
Only the Torah is revealed, all else is made-up. Wonder no more why the world is broken. After listening to these words, we’ll have Israel fall on its face and exclaim, at long last we’re turning the page and the Torah is rightly understood. Humanity will endure and now we can safely erect the social edifice of civilization on sound foundations and help save Creation.

Just like there’s One God over a pantheon of gods, likewise, there’s solely one Universal Principle of Knowledge over Religion, Philosophy and Science. The alternative is dualism of a broken world of the Age of Reason.


Given the richness of its content this is a text Podcast, or XPodcast, and not your regular talk Podcast. Be advised that some people may find the kabbalistic, theological, philosophical, and scientific content unsettling to their beliefs, values and interests. Listener discretion, study in group, as well as reading the text while listening to the XPodcast is highly recommended. Though each one is self-standing, yet they build on each other to provide the mainframe for a creative civilization.


To those chatting with God.


PaRaDiSe Thesis. “Only the Torah is revealed, all else is made-up.”

PaRaDiSe Hypothesis. “We really can’t be sure of anything unless we know everything. That is, starting with the tip of the guiding thread at the point-origin of Creation at Genesis 1:1a/alef.

Aaron ben Jacob ha-Kohen, Orchot Hayyim. The Paths of Life. “It is a mitzvah commandment to innovate on the Torah.

Deuteronomy 30:14-15. “Just choose chatting with God for life and good, and disregard the background noise of the media with its happiness mirage:”  

The previous Xpodcasts in brief

Episodes one (1) to five (5) are foundational. Nobody buys intangibles. No one buys a house because it has great foundations. Rather what’s above ground is what sells, and only after marketing puts it out there. But when you do decide to buy it, you want to be sure it has good foundations. XPodcasts numbers 1-5 are foundational. XPodcast numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 are construction. XPodcast number 9 is marketing.  

Episode 1. Lie and Truth, Big Lie and Big Truth Part I. The opening episode is about why the world is broken and what to do about it. Why is the world broken? The Lie is that the world is broken because it’s a broken world. The Truth is that the world is broken because we break it. That is, we keep breaking it trying to fix things because we really don’t know how we know that we know what we know.

Episode 2. Enlightened Democracy is dead. Long live PaRaDiSe Postmodernity! The Peoplist State consists in a five (5) power State, up from three (3) powers. That is, on the one hand, the Government would consist of the Legislative first (1st) power for laws and the Executive second (2nd) power for order, and, on the other hand, the People consisting of the Judicial third (3rd) power for justice, the News Media fourth (4th) power as overseer of information, and the University fifth (5th) power for Administration of the budget. Additionally, entitlement from one person one vote to one person triad votes. Also, giving children the right to vote by way of their parents or legal guardians.    

Episode 3. Bigger Lie and Bigger Truth Part II. The Bigger Lie is that the takeaway of the Bible is the Golden Rule. The Bigger Truth is that the One Commandment in the Torah Bible is the Universal Principle of Knowledge as found at Genesis 1:1a/alef. This singularity of a   Commandment encompasses all six hundred and thirteen (613) commandments of the sages including the ten (10) commandments given to Moses at Sinai. By gematria we get six hundred thirteen (613) reducing to ten (10) and ultimately to one (1). (613=>10=>1!)

Episode 4. Age of Empowerment of Postmodernity, by PaRaDiSe chat with God. Life is all about chatting with God. All we have to do to get the blessing of creative self-therapy of empowerment is to chat with God. The sweetspot for chat with God is found at Deuteronomy 6:8, with ultimate keystone on Genesis 1:1a/alef. The distraction out there of the media is the happiness mirage of dualism.

Episode 5. Biggest Lie and Biggest Truth Part III. The Biggest Lie is, on the one hand, escapism of Messianism and Mysticism, and on the other hand, defeatism of Crisis as usual. The Biggest Truth is simply the Universal Principle of Knowledge, with PaRaDiSe acronym. Genesis 1:1a/alef empowers us to integrate civilization and to help save Creation.

Episode 6. Civilization on Israel one and Greece second. The case is made for a creative civilization based originally on Israel, then derivatively on Greece. But for Israel to constitute civilization requires having Genesis 1:1a/alef as the keystone of the Torah.

Executive Summary

Episode 6 projects the foundations for the Social Edifice for the III Millennium. Today’s Age of Enlightened Reason based on Greece is a dead star. The new Age of PaRaDiSe Empowerment would be based on Israel, and only derivatively on Greece. But for this to happen, Israel needs to return to its primeval origin.

The cornerstone of the Torah is Genesis 1:1a/alef. The Torah is the constitution of civilization and the blueprints of creation. Now with the Lie, Big Lie, Bigger Lie and Biggest Lie exposed, debunked, and out of the way, Israel can finally play its anointed role in the story of humanity.

The Age of Enlightened Reason of Modernity is broken because it’s based on Greece which lacks foundations. The contemporary state of chaos is courtesy of Crisis as usual of Greece, and Messianism and Mysticism of Israel. The Age of PaRaDiSe Empowerment of Posmodernity would be based on an Israel with point-origin at Genesis 1:1a/alef for a creative civilization.


No prior knowledge is assumed to understand the basic content other than familiarity and interest with the quest of chatting with God for creative empowerment. All concepts and vocabulary required will be provided as the theme unfolds. However, since we’re starting smack in the middle and not at the beginning in order to highlight its importance, but in detriment to systemic exposition, we will have to leave the theory for homework to the listener. The books are the source. The XPodcasts are its divulgation.

The assignment is to consult my self-published books at Amazon to get a good handle on the empowering approach of PaRaDiSe. These books are PaRDeSism Human Science 101 published in 2018, PaRaDiSe the Age of Unveilment of Genesis 1:1a/alef published in 2019, Principle of World Caring published in 2020, and Saving Creation published in 2021. For convenience, you may also view the seventy (70) or so videos on YouTube on topics from the books. Additionally, there are the other XPodcasts in this series at my website PaRaDiSism dot org.

The Burning Question

What keeps me up at night is why is the world just as broken before the Revelation of the Torah Bible as after Revelation of the Torah Bible to Moses at Mount Sinai. The disquieting part is that the Torah is precisely the Teaching of how to integrate our broken world into a creative civilization. There is something fishy in all this and I need to get to the bottom of it.

Please allow me to explain by way of an illustrative case so no one can miss it. Imagine you live in a deserted island and have a machine which you rely on for work. You took a course on mechanics and after working on the machine you still can’t fix it. It’s just as broken before taking the course as after having taken it. What to do? Do you just wait around for someone to come on shore, or do you keep studying the instruction booklet it until you understand how to fix the machine. I did just that and found how to make the machine finally work. And in what follows I’ll show you how.



