosmology covers the Big Bang, Inflation Theory and the Cosmic Background Radiation.

The above narrative of the forever universe sadly reminds me of the present state of cosmology. This connects with what we were saying in philosophy about Creation or Permanent Universe with Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. At present in physics, we have Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation and Inflationary Theory. The idea is that, regarding the Big Bang, we can only tell a few instances after time equal zero. This means that measured time doesn’t actually start at time equal zero, but a small fraction of a second afterwards. In other words, the beginning is not at the beginning, as it should. But then, where did mass-P space-R time-D come from if not from the point of the Big Bang-S/? Within our scheme of understanding things, the Main Triad-PRD unfolded in turn into a Triad of Subtriads, from three to nine dimensions. One and nine makes ten.

The problem with cosmology in its present state is that it doesn’t account for ninety five percent (95%) of the universe out there. This huge amount goes under the code name of dark matter and grey energy, euphemism for not knowing what they are. Roughly seventy percent (70%) of the Universe is made of dark energy, and dark matter makes up about twenty five percent (25%). The subliminal message is that civilization is in no better shape than cosmology, all proportions kept. Cosmology as part of civilization reflects in the specific the malady of the universal. Only the University as creative fifth (5th) power of the state and guided by PaRaDiSecould help solve this riddle. This topic touches the Constitution of the Peoplist State. The listener is referred  to #2 XPodcast for details. This is ongoing research.


Standard Model, Gravity and Dark Interaction

The Standard Model of particle physics is the theory describing three of the four known fundamental forces in the universe and classifies all known elementary particles. (Electromagnetic, Weak and Strong interactions, excluding Gravity)

Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter thought to account for approximately eighty five percent (85%) of the matter in the universe. Dark matter is called “dark” because it does not appear to interact with the electromagnetic field, which means it does not absorb, reflect, or emit electromagnetic radiation and is, therefore, difficult to detect.

In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy is an unknown form of energy that affects the universe on the largest scales. The first observational evidence for its existence came from measurements of supernovas, which showed that the universe does not expand at a constant rate. Rather, quite puzzling the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

The strong interaction, or strong force, is a fundamental interaction that confines quarks into proton, neutron, and other hadron particles. The strong interaction also binds neutrons and protons to create atomic nuclei, where it is called the nuclear force. What keeps things together.

The weak nuclear interaction, or weak force, is the mechanism of interaction between subatomic particles that is responsible for the radioactive decay of atoms. What allows things to separate.

Electromagnetism is an interaction that occurs between particles with electric charge via electromagnetic fields. There are no magnetic monopoles, and this force appears solely as a field, as distinct from the electric force which is a field emanating from a charged particle. The electron is negatively charged, and the proton is positively charged.

In physics, Gravity (from Latin gravitas “weight”) is a fundamental interaction which causes mutual attraction between all things with mass or energy. Gravity is, by far, the weakest of the four fundamental interactions, approximately one thousand thirty-eight (1038) times weaker than the strong interaction, one thousand thirty-six (1036) times weaker than the electromagnetic force and one thousand twenty-nine (1029) times weaker than the weak interaction. As a result, it has no significant influence at the level of subatomic particles. However, gravity is the most significant interaction between objects at the macroscopic scale of the whole universe, and it determines the motion of planets, stars, galaxies, and even light.

The approach of what follows is in adherence to PaRaDiSe, though the results are certainly wrong. This is provided merely to showcase the approach to creative research. But additionally, bear in mind that the present state of the theory is also wrong. This is the sense that what it claims is partly right, but doesn’t incorporate gravity in its explanation of the forces. But most importantly, even with general relativity of gravity attached to the mainframe of the Standard Model of the Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic interactions, it still doesn’t account for eighty-five percent (85%) of the matter of the universe. With this in mind, let’s proceed. The model is viable to change as we proceed.

 Let’s say that existence, as what is, plays the whole-S role. This uncurls in massspacetime as the Main Triad-PRD, which in turn can further uncurl as Triad of Subtriads. But more to the point, the Main Triad-PRD uncurls first from the Reflect-R as Dr Rr Pr. This Remez-R is the one element of the Triad which plays the role of the rim in the coin analogy. For the sake of argument, let’s assign the known interactions. Since the Weak-Strong interaction is what keeps things tidy at the small scale, both integrating and disintegrating, let’s assign it Derash Discover-D to these. Since Gravity is what keeps things tidy at the large scale let’s call this Peshat Plain-P. This leaves Electromagnetism in the role of Remez Remit-R. That is, Creation-S / WS-D EM-R Gravity-P, where WS is Weak-Strong, EM is Electro-Magnetism, and G stands for Gravity.

But as we said, these four forces are incomplete to account for the amount of mass out there telling by the accelerating universe as a function of time. There must be other forces out there to account for the expansion of the universe and many other phenomena. Let’s now uncurl the first secondary triad, or Subtriad, by uncurling EM-R into Dr Rr Pr. One characteristic of Electro-Magnetism (EM) is that it’s long-range, just like gravity, but stronger, whereas the Weak-Strong (WS) are short-range, with influence the size of a nucleus of an atom. Our main concern in this limited model is to account for the expansion of the universe. This clearly eliminates the Weak-Strong (WS) and leaves standing solely Electro-Magnetism (EM) and Gravity (G). But Gravity (G) we’ll leave out of this R-Subtriad, but will uncurl it later on in its own Subtriad-P, as Dp Rp Pp. But we won’t get there in this short version.

Please note that this R-Triad is known for its self-generation quality as in Electro-Magnetism. In physics, Electro-Magnetism (EM) is an interaction that occurs between particles with electric charge via electromagnetic fields. There are electric monopoles but no magnetic monopoles. Light is electromagnetic radiation. There are electric charges and electric fields, but there are no magnetic particles, just magnetic fields. For starts, let’s assume that the R-Triad takes after the Main Triad-PRD.

For the sake of nomenclature and so as to avoid unnecessary confusions, let’s rename “Dark” matter and energy as “Night” matter and energy. This allow us to use “Day” interactions instead of “Light” interactions, those which are detectable and so measurable, and thus distinguish this unknow force or interaction from ordinary light.

Our working hypothesis would be that the “Night” interactions form a triad. Let’s call them the Night Weak-Strong, or NWS, and the Night Electro-Magnetism, or NEM, and the Night Gravity, or NG. Now we would have the following: Creation-S/ WS-D EM-R G-P, with EM-R as the RemitR Subtriad uncurling as NWS-Dr NEM-Rd NG-Pd.

We will leave it here since it’s obviously beyond the scope of this essay, not to mention my paygrade. I only got as far as the DIC, the master’s equivalent of the UK. This is a task for a community of thinkers not a one-man secondary school band. For reference, today Newtonian forces have given way to other techniques and employs the principle of least action, the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian. Also, energy being a scalar is easier to manage than force which is a vector. In any case, the point is well made and that’s what counts, at least for the time being. That is, the intention is to familiarize the listener with the creative research potential of the PaRaDiSe App.

Biology Tree of Life

As per my Biology textbook, there are three domains which arrange as Biology-S/ Eukarya-D Archaea-R Bacteria-P. There are six clades or kingdoms. From Bacteria there’s Eubacteria, from Archaea there’s Archeobacteria, and from Eukarya there’s four, namely, “Protista”, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. The one which stands out is the “Protista”, called paraphyletic and therefore not a valid clade. Paraphyletic category means that they’re fundamentally different from each other, sharing closest common ancestors with other groups, rather than with each other. Some display characteristics that most closely resemble those of plants, fungi, or animals.

In our case of interest, we have the Common Eukaryote Ancestor-S/ in the role of the “Protista”. The challenge is how to classify the six clades or kingdoms in a manner that sheds light on their lineage. We use the PaRaDiSe application on the “Protista”, with the Ellipse-S / Triad-PRD, which in turn goes to Triad of Triads, or better still, goes unto Subtriad of Subtriads. The Main Triad-PRD goes as Subtriad of Subtriad as follows: DdRdPd DrRrPr DpRpPp. We now make the correspondences from the textbook.

DdRdPd as Excavata Chromalveolata; Cercozoa; Foraminifera & Radiolaria.

DrRrPr as Rhodophyta (plant-like); Amoebozoa (fungus-like); Choanozoa (animal-like).

DpRpPp as Plants; Fungi; Animals.

Comment: The idea is that the PaRaDiSe App model brings out the underlying principle of knowledge in this area of biology. This depiction appears at the end of the XPodcast in slides in both Seed-of-Life and Square-Diagram presentation.


Chemistry DNA

The following is likewise from my Chemistry High School textbook.  It is like the DNA of civilization. The DNA four (4) nucleotides iteratively takes up roles PaRaDiSe, as S/PRD. This isn’t just the DNA of civilization; it also explains the DNA. First let’s do a quick rundown of the deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. It is a polymer composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix, each traveling in opposite directions. The polymer carries genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses.