The presentation is done in three sections. The first section consists in framing the problem in the archaic period of the Fertile Crescent of Egypt, Canaan and Mesopotamia. The second section comprises the narrative of the Torah Bible in Israel. The third section covers contemporary times as a clash between the worldviews of Greece and Israel.

Background Thesis: Israel over Egypt

To get a sense of the peoples and of the big picture and the long duration of time involved, we need to take it from the top of the archaic period, go past Antiquity, and down to contemporary times. That is, before we compare and contrast Israel with Greece to figure out how to work out our broken world into a creative civilization, we need to take a look at the Fertile Crescent in archaic times.

Back then there was Mesopotamia, the land of origin of Abram, later Abraham of the Bible. There was Canaan, the land he moved to, which was occupied by the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. By convention, all these are ethnicities are grouped under the heading of the Canaanites. Additionally, and most importantly to our discussion, there was the land of Mitzráyim Egypt (מִּצְרִ֔ים).

Abraham’s father was an idol maker in Mesopotamia. Fast forward next comes the fight of Israel against idolatry, which was the reason the Canaanites were being driven out of the land by God. Israel was to take over on account of their contribution to civilization of YHVH Elohim Yod Heh Vah HehGod (יהוה אלהים). Egypt is without a doubt the most pronounced nation in the narrative. This is not the place to dwell much longer on this topic, suffice to mention that somehow the archaic Fertile Crescent as civilization dovetailed unto Israel. This is to say that Israel superseded Mesopotamia, Canaan, and Egypt. The One God of Creation in the Torah Bible of Israel superseded the pantheon of gods of idolatry of Egypt, Canaan and Mesopotamia.

Frame Thesis: Israel on Israel

The next step before we address the matter of interest of Israel and Greece in contemporary times, is that of Israel with Israel. This is crucial because we shouldn’t leave stone unturned in our search for the way to integrate our broken world. And we shouldn’t take for granted that the established mainstream religious authorities has the last word on the matter. Everybody needs to be held accountable until proven worthy. This is crucial if we’re to place Israel before Greece moving forward into the Third Millennium and beyond.

The dilemma seems to be choosing between the lesser of two evils. On the one hand, non-separation of Church / State as oneness of theocracy, and on the other hand, separation of Church / State as dualism of secularity. Either a monolithic world of a whole with no halves, or else a broken world of two halves but no whole. We may need to reshuffle Israel to get it right, even at the risk of ruffling some feathers of the institution of the Cohen Gadol High Priest (כּוֹהֵן גָדוֹל).

This shouldn’t even be occurring. Imagine questioning the foundations of Judaism. Well, that’s exactly what needs doing. That is, putting into question the legitimacy of the relationship between the Torah and Rabbinic Judaism. We won’t have much more to say on top of what we’ve already said. Just to mention that the Torah is just as exposed to hijacking as anything else under the heavens. Please consult the previous XPodcasts of the series for details.

My suspicion is that there’s something fishy going on. How else can one explain that the world is just as broken before Revelation of the Torah as after Revelation of the Torah, when the whole purpose of the Revelation of the Torah was to teach us how to creatively integrate civilization and assist in saving creation. And this just didn’t happen. What went wrong? That is the question which we’ll be addressing and providing an answer in delving with Israel on Israel.

The one percent (1%) must have been missed, although the ninety-nine percent (99%) was put on tape. That is, the first (1st) percent, and the second (2nd) percent, and the third (3rd) percent were gotten right, and so on, but the one (1) percent of the beginning was not. Much like Day One of Creation. There’s no First day of creation. The beginning is important because it is the Principle. It comes across clearly in Spanish: “el principio es el principio”, the beginning is the principle!

One may argue that the world could have been much worse than it is, even with the capital mistake committed of missing the guiding thread in the labyrinth. But this is a poor consolation to the suffering all across the board of humanity, and in particular to each and every national assembly. This is an ongoing unresolved question which will continue to haunt us until we get to the bottom of it once and for all. Not being condescending, but the theme is causality. That everything that happens moving forward, happens for a reason coming from behind.

The background has already been amply covered in the preceding essay XPodcasts, so we’ll spare the listener needless repetition. Only the Torah is revealed, all else is made-up. That is, unless it’s derived from the point-origin at Genesis 1:1a/alef, it’s made-up by living and dead mortals.   

Now that we’ve summarily addressed Israel on Israel, let’s move on to Israel on Greece.

The Thesis: Israel one, Greece second

Our thesis is that there is “a” or “the” Universal Principle of Knowledge. That this Principle is found at Genesis 1:1a/alef by binding the first letter of Hebrew Alef A (א) to the first word of the Creation story BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בראשית) as Alef / BeReshIth A / InBeginningOf (א/בראשית). This Principle serves much like a point-origin, or singularity, which unfolds as a cone in three-dimensional massspacetime. The proof that it is the Universal Principle of Knowledge is that all knowledge can be derived from it, as well as that all knowledge can be explained, or accounted for, by it. The proof of the pudding is in the recipe and in the eating. That is, that any piece of knowledge can be viewed as particular cases of the universal principle of knowledge. 

But, in order to make this Principle more manageable, we need to express it in code as point-origin Source-S / cone field Triad-PRD. This result takes after the PaRDeS medieval Kabbalah tradition but with an innovation as PaRaDiSe primeval Kabbalah. There are many differences and similarities, but one that stands out over the rest is that the medieval version recourses to the entire TaNaKh Bible while the primeval one relies solely on binding the first letter and first word already mentioned in Genesis 1:1a/alef. Something like a cloud and a ripple, respectively.

Traditionally this is presented as Sod Secret (סוד)-S / Derash Discover (דרש)-D Remez Remit (רמץ)-R Peshat Plain (פשט)-P. This is expressed as S/PRD or alternatively as S/DRP, but both cases refer to the acronym PaRaDiSe. The finality is to turn this Principle into an application, an App for short. The finality we have in mind for this PaRaDiSe Principle, given the broken state of the world, is to apply it to integrate civilization and by added measure help save Creation.

Yes, though it may sound as a stretch, it is the correct way of viewing things. Since we’re a spark of the Creator as creative creatures, we’re co-responsible in keeping creation by way of integrating civilization, which is our job, properly speaking. But let’s move on from the related topics to the theme of Israel and Greece.

Our approach will be solely employing the PaRaDiSe App to derive the preSocratic thinkers and the School of Athens, and then jump to modernity of contemporary times. Given the enormity of the task, the power App employed has to be none other than the Empowermentapproach. That is, the Empowerment approach consists of applying PaRaDiSe to the resolution of problems, much like in science, or elsewhere. So, the PaRaDiSe approach to problem resolution consists of Creative-S / Holistic-D Systemic-R and Heuristic-P. It is just an application unto itself, much like an uncurling of a grain unto a grain, a seed unto a fruit.