The two DNA strands are known as polynucleotides as they are composed of simpler monomeric units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of one of four nitrogen-containing nucleobases, namely, cytosine [C], guanine [G], adenine [A], thymine [T]), a sugar called deoxyribose, and a phosphate group.

The nucleotides are joined to one another in a chain by covalent bonds (known as the phosphodiester linkage) between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next, resulting in an alternating sugar-phosphate backbone. The nitrogenous bases of the two separate polynucleotide strands are bound together, according to base pairing rules with hydrogen bonds to make double-stranded DNA. (Adenine A with Thymine T, and Cytosine C with Guanine G)

An interesting anecdote of the discovery of the nature of the DNA is when James Watson and Francis Crick took a peek at the x-ray pictures of Rosalind Franklin. Suddenly it all came together that it was a double helix. But this only happened because they had been researching it endlessly. Then when seeing a sample, the whole theory fell in place.

All proportions kept something similar happened to me when I recover that the one whole-S is made of triad-PRD parts. I had been studying physics, philosophy, symbolism, theology, Hebrew, Torah, for many years. Suddenly, when I came across the alef a (א) and BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בראשית), it all fell into place as the Universal Principle of Knowledge. Not by that name, mind you, but the missing cornerstone finally surfaced. So, then let’s now use the PaRaDiSe application model on the DNA. This is an ongoing project.

Comment: The idea is that the PaRaDiSe App model brings out the underlying principle of knowledge in this area of chemistry.


Reference and referent. Mary is happy. Mary is the referent for the person Mary and Mary is the name. Mary-S / Mary-D Mary-R Mary-P. By convention quotes and italics are used to distinguish one Mary from the other Mary. Another way to distinguish the aforementioned Mary is simply by appending the S/PRD consonants of the PaRaDiSe App.

By the way, children learn to read and write in spite of being taught in school. Equally so speaking, they learn it from Mom simply using primeval common sense. And this is simply accomplished using the idea that the Whole-S is / equal to the Triad-PRD parts. A thought is whole and invisible, inside us somehow. This finds expression as language consisting of Subject-D Verb-R Object/Adjective-P. That is, language comes across as Thought-D / Subject-D Verb-R Object/Adjective-P. The question of whether “inside us” means in the Mind, of Greece, or in the Heart, of Israel, is a theme we’ll address later on in another episode of the series.

For the moment, the expression is the Ellipse-S / Triad-PRD. This Main Triad in turn at the next level uncurls as Triad of Subtriads. That is, S/ stays the same, but the Main Triad-DRP goes unto the Triad of Subtriads as DdRdPd DrRrPr DpRpPp. This scheme is iterative and uncurls as needed. Language is reminiscent of the Creation Story, needless to say. Let’s quote the relevant verse of the Creation Story.

Genesis 1:2e-h.

1:2e-h Vechóshekh. And darkness.

וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ וְחֹ֖שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵ֣י תְה֑וֹם וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם׃

Veha’áretz haytha tóhu vavóhu, vechóshekh, al peney tehom; verúach Elohim, merachéfeth al peney hammáyim:

The earth being unformed and void, and darkness, over the surface of the deep; and a wind from God, sweeping over the waters:

Comment: I take that language somehow occludes the deeper view of things by this darkness on the face of the deep. That is, that acting in isolation as Subject-D Verb-R and Object/ Adjective-P, the thought fails to integrate the Triad-PRD. Language of the two eyes on the face without the third eye of insight occludes us from capturing the Whole-S/ of thought beyond words. Please view slide at end of essay XPodcast.

Language Common Sense

Alternatively, we can view the above as creativity as a thought in our mind, Greece, or in our heart Israel, you take your pick, and talking about it in a known language. Thought is a mystery, though suddenly and somehow surreptitiously it is voiced out quite intelligibly in language. Independently of what is said, it follows a formula to have meaning. There’s the Subject-D, the one doing the talking, the Object-P, the one or thing talked about, or Adjective-P, if described, and there’s the go-between, the Verb-R, what’s the action is all about. 

Then same as above, we move on to naming things by assigning the consonant cues. The thought as mystery is quite naturally assigned Sod Secret-S (סוד). The one doing the talking is almost as mysterious, a live one as a person. This Subject we assign the name Derash Discover D (דרש). At the other end we have the focus of interest of the subject, which is the object, or adjective if describing it, and this thing or person takes the name of Peshat Plain P (פשט). In the middle, as reflection making it all possible, is the verb or action carrier, which we quite appropriately call Remez Remite R (רמז). Additionally, there is a fence or screen which we call the forward slash (/), because like a screen somehow separates what’s inside from what’s outside. That is, separates the thought-S from the language-PRD as forward slide /.

When all is said and done, we have again the same thing, not surprisingly since as universal it better cover all and any case that we can come up with. This formula is again the series of consonants S/PRD, read forward from the right then returning to pick up the left one, or more naturally as S/DRP, just reading across from right to left. In either case, we use whichever is more convenient, or else both indiscriminately. Next would come adding the vowels. For reasons of identification and avoiding confusion, we add four vowels of a-a-i-e to arrive at the acronym PaRaDiSe. Had we chosen to skip a bit and use only two, we would have a-e, and arrive at the acronym PaRDeS. While the idea is the same, which are identical consonants, the vowels serve the purpose of differentiating the older Medieval Kabbalah from the newer Primeval Kabbalah.



We’re certainly living at present in the Ages of Information and Knowledge. But we’re in the business of applications and not in the “pie in the sky” lucubrations. This means incarnating the Age of Information into the question of the role of the News Media in politics. The following is what happens when you go to a conference with both sides on an issue represented and a news media moderator, with audience of all leanings. For starts they’re both half-right and half-wrong. Then they search for the middle ground.

The problem is that the middle road is also half-right and half-wrong, and quite elusive at this advanced stage of polarization, so as not to say advanced state of decomposition of society. The Age of Reason is a dead star, and the State is in decay. This theme is found covered in #2 Podcast Peoplist State. It addresses the Age of Information of the News Media and the Age of Knowledge of the University, and assigns powers to them in the constitution of the Postmodern State.

The only way to achieve a comprehensive state of things is having the University as fifth (5th) power and the Media as fourth (4th)  power of the State. Below follow a few examples to illustrate the role that creativity can play to launch the Age of Empowerment in an Age of Information and Knowledge. Succinctly, Empowerment-S / Knowledge-D And-R Information-P.

At present within the Age of Enlightened Reason of dualism, it makes perfect sense to oppose public against private, and seemingly appear to cover the whole picture, with nobody left out. But this is hardly the case. In following we have a miscellany of illustrative examples to prove the point that PaRaDiSe is the Universal Principle of Knowledge.

With the return of fascism and socialism, both Red and Blue persuasions are half-right and half-wrong, with radical-right and radical-left one fourth-right and one-fourth wrong. I don’t have a dog in the race. I see things from both lenses because there’s a universal lens.

A pressing question in contemporary times is what role does the News Media play in propagating the Lie and the Truth in broadcasting? While not the same as mistranslating in interpretation as the secular and religious authorities of the Bible, nevertheless, they are inadvertently staging from the script of Dualism of Enlightenment of liberal/ rationalism and conservative/ romanticism.

Coin Common Sense

Given the importance of the coin analogy in explaining in simple terms the PaRaDiSe thesis, we will jot it down again on the way out. Out of the pocket Coin-S/ Flipside-D Rim-R Upside-P. Whole-S/ InMiddleOut-PRD. Or the whole coin-S/ with triad parts front side-P, flip side-D and rim-R. Or else more interestingly, coins have a dark-D and a light-P side and are known to spin on its rim-R as well.

The core of this theoretical contribution is easy to explain as is eating ice cream. “The one whole is made of triad parts.” Like a coin, there’s the one coin, and there’s the side facing you, a flip side which you can only imagine, and the rim. While the sides don’t touch, they are connected by the rim and together make up a whole coin. Next step is naming things. The side facing you is P for Plain, the flip side is D for Discover, and the rim is R for Reflection, and the one whole is S for Secret, because it’s the thought that’s in the Mind of Greece or in the Heart of Israel. Aligning them we get Plain-P, Reflection-R, Discover-D / Secret-S, or simply PRD/S. If we now add vowels to the consonants, we get the acronym PaRaDiSe. This S/DRP stands for the Universal Principle of Knowledge.  

Now, quickly comparing and contrasting the Kabbalah of PaRDeS (orchard) and Kabbalah of PaRaDiSe (paradise). On the one hand, the PaRDeS Kabbalah is Messianic, Mystical, from Medieval times, based on all the TaNaKh Bible, and hard as a rock. On the other hand, the PaRaDiSe Kabbalah is non-Messianic, non-Mystical, based solely on Genesis 1:1a/alef, the point-origin, and easy as chewing gum. 