You get the idea. Just like a picture tells a thousand words, the best way to explain our novel approach is by a graphic example. That is, in order to focus our attention on founding civilization on Israel, then derivatively on Greece, we will provide illustrative examples of Universal Knowledge-S/ from the fields of study of Religion-D Philosophy-R and Science-P.

However, this fine brush of providing concrete examples wouldn’t do justice to the richness of the theme. In adherence to the Empowerment approach, though at the risk of diffusing the focus, we’ll provide general considerations in the second part of the XPodcast essay. Basically, the Age of Empowerment-S / can be explained as Prayer-D Chat-R Meditation-P. No more gimme, gimme, gimme of prayer. Let’s chat with God as the adults in the room. I’m sure that more knowledgeable persons can improve on our kosher salt grain contribution.

We’ll start by the heart of the matter in order to showcase the difference between Dualism of Greece and PaRaDiSism of Israel. Please bear in mind that the approach of Israel is to define things in context by way of narratives, as distinct from Greece which does it in dialogue or treatise formats.  

Israel at the crossroads

Israel is torn between time backsliding to Egypt and getting loop feedback from Greece. If Israel doesn’t get a grip on its bearings, it’s not only a failed state but failing the Torah.

As an aside, I just can’t help but notice the strong similarities and differences between the modern flags of Greece and Israel. Both have white backgrounds and blue foreground with strips across, differing on a cross and a star of David, respectively, amongst other details.

Kaplan’s Judaism as Civilization

Since we’re advocating a novel civilization, we need to incorporate an author who mentions  the term “civilization” in his works. The basic ideology of Mordechai Kaplan was first defined in his 1934 work “Judaism as a Civilization”. His conception is mentioned on account of the similarity of nomenclature, but it differs substantially. His Reconstructionist ideology was an attempt to adapt Judaism to modern-day realities that he believed created the necessity for a new conception of God. His position goes back to the development of Western Enlightenment Jewish period begun by Moses Mendelssohn. This Haskalah contrasts with Eastern European Hasidism version developed on a different note.

Nonetheless, his contribution as the subtitle of his book “Toward the Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life” clearly indicates, falls within the pull of the aftermath of the Haskalah. That is, he talks of “a” civilization within “the” civilization, of Judaism as religious civilization within Greek-based secular Western civilization. This short clip should suffice to characterize his work as dependent on what we have to say about Greece as civilization, so we’ll leave him there.


Principle and Derivations

The pretension is that all civilization is derivable from this Universal Principle of Knowledge, abbreviated as the acronym PaRaDiSe. This is not saying that I can perform all the derivations. Rather, the whole idea of the Peoplist State is meant to assign such a formidable task for homework to the legions of academics and thinkers in general. Please see the corresponding XPodcast in the series for further details wherein the University plays the role of fifth power of the State.

A non-trivial representative sample of knowledge bits will be provided to make our point. More issues are resolved the closer one is to the truth. Case in point, the biggest Truth resolves all issues. This is much like in mathematical physics. Theoretical research is always about finding the one Universal principle from whence all other particular principles derive.

While the original Torah of Israel developed religion, Greece as first derivative of the Torah developed world secular civilization. Today Greece provides us with Crisis as usual while Israel with Messianism and Mysticism. The problem is that Greece is leading us along Miss dead-end alley while Israel is leading us down Mister rabbit-hole. This leaves humanity to fend for itself as best it can. The fact of the matter is that it simply can’t manage things and irremediably falls in a state of unending habitual Crisis mode.

The problem is that the foundation of Greece has no red core, while the foundations of Israel are hanging from the blue sky. All the coins which I’ve come across have two sides and a rim. Not just two sides, a front and a back, but the flipping itself is part of the coin as well as rim. We are a coin of a civilization with two sides which don’t touch. But what’s worse, missing the rim they’re not even connected. Imagine that! No wonder things in the world don’t make any sense.

In what follows, the presentation will be in two parts. The first part is brief and punctual. The second part is purposeful and dubitative. This and next XPodcast.

The Structure of PaRaDiSe

The Torah is the constitution of civilization, though some go so far as to make the claim that it is the blueprints of creation. Only the Torah is revealed, all else is made-up. For validation, the texts in question must be legitimately derived from the Torah. What does it mean for a text to be legitimately derived? To derive means that it follows from a principle. Data not based on a principle is opinion, not knowledge. For it to be knowledge it must derive from a principle. Principle is the same as beginning.

The Torah is much more than a text, yet it’s also a text, and as such must it be treated for the purposes of discourse. What is the principle from which the Torah derives? That is, we need to know the one principle, cause, or beginning from whence everything derives. For everything to derive from a principle it must be at the beginning. Contrariwise, what came before said principle wouldn’t be derived from it. The first word of the Torah is BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בראשית). But it’s written in the Hebrew language, and the first letter of Hebrew is alef a (א). So, the sought after beginning principle must be composed by combining the first letter alef a (א) of the Hebrew alphabet with the first word of the Torah, namely, with BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בראשית) as found in Genesis 1:1a. The one letter of Hebrew identifies the Creator, while the opening word of the Torah names Creation.

Now that we have the two parts, the alef a (א) of Hebrew of the Creator and the BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בראשית) of Creation, how do we constitute the Universal Principle of Knowledge? But, before answering that, it’s opportune to mention that we’re not transparent and that we do play a lead role in the narrative. Somehow, we appear as the forward slash (/), as if sandwiched between the above two of Creator and Creation. Or if you prefer, we play the role of the rim of the two sides of the coin.

So, since the first letter represents the Creator, the imaginary flipside of the coin, and the first word represents Creation, the real front side of the coin, then we as rim must play a double role. That is, on the one hand, from the side of the Creator as creative, and on the other hand, from the side of Creation, as creature. But to keep it simple this double forward slash standing for the / creative / creature / we’ll simply convene to denote with a single forward slash (/). That is, it’s Creator / creative/creature / Creation, or forward slash (/) standing for creative/creature. Thus we end simply with Creator forward slash (/) Creation. Now using the original terms from language and text, we would then have Alef / BeReshIth A / InBeginningOf (א/בראשית). Our role as rim is partly to keep the sides from touching and partly to keep them together so as to form a unit coin.

Linguistically, the alef a (א) is glotal stop, or mute, corresponds to the number one (1), and signifies oxhead. Likewise, BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בראשית) consists of three parts. Namely, Be-Resh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (ב-ראש-ית). The last member -Ith -Of (ב-) combines in its own unique manner the masculine plural ending –im -s (-ים) with the feminine plural ending –oth -s (-ות). In English the plural endings happen to be the same, namely “s”, but not so in gendered languages like Spanish where it would be “-os” and “-as”, respectively.

In any case, the triad in question takes the first letter of the masculine plural, not surprisingly, and the second letter of the feminine, understandably so, coming from a patriarchal society. This ends as –Ith (-ית) instead of the other way around –Om (-ום). In other words, it’s BeReshIth and not BeReshOm. This plural mixed ending stand for the many things out there, like diversity. This adds then to mean InBeginningOf things, as shorthand for “In the Beginning Of” things.

Upon closer examination we notice that the middle term is composite, as well as the last term, which we just explained above. The middle –Resh– Beginning- (-ראש-) contains a resh alef shin r a sh (ר-א-ש). The resh r (ר) is two hundred (200) and means head, the alef a (א) is one (1) and means oxhead and is mute, while the shin sh (ש) is three hundred (300) and means two front teeth. So, we have this middle tripartite term inside a three-term word. Perhaps it’s telling us that between thinking and speaking is this intermediary mute alef a (א) corresponding to the Creator which ultimately makes language possible.  

Now that we have the parts, we need to bake it into one principle. That is, in all it must be one and also be all, like in uni-versal, sort of unity in diversity. In our terminology, the three parts or tripartite goes into a triad when fused. These three parts now constitute parts of a whole. This is much like three lines crossing to form a triangle. Once forming the figure, the three lines turn into sides and hypotenuse, and lock into place as our right triangle, in our case. They are upgraded from generic lines to sides and hypotenuse of a right triangle. In the literature this is famously known as the Pythagorean Theorem. By the way, the concept of triad comes precisely from Pythagoras of Samos, a notable preSocratic thinker of the VI century bce in Ionia, present day Turkey, then a Greek colony in the Aegean Sea.

Meanwhile, we can visualize the alef a (א) as being a point which becomes a sphere, same which encompasses the triad Be-Resh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (ב-ראש-ית). This model serves the purpose of forging a unity out of a plurality under the umbrella of the triad. Now unto closure. Our principle must then consist of the “One-S/”, of the point of the singularity, and the “Triad-PRD”, of the origin of the cone field, as a rotating right triangle. In all this, in putting it together we rediscover what was already there, as if waiting for us to interpret, hiding in plain view all this time. Thus, our searched for principle is this Alef / BeReshIth A / InBeginningOf (א/בראשית) in Genesis 1:1a/alef.

Hence, the main triad of Be-Resh-Ith In-Beginning-Of (ב-ראש-ית) contains as if a baby triad in her belly this Resh Beginning (ר-א-ש) as its middle term. But not only that. For vertical side we have Be– In- (ב-), but this letter signifies two (2) and means báyith house (בית). So, this vertical side has the potential to uncurl as a triad as well, insofar as made of three letters, or a triad. As for the horizontal side we have –Ith -Of (-ית). It is made up of yod i (י) ten (10) meaning hand, and tav t (ת) four hundred (400) meaning sign.

Now, doing the math, we have ten plus four hundred gives four hundred ten which reduces to five (10+400=410=>5). This number five (5) corresponds to the letter he h (ה) which signifies reveal. As an aside, hand and sign also appear related to reveal in the context of drippings between the eyes in Deuteronomy 6:8. This letter he h (ה) matches with the idea we already had of –Ith -Of (-ית), as representing the plurality of what’s out there to look at. Somehow this hypotenuse term and the imaginary vertical side uncurl into a triad as well. The idea is that out of the main triad comes out a triad of triads. And this being the case, there’s nothing to stop it from continuing to uncurl what may be in it potentially in an iterative manner.

After all is done, we have this visual for PaRaDiSe of a sphere or ellipse enclosing this main triad which uncurls into a triad of triads. In all, we end up having one (1) plus three times three gives nine (3×3=9) which added together gives ten (1+9=10=>1) which reduces to one (1). But note that it is one zero (10), as if telling us that whatever this principle is, as ten (10) it is a digit removed from unity as one (1). It is like saying that we as ten (10) are infinitesimally zero proportionally to the Creator one (1).

So, out of this point-origin alef a (א), of which we know nothing about, uncurls this cone of a right triangle iteratively of BeReshIth InBeginningOf (ב-ראש-ית). Together this turns into our working principle as Alef / BeReshIth A / InBeginningOf (א/בראשית), with PaRaDiSe acronym for short.

Furthermore, in order to make it more manageable, we identify its parts as S/PRD, or else S/DRP. In either case it would spell out as the acronym PaRaDiSe. This is closely related to that of PaRDeS used by Medieval Kabbalah. This was done purposedly so as to distinguish the Primeval Kabbalah of PaRaDiSe from the Medieval Kabbalah of PaRDeS. Same consonants different vowels. Both refer to the same idea of garden or paradise, but otherwise differ significantly.


Age of Reason: Greece as culture and Israel as religion

The Age of Reason keeps Greece separate from Israel. Greece represents the secular and Israel  represents religion. Enlightened reason as calculus comes from Greece. Revealed reason as belief comes from Israel. This dualist solution avoids short-circuits, but comes at the price of a broken world. The immediate question is if keeping Greece and Israel separate in any way contributes to our world being broken. That is, as separated into two from the start and iteratively down the line into four, and so on, to the very core and all across the board of society.  

Let’s illustrate our case by way of an unexceptional example. Just the other day I assisted to an encounter one of those school vouchers versus public school in the forum of a local news site. Interestingly, the interviewer came to represent the power of information of the Media, while the interviewees came to represent the power of knowledge of the University. When it comes to issues, people invariably take sides. The problem with the issues approach is that it’s stochastic like flipping a coin. It turns into a where do you fall on the issue? Everybody gets one chance and one life, or many chances and one life. But in practice, given that putting together the pieces may take a lifetime, we actually get one chance in one lifetime.

Catastrophic scenarios are ventilated as well as cautionary tales. If you were to ask me, where do I fall on the issue, I would reply that it depends on the hour and day of the week, if before or after breakfast, what’s the weather like, the last thing I might have heard on the radio, and many more determining factors, or conditionals. There’s a whole spectrum from short-term to medium to long-term planning. From opinion at the drop of a hat to organizations with local chapters all the way to Epoch considerations. We just recently had an alarm go off, and the snooze is still on lest we forget. On the short-term, like in an emergency you have to do what you can with what you’ve got. But this shouldn’t preclude long duration planning. You shouldn’t fix it if it isn’t broken. But we’re past that, we know for a fact that it’s broken since January 6. The question now is how you fix it. This is where the spectrum of options comes in.

The solution herein proposed is the Empowerment approach using the PaRaDiSe application. Narrowing it to the role of the Media and the University we have the Peoplist State consisting of five-powers instead of the usual three powers. The appellation of Peoplist comes from People just like Socialism from social. Populist is something completely different. In any case, within this framework we then address the question of what’s best as universal education, all things considered. The University would be in charge of the administration of the budget, what today is in the hands of the Executive Power. Please, listen to number two (#2) Podcast of the series for details.