This is properly speaking the subject of the XPodcast. Theology is reminiscent of the Creation Story. Let’s then quote the respective part of the verse about what was going on when the Creator was about to create Creation.

Genesis 1:2i-n.

1:21-n Verúach Elohim. And the wind of God.

וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ וְחֹ֖שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵ֣י תְה֑וֹם וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם׃

Veha’áretz haytha tóhu vavóhu, vechóshekh, al peney tehom; verúach Elohim, merachéfeth al peney hammáyim:

The earth was unformed and void, with darkness on the face of the deep; and God’s breath, hovered over the face of the water:

Comment: Succinctly, this verse 1:2 sets the stage for its resolution in verse 1:3. And being the case that this next one is the act of creation of light, this previous one must be its constitutive triad parts. But, how to name it? Well, it must take after the point-origin of the Universal Principle of Knowledge. This would make it knowledge, plain and simple. Euphemistically, what we call light. Succinctly, Light-S/ Theology-D Philosophy-R Science-P.


Now that we’re on the topic of religion, we’ll close with an item of comparative faith, with all due respect.  

Buddha’s four (4) Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Way. The Four Noble Truths is actually the Ellipse and the Main Triad. That is, one of the Ellipse, plus three of the Main Triad equals four. (1+1×3=4). We’ll attach the cues of PaRaDiSe to The Four (4) Noble Truths for brevity.

The Four (4) Noble Truths are that there is suffering-S/, there is a cause of suffering-D, there’s an end to suffering-P, there is a path to end suffering-R. The (8) Eight-fold Path consists of eight (8) practices: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right meditative consciousness.

The Eight-fold Way is tricky to explain, requiring some number sense by resourcing from the nesting effect of the Alef a (א) in Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א/ב-ראש-ית). As we can see the middle term of BeD ReshR IthP is ReshR. This term is made up of the letters forming a triad of resh alef shin r a sh (ר-א-ש). Resh both means head as beginning, but also is the name of the letter resh r (ר). The thing to notice is that the letter Alef a (א) which represents the Creator firstly appeared in Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א/ב-ראש-ית). But additionally the letter Alef a (א) reappears in this iterative nested manner in this ReshR just mentioned above. This Alef a (א) nested throughout the verses in Day One is there to provide the uncurling iterative effect.

The Eight-Fold Way is referring to the uncurling of the Triad-R as Da’at Knowledge (דעת), as in Empowerment-S/ Wisdom-D Knowledge-R Understanding-P. So, this Alef a (א) nested in the ReshR Triad-R down the slope uncurls as the Triad of Subtriads. In math this means three times three gives nine (3×3=9). But so as to avoid double counting, because after all this Alef a (א) is just the vicar of the Creator, in the same sense that life is passed on in the family without further ado. It is the creative vitality, for lack of a better name, which only living things can pass on, and that cannot be artificially reproduced. But it’s nested, much like the condition of possibility but not one of the possibilities itself as such. This means that we have to subtract one (1) from nine (9), which gives us the desired number eight (8). Thus, we arrive at the validation of the Eight-Fold Way by PaRaDiSe.

Alcoholics Anonymous AA

We won’t go into Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) extensively, but summarily in passing, since it’s in the same vein. The challenge is how to derive the twelve (12) steps or precepts of Alcoholics Anonymous from the PaRaDiSe App. Following is the short answer, the longer is in will have to wait.  

On the one hand we have one Secret-S/ Main Triad-PRD of PaRaDiSe. Further down the road the Main Triad-PRD uncurls as Triad of Subtriads, but the Secret-S remains unchanged. We then have one (1) plus three times three equals nine, which added together makes ten (10). (1+3×3=1+9=10).

However, what AA does here is count the Main Triad-PRD as three (3), and then adds the three times three equal nine of the Triad of SubTriads to make twelve (12). (3+3×3=3+9=12) Somehow the one (1) of Secret-S is left as umbrella overarching the whole project. My sense is that since the One (1) of Secret-S is infinite anyway, it is not a number and thus isn’t counted.

In any case, this needs a second look some other time.


To intention of this XPodcast is to prove within reasonable doubt that civilization is founded on Israel then derivatively on Greece. This we’ve exemplified in Empowerment-S/ Science-P, Philosophy-R and Religion-D. Israel is to lead embracing the claim and the charge. Were this to succeed it would officially inaugurate the Age of PaRaDiSe Empowerment. But for this to happen, Israel would have to put on its ballet shoes and stand on one toe. Beginning at the point-origin at Genesis 1:1a/alef, that is. This is part one of three. Please follow along.