The advantage of this approach in the case of the broken public school system, is that its brokenness is not viewed in isolation. The broken public school system is broken as part of a broken state which is part of a broken civilization. The issues approach fix is topical and doesn’t touch the character of the malady afflicting our society. The thing is that all issues are connected as part of the greater social fabric. You can’t patch anything outside of considering the whole network. Patchwork of issues approach is only justified in emergency situations requiring quick response, where long-range planning would be contraindicated.

The point in all this is that if we have information but lack the one universal knowledge principle, then opinion is king, and we have the reign of parties. Chaos galore. The preSocratic Protagoras of Abdera (DK 80B1) put it succinctly. “Of all things the measure is Man, of the things that are, that they are, and of the things that are not, that they are not.” Or simply stated “Man is the measure of all things.”

Case in point is the Babylonian Talmud, with all due respect as a work of scholarship. It is the epitome of opinion lacking the universal principle of knowledge. Herein we have the Schools of Hillel and Shammai by way of rabbis each with its own leaning deliberating on Mishnah biblical commentaries and Gemara religious law.

PaRaDiSe Constitution of Civilization

So then, going back to Torah is revelation and everything else is made-up. The criterium of validity is that it is derived from the PaRaDiSe principle, same which we recovered from the Torah itself using ordinary common sense. Since PaRaDiSe is the constitution of civilization, and in a larger sense the blueprints of creation, it follows that in order to be valid every claim to truth must conform to it. Or equivalently, that everything must conform to it in order to be valid. Or words to that effect.  

This is the sense of the thesis of founding civilization on Israel, and then on Greece, and so on giving credit to other tertiary contributing cultures. But understanding Israel under the heading of Israel as the point-origin of this principle of PaRaDiSe as found at Genesis 1:1a/alef. And by Greece understanding as its first derivative. This we still have to prove to be the case. The rest would follow by added measure. This we’ll address further down.

Onion peeling

This reminds me of the difference between applied math for science and engineering mayors, and pure math for mathematics mayors. In science and technology, we have our own concerns to worry about, but the infinities of mathematics as basic as a point and a line don’t go away for math mayors. The same applies here in the greater scheme of things.

In our way of viewing things, we can work with S/PRD. But at a closer look it’s actually S(S/PRD). This refers to AlefS/ BeReshIthPRD at Genesis 1:1a/alef, as Creator / Creative / Creation. But of the Creator as Alef A (א) we know nothing about, that’s why the letter Alef A (א) is glotal stop, or mute and represented by the number One (1). However, what we do claim to know something is about the Name of the Creator. This we express in language as Creator S(), and Name of Creator (S), as outside and inside the parenthesis of our experience, respectively.

But that’s not the end of our problems. Not really. What do we really know about the inside of the parenthesis? This is the same as saying how much do we really know about God? We go back to square one. This seems to be telling us that each of the concepts corresponding to each of the words of Genesis 1:1 is an unknown infinity, to borrow from our friendly math point and line huggers. We’ll leave the following paragraph for the notes since it’s hard to read on an XPodcast.

{If this is the case, then we would have the following. Thankfully there are only seven words plus one to make eight. Alef(Alef(BeReshIth(Elohim)/bara(Hashamáyim)Etz(Haaretz))))). Or else as S(S(S(/bara(S)Etz(S)))), or something like this. Herein the one Alef of the Creator we’ve placed first, the second Alef as Name of the Creator we’ve placed second. The Hashamáyim the heavens (השמים) we’ve placed in brackets, as well as Ha’aretz the earth (הארץ). After all these are concepts corresponding to respective unknowns. The point being that all we really seem to go by is ‘Eth Language (אֵ֥ת) and bara creativity (בָּרָ֣א). Intelligence is given, and so is life, and while we pass it on, we only see it changing hands but not what’s really going on in the process. With language we can delve on as well as with creativity.}

The One Commandment

Hang on there. For once we get past the cusp, things will be going downhill eating ice cream.

Thus, the search is on for the point-origin of the Torah. Everything has a beginning. The Torah has a beginning. What is the beginning of the Torah? The previous XPodcast addressed this concern. Much like a labyrinth, first you have to enter the right door, and grab the tip of the guiding thread, and then simply follow it. Same here. If you missed the right entrance, if you mistakenly took the wrong entrance, it’s pointless to continue. What are we looking for? We’re imperatively looking for the right entrance to the Torah. Our quest is that simple, just getting it right from the start. And keep trying till we achieve it. No point moving forward until we do.

Let’s start the search by engaging with Exodus 24:12. Let’s follow where it might lead us.

Exodus 24:12

24:12 Vayyómer YHVH. And said YHVH.

וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהֹוָ֜ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֗ה עֲלֵ֥ה אֵלַ֛י הָהָ֖רָה וֶהְיֵה־שָׁ֑ם וְאֶתְּנָ֨ה לְךָ֜ אֶת־לֻחֹ֣ת הָאֶ֗בֶן וְהַתּוֹרָה֙ וְהַמִּצְוָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּתַ֖בְתִּי לְהוֹרֹתָֽם׃

 And said YHVH said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain, and wait there; and I will give you, the Stone Tablets and The Teaching and The Commandment, which I have inscribed to teach them:”

Comment: Herein it’s telling us that what’s given to teach the people are three things. They are the Decalogue Ten Commandments, the Stone Tablets, the Torah Teaching Bible (ְהַתּוֹרָה֙), and the Mitzvah Singularity Commandment (הַמִּצְוָ֔ה). The Torah is the Pentateuch of Moses, the Decalogue are the Ten Commandments given to Moses at Sinai, but what is this singularity commandment, one commandment, or The Commandment? The right entrance is a no-brainer, the point-origin is the beginning as demonstrated above and in the previous Xpodcasts. Let’s now  proceed to spell it out in a, b, c and 1, 2, 3 so no one who’s paying attention misses it.  

The short answer is that the Decalogue are the ten (10) commandments, the Torah refers to the six hundred thirteen commandments (613) of the sages, and the Singular Commandment One (1) refers to PaRaDiSe. Doing the gematria of the math, we get six hundred thirteen is six plus one plus three reduces to ten, which reduces to one zero, which ultimately reduces to one. (613=>10=>1)

For convenience of understanding, let’s put in in the customary base ten of numbering. In base ten, we would have the Torah teaching as one hundred (100), the Decalogue as the ten Commandments (10), and the Singular Commandment as one (1). Overall, this makes teaching one zero one (101) as PaRaDiSe going forward.


Did the Torah actually happen

Did the Torah actually happen? Yes, of course it did. The Torah happened but holistically-S/, in heaven, and happened triadically-PRD, on earth, just as PaRaDiSe predicts. But the Torah didn’t happen dualistically in mass-P space-R time-D. Meaning that mass-P didn’t happen separately from Space-R, which didn’t happen separately from Time-D. No wonder no hard evidence of the Exodus across the desert has surfaced. Nor will it any time soon within present day enlightened sciences of archeology.  

In order to understand things we need to start by understanding things from the point-origin. This we now proceed to accomplish by presenting Genesis 1:1a/alef.

Who wrote the Torah

I must confess not to fully understand the question of who wrote the Torah. That is, if the question is referring to whether God wrote it or whether Moses wrote it. As far as did God write it, being the case that we know nothing about God, the question is dead on arrival. So that leaves approaching it via Moses. All I can say is that there is a gradation of intelligences, for lack of a better word. The scale which makes sense in consonance with our PaRaDiSe Empowerment approach is Revelation-S / Inspiration-D Enlightenment-R Pragmatism-P.

Insofar as works associated with the Torah, I would put the Talmud in Pragmatic-P, the Writings Ketuvim in Enlightenment-R, and the Prophets Nevi’im in Inspiration-D. This pretty much leaves Revelation-S / for Moses. So much regarding this level. As for God, that would undoubtedly be beyond.

But in the end what does convince me that it’s Revelation-S/ by Moses, and by none other, is the depth which is seemingly infinite. It seems to be one thing iteratively nested inside another with no end in sight. But even regarding revelation, it still presupposes that Moses had the capacity to grasp it. If this were the case, he must have been in constant chat with God, as much as this is humanly possible.

Genesis 1:1a/alef

Let’s retrospectively apply the PaRaDiSe hypothesis, or the Principle thesis by now, to the beginning of the Torah in order to verify its self-compliance. I’ll reinsert the point beginning of it all to have it fresh on our minds. The long version we’ll leave solely for reading in the notes.

{Genesis 1:1a/alef


בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ /א   

Alef/ BeReshIth, bara’ Elohim; ’eth hashshamayim, ve’eth haaretz

A/ InBeginningOf, created God; language with the heavens, and language with the earth:

The PaRaDiSe approach is the way to read Genesis 1:1a/alef.

Alef ~ S(. Means the Creator as beyond our experience.

Alef / BeReshIth A / InBeginningOf ~ (S/PRD). Means Creator / Creation, within experience.

Alef / BeReshIth bara A / InBeginningOf created ~ /. Means the Creator Creation created.

BeReshIth bara Elohim InBeginningOf created Elohim ~ D. Means Creation created God.

bara Elohim eth created Elohim language-with ~ R. Means created God language.

Elohim eth hashshamayim veth haaretz Elohim is l-w the heavens and l-w the earth ~ P. Means God is language with the heavens and language with the earth:}

The short simplified original version refers solely to S/PRD without the added complication of the S( parenthesis. This we’ll now proceed to unfold.

The PaRaDiSe approach is the no-nonsense reading of Genesis 1:1a/alef.

Genesis 1:1a/alef

1:1a/alef Alef/ BeReshIth. A/ InBeginningOf.

בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ /א   

Alef/ BeReshIth, bara’ Elohim; ’eth hashshamayim, ve’eth ha’aretz

A/ InBeginningOf, created God; chatting with the heavens, and chatting with the earth:

Comment: In what follows Elohim God (אֱלֹהִ֑ים) literally means Master of Powers. ’Eth means language-with or chatting-with. We’ll use the consonants of PaRaDiSe to identify the roles played by each word in the verse, and lastly, indicate the meaning of each step of the staircase.  

Alef / ~ S / Means Creator.

Alef / BeReshIth A / InBeginningOf ~ S // PRD. Means Creator / Creative / Creation.

Alef BeReshIth bara’ A InBeginningOf created ~ /

BeReshIth bara’ Elohim InBeginningOf created Elohim ~ D. Means Creation created God.

bara’ Elohimeth created Elohim chatting-with ~ R. Means created God language-with or chatting-with.

Elohim ’eth hashshamayim ve’eth ha’aretz Elohim God is language-with the heavens and language-with the earth ~ P. This means both that the meaning of God “is” chatting-with the heavens and chatting-with the earth, as well as “that” God is chatting-with the heavens and is chatting-with the earth.

Comment: This is the point-origin of the Torah. Like a cone-PRD it all starts from the point origin-S/. That is, the Torah unfolds from this point-origin. Likewise, civilization would unfold from the Torah by way of this Universal Principle of Knowledge expressed as PaRaDiSe.

The PaRaDiSe approach differs considerably from Rashi’s and other authoritative readings of mainstream religion. Rashi’s reading combines the first three verses into one thought, starting with “In the beginning of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth…”, or else as “When God began to create the heavens and the earth…”. The other authoritative reading is “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Both are equally baseless, different wording same meaningless meaning.

The master key to the Torah consists of a prestart and a start as Alef/ BeReshIth A/ InBeginningOf (א/בראשית). To fully understand the Torah requires seeing it as an uncurling of a staircase and as reading it in steps. The right reading of the Torah starts with Teaching 101 of the point-origin of PaRaDiSe. Failing to get it right, can only lead you to lonely dead-end roads and happy rabbit-holes.

Mental Interstice

An important point which has fallen through the cracks and needs mentioning is that of the mental. This appears sandwiched between the Spiritual and the Physical, the two most obvious protagonists in the human saga. But let’s quote Genesis 1:1 to get it right. Yes, again, since it’s all about getting it right no matter how many times we have to do the lab thought experiment.

Genesis 1:1

1:1 BeReshIth. InBeginningOf.

בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ /א   

BeReshIth, bara’ Elohim; ’eth hashshamayim, ve’eth ha’aretz

InBeginningOf, created God; chatting with the heavens, and chatting with the earth:

Comment: Let’s recur to the Pythagorean theorem, or else the common-sense coin. Let’s choose the pocket for easiness this time. A coin has two sides and a rim, or else coin-S / frontside-P rim-R flipside-D. If we map this coin unto the bigger picture of Life-S / Spiritual-D Mental-R Physical-P, it maps chatting as Life-S / Heavens-D And-R Earth-P. Comparing and contrasting this double mapping clearly helps us identify the Mental as the interstice Remez Remit-R.

Genesis 1:4 Chatting with Light as Civilization

But, at the end of the day, how can we know if it’s right? Well, by getting it right from the very beginning, if not from before. The Latin term ratio can mean reason, relation, and proportion, as well as mathematical ratio. Below is the foundation of civilization as Day One of Creation in Genesis 1:1-5/alef. This is the cornerstone, the master key, the “point-origin as Day One” around which the universe uncurls. Thus, this way we can adequately found civilization on Israel, then on Greece and likewise others. The whole-S is stated upfront. Then it’s unfolded in three swipes as Triad-PRD. I use “l-w” for language-with, dialogue-with, or for chatting-with. It’s all contained in Day One of Creation.

In what follows we’ll provide the background in order to understand the foreground of interest at Genesis 1:4.

Genesis 1:1-5/alef




Comment: This alef a (א) represents the Creator.

1:1 BeReshIth. InBeginningOf.

בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃

InBeginningOf, created Elohim; chatting-with the heavens, and chatting-with the earth:

Comment: This is the point-origin or Singularity Commandment, or Universal Principle of Knowledge. This plays the part of tip of the guiding thread. If you get it, you find your way around and through the labyrinth; but, if you miss it, you end up pitifully lost in a world of opinion and what’s worse not even aware of it.

1:2 Veha’áretz haytha tóhu vavohu. And the earth was unformed and void.

וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ וְחֹ֖שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵ֣י תְה֑וֹם וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם׃

And the earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep; and a wind from God, sweeping over the water:

Comment: This states the sorry state when the three constituent raw things of creation act separately instead as a triad. That is, Real Plain-P, Mental Reflect-R and Imaginary Discover-D. These triad members we clearly identify as Science-P Philosophy-R Religion-D.

1:3 Vayyómer Elohim. And said God.

וַיֹּ֥אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֖ים יְהִ֣י א֑וֹר וַֽיְהִי־אֽוֹר׃

And said God, “Let there be light”; and there was light:

Comment: This states that the way to go is for light to play the role of whole-S. This confirms the thesis of PaRaDiSe. That is, that Secret-S / Discover-D Reflect-R Plain-P.

1:4 Vayyera’ Elohim. And saw God.

וַיַּ֧רְא אֱלֹהִ֛ים אֶת־הָא֖וֹר כִּי־ט֑וֹב וַיַּבְדֵּ֣ל אֱלֹהִ֔ים בֵּ֥ין הָא֖וֹר וּבֵ֥ין הַחֹֽשֶׁךְ׃

And saw God chatting with the light, that it was good; and separated God, between the light, and between the darkness:

Comment: This states that light as SecretS puts together the otherwise loose parts as triad Discover-D Reflect-R Plain-P. This SecretS comes to represent Light. That is, that good is forward slash (/) that puts together the whole-S as made of Triad-PRD parts. This clearly states that PaRaDiSe is the way to go to integrate civilization. And contrariwise, that keeping things separate is bad, as our broken world plainly testifies.

1:5 Vayikra’ Elohim. And called Elohim.

וַיִּקְרָ֨א אֱלֹהִ֤ים ׀ לָאוֹר֙ י֔וֹם וְלַחֹ֖שֶׁךְ קָ֣רָא לָ֑יְלָה וַֽיְהִי־עֶ֥רֶב וַֽיְהִי־בֹ֖קֶר י֥וֹם אֶחָֽד׃ 

And called God the light day, and the darkness, called night; and there was evening, and there was morning, day one:

Comment: What stands out of the verse one is that it states that it is Day one. Not the first day. That is, that all creation is contained in this Day One. The rest of the days of the week of creation uncurl from this Singularity. This echoes what we saw previously regarding the One Commandment in Exodus 24:12.

The takeaway of the above is the Light stands for Civilization. In Genesis 1:1 we have both “that Elohim” and “Elohim is” chatting with the heavens and chatting with the earth. Now in Genesis 1:4 we have that Elohim sees that chatting with the light is good. So secret is light, and light is civilization. And what is civilization that is so secretive? The thesis is CivilizationS / Religion-D Philosophy-R Science-P. It’s an uncurling process such that it always connects with the point-origin as derivative. That’s the whole idea of saying that only the Torah is revelation and everything else is made-up unless it’s derived from the point-origin.

Somehow on the base ten numbering system, we would seem to have one (1) for God, ten (10) for creation, and one hundred (100) for civilization. All proportions kept.

Genesis 1:1-5/alef

On second thought, given that it’s getting late, we’ll leave this part for a future episode, and press forward with the task at hand.

The following and last topic of this sixth XPodcast on Civilization Israel one Greece second serves as transition to the next on PaRaDiSe Civilization in practice. This next seventh XPodcast  compares and contrasts the views of Israel and Greece on the heart. What it means to each culture. The heart is central to Israel just as much as the mind is to Greece.



There is always the question of what the heart stands for in Greece as compared to what it stands for in Israel. Let’s start with Israel.

In Israel the meaning of the heart is stated outright in the Shema Yisrael Listen Israel (שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל). The process consists of three-steps as outlined in Deuteronomy 6:4-6. In what follows we’ll employ the PaRaDiSe application nomenclature to properly identify the roles of the constituent parts of the principle as it relates to the “Heart” in question.

Deuteronomy 6:4-6          

6:4 Shema Yisrael. Listen Israel.

שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יְהֹוָ֥ה ׀ אֶחָֽד׃

Hear, Israel; YHVH is our God, YHVH is One:

Comment: This spells out the point-origin, or singularity of things. Hear-S/ Is-P ra-R El-D. The verse then doubles down to dispel any doubts. YHVH-S/ YHVH-D Our God-R One-P. This would play the role of the “point” of the point-origin of things.

6:5 Ve’ahavtah. And you shall love.

וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכׇל־לְבָבְךָ֥ וּבְכׇל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכׇל־מְאֹדֶֽךָ׃

You shall love, chatting with YHVH your God; with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might:

Comment: This defines Love upfront as follows: Love-S/ Heart-D Soul-R Might-P. Visibly the heart is the seat of the core of our being as Derash Discover-D (דרש). Please note that the key word is ’eth chat with (אֵ֖ת). This is telling us that love makes sense only in the context of chatting with God. This plays the role of the “origin” of the point-origin of things.

But more, if not most importantly, is that it all comes to naught if there is no love relationship with God. Yes. That we must love chatting with God. And not like IT chatting, multitasking all the time and munching as well. No. It’s about the whole ball of wax. Love God with all we are, have and can be. 

6:6 Vehayu. And you shall take.

וְהָי֞וּ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֗לֶּה אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָנֹכִ֧י מְצַוְּךָ֛ הַיּ֖וֹם עַל־לְבָבֶֽךָ׃

And take these instructions, with which I charge you this day, to your heart:

Comment: This emphasizes that the safety deposit box to keep things secure is the bank of the heart. The heart is the closest you can get to Love-D. This plays the role of the cone of the point-origin of things.

Please bear in mind that the Torah, or Pentateuch of Moses, consists of five entangled lessons to make one sole teaching. In all this the tip of the guiding thread as lesson one zero one (101) spells out as PaRaDiSe. Just in case it’s not entirely clear, Deuteronomy in general harkens back to Exodus for definitions, and then to Genesis for principles. But ultimately all point to the docking of the Hebrew language with Creation in Genesis 1:1a/alef. Israel is hierarchical, meaning that ultimately everything dovetails to the point-origin of Genesis 1:1a/alef. Thus, in order to be consistent, we must provide proof of this singularity at the crossroads of language and creation.

As a refresher let’s just quote it and leave it at that. Please go to the previous XPodcasts for details.

Genesis 1:1a/alef.

1:1a/alef Alef/ BeReshIth. A/InBeginningOf.

בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃/א

Alef/ BeReshIth, bara’ Elohim; ’eth hashshamayim, ve’eth ha’aretz:

A/ InBeginningOf, created Elohim; chatting with the heavens, and chatting with the earth:

Comment: In our customary nomenclature this point-origin of the verse codes as follows. A-S / In-D Beginning-R Of-P. This in turn uncurls as follows in successive steps. The short answer follows, and for the long version please see the previous Xpodcasts for details. By the way, Resh is Head but is conventionally understood as Beginning.

So, then we have the keystone of the Torah as follows.

Alef A (א) ~ S

Alef  / BeReshIth. A/ InBeginningOf (א/בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית) ~ S / PRD

BeReshIth bara’ Elohim InBeginningOf created God (בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים) ~ D

bara’ Elohim ’eth created God chatting-with (בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת) ~ R

Elohim ’eth hashamáyim ve’eth ha’áretz God is chatting-with the heavens, and chatting-with the earth (אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃): ~ P

Comment: The idea of quoting Genesis 1:1a/alef is that everything has to touch homebase to be a valid derivation and, hence binding. The keystone of the Torah must also be able to explain all items of knowledge as specific cases of the universal principle of knowledge as found expressed in the acronym PaRaDiSe. In this particular case of interest, the topic is the heart. The connection is then made with Love and Elohim, and ultimately with chatting with God.

Now, regarding the concept of the “heart” in Greece. This is an entirely different proposition. There seems to be an inversion of sorts. In order to compare and contrast, let’s use the previous scheme as reference. The short answer is that in Hellenism the heart plays the role of Peshat Plain-P of the emotions, the physical attraction between the male and the female principles. The heart is love is sex, roughly speaking.

As for the long answer, it would require comparing the Heart of Israel with the Mind of Greece. For the moment suffice what’s been said above and we’ll leave the broader question for another time. Now we move on in the next XPodcast with ample illustrative examples to make the case that PaRaDiSe is the representation of civilization.

But before that let’s quickly insert the following last-minute item on the agenda.


Shekhinah Zohar

Before parting with this episode allow me to say a few words about a matter relating to both ’ahavah love (אהבה) and to ’eth chatting with (את). Within Mysticism there is the Sépher Zohar Book of Radiance (ספר הזוהר). It identifies ’eth chatting with (את) with the female aspect of God, or else as Its indwelling divine presence. The name is the Shekhinah.

The Shekhinah She God (שְׁכִינָה) means “dwelling” or “settling” and denotes the presence of God, as it were, in a place. It is rabbinical, not of biblical origin. The root letters are shin kaf nun sh k n (ש כ נ). From the same roots is derived shakhen neighbor (שָׁכֵן) and mishkhan dwelling-place (משכן), whether a secular home or a holy site such as the Tabernacle. The corresponding biblical verses of relevance are as follows.

Exodus 3:22

3:22 Vesha’lah ’ishah. And each woman shall.

וְשָׁאֲלָ֨ה אִשָּׁ֤ה מִשְּׁכֶנְתָּהּ֙ וּמִגָּרַ֣ת בֵּיתָ֔הּ כְּלֵי־כֶ֛סֶף וּכְלֵ֥י זָהָ֖ב וּשְׂמָלֹ֑ת וְשַׂמְתֶּ֗ם עַל־בְּנֵיכֶם֙ וְעַל־בְּנֹ֣תֵיכֶ֔ם וְנִצַּלְתֶּ֖ם אֶת־מִצְרָֽיִם׃

Each woman shall borrow from her neighbor and the lodger in her house objects of silver and gold, and clothing, and you shall put these on your sons and daughters, thus stripping the Egyptians:

Comment: Here we have mishkhentah from her neighbor (מִשְּׁכֶנְתָּהּ֙).

Exodus 25:8

25:8 Ve‘su li. And let them make Me.

וְעָ֥שׂוּ לִ֖י מִקְדָּ֑שׁ וְשָׁכַנְתִּ֖י בְּתוֹכָֽם׃

And let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.

Comment: Here we have veshakhanti and I may dwell (וְשָׁכַנְתִּ֖י) referred to as sanctuary.

25:9 Khekhol ’asher. Exactly as I show you.

כְּכֹ֗ל אֲשֶׁ֤ר אֲנִי֙ מַרְאֶ֣ה אוֹתְךָ֔ אֵ֚ת תַּבְנִ֣ית הַמִּשְׁכָּ֔ן וְאֵ֖ת תַּבְנִ֣ית כׇּל־כֵּלָ֑יו וְכֵ֖ן תַּעֲשֽׂוּ׃       

Exactly as I show you, the pattern of the dwelling, and the pattern of all its furnishings; so shall you make it.

Comment: Here we have HaMishkan the dwelling (הַמִּשְׁכָּ֔ן) referred to as the Tabernacle.

According to the mystical tradition there are many examples of people being in God’s presence. Alleged examples are God appearing to Moses in the burning bush and in a cloud when he gives Moses the commandments. The problem is that the word Shekhinah She God (שְׁכִינָה) doesn’t appear, nor in any of its roots just mentioned. The actual word Shekinah does not appear in the Torah, not even in the Mishnah, supposed oral tradition handed down from Moses, thought it does appear in the Talmud which is much later and is a commentary on it.

From this, since it can’t even be found in the Torah, much less can it be derived from it, we can safely conclude that it’s made up. It is a core part of Mysticism of the Oral tradition of Rabbinism. Without a doubt, this deserves a more robust treatment than that summarily mentioned in passing. We’ll take it up later on. What’s of interest is to compare and contrast the Shekhinah (שְׁכִינָה) as female indwelling divine presence with ’eth YHVH Elohim chatting with God.

My guess is that second best to primeval closeness with God as chatting would be this sexual intercourse of the Shekhinah with God of the Zohar. But this brings without a doubt how much Platonic Eros may have corrupted the original version of Moses. This is a sample of a greater malady which we’ve already mentioned. This is to say that Messianism is backsliding to Egypt, all the while Mysticism is the loop feedback to Greece. This as refers to Israel

As a matter of convention God is referred to as He. But nothing would change if we started referring to God as Her. The personal pronoun is a question of choice. Though one thing which can be said in favor of the Shekhinah is that it balances things between patriarchal and matriarchal ways of viewing things.


Theory must go hand-in-hand with practice. So far, we’ve delved in considerations taken from the Torah Bible. Now it’s time to provide some concrete illustrative examples to showcase our thesis taken mainly from Science-P.


