Title: Enlightened Democracy is dead. Long live PaRaDiSe Postmodernity!
Subtitle: The PaRaDiSe model of Civilization and the Universal Democratic Constitution
Title’: Enlightened Democracy is dead. Long live PaRaDiSe Democracy of Postmodernity!
1 Dedication
This is dedicated to retirees for their life of service to the community in the education of future generations, pray that their pensions get cost of living compensation Cola and continue to contribute to culture in the greater scheme of things.
The following holistic and heuristic sweet spot worldview presentation on how to save civilization from the scheduled and on track fall of the fractured West and rise of the monolithic East contains kabbalistic, theological, philosophical, and scientific content that some persons may find disturbing to their beliefs, values, and interests. Listener abundance of caution is strongly advised.
Enlightened Modernity is founded on Greek Antiquity, but on what is it founded in turn? It simply isn’t, no wonder our democracy is broken. Enlightened Democracy of Modernity is based on Greek Antiquity. PaRaDiSe Democracy of Posmodernity is based on Archaic Israel.
We need to found Democracy on mother rock, on what in turn founds Greek Antiquity in order to give it continuity. The missing link between Greek Antiquity and Archaic Israel is Ionia of preSocratic thinkers.
The fountainhead is Archaic Israel, from whence flows the river of Greece to water the fields of Europe and beyond. I’ve proven elsewhere and here apply this finding by way of integrating civilization of the last five-thousand years in one cohesive narrative.
The skewer of history is Posmodernity, Enlightenment Modernity of 1789 US Constitution and French Revolution, Greek Antiquity, Ionia, and ultimately Archaic Israel.
Possible applications would be to Israel One State Five-Power Solution. But before that let’s rescue the world first from collapse into global civil war. To an investigation into the character of Posmodernity we now turn.
Executive Summary
The PaRaDiSe model of Civilization produces the Democratic Constitution as application which builds on and goes beyond the Declaration of Independence as well as its Constitution of the United States of America of 1789. This is an updating of the State from the XVIII century Enlightenment Period to the XXI century Age of Information and Knowledge. The salient features of the New Universal Democratic PaRaDiSe Constitution are a five-power State consisting of the Government holding on to two powers and the People having three powers.
We’ll be going from a three to a five-power State. That is, on the one hand, the Government consisting of the Legislative first power for laws and Executive second power for order, and, on the other hand, the People consisting of the Judicial third power for justice, plus the News Media fourth power as watchdog, and the University fifth power for budget. Additionally, as Amendments to the Democratic PaRaDiSe Constitution we’ll be transitioning from one person one vote to one person triad votes, as well as entitling children to vote by way of their legal guardians.
For the sake of cohesion in the representation of knowledge of the PaRaDiSe model of Civilization, I’ll be placing the cue letters P, R, D, and S from the PaRaDiSe Common Sense acronym application to make the triad braid connecting civilization through all its religious, philosophical and scientific stages of development.
The Larger Question
The background to the narrative of the development of civilization up to the democratic constitution is that WW II ended Modernity which started in the Enlightenment period XVIII century Europe and found application in the United States Constitution, and in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen in France, both of 1789.
Today we’re in Posmodernity transitioning past Modernity to unchartered waters rudderless and without a compass or map. The old hasn’t finished passing away and the new hasn’t started hatching yet. Since then, we’ve been in transition with dualism split between democratic capitalist West and autocratic communist East of Soviet era history and now Red and Blue Purple China with mixed system Eastern in politics and Western in economy. We’re living the throes of the aftermath of Modernity. In free fall but with favorable drafts.
Posmodernity doesn’t tell you what it is any more than what it is not, just what it’s after. Just like the preSocratics doesn’t tell you other than coming before Socrates and nothing else. There is no solution within Modernity proper, it’s finished. Posmodernity is still undefined as yet, at least till this essay. Only by knowing where we come from can one characterize where we’re going to as Posmodernity. The cue is Civilization-S / PaRaDiSism–D Posmodernity-R Democracy-P.
2 The PaRaDiSe Model of Civilization
The only reason I can think of why our world is broken is because we don’t know how it’s put together to begin with. The chaos is due to too much information and very little knowledge. Like in losing sight of the forest on account of so many trees. So then, the natural place to start is on how the parts go together to make up the whole. I will cut to the chase and solely provide the conclusions of the PaRaDiSe Model as the universal principle of knowledge. Succinctly, the PaRaDiSeApp is an acronym consisting of Secret–S / Discover–D, Reflect–R, and Plain-P. By way of example this comes across intuitively as Life–S / Spiritual–D, Mental–R, and Physical-P, or else as Being–S / Imaginary–D, Creative–R, and Real-P, or alternatively as Whole-S / Deep-D, Reflective-R Plain-P, and so on. The Universal Principle of Knowledge states that the whole is made of triad parts, succinctly, as WholeS / TriadPRD as PaRaDiSe Common Sense.
In the following, I will limit my argumentation to conclusions leaving the foundations for the kind listener to consult in my works. The assignment is to read my books on Amazon and view the videos on YouTube. Starting with the breakthrough book PaRDeSism published in 2018, followed by PaRaDiSe the Age of Unveilment of Genesis 1:1a/alef in 2019, The Principle of World Caring in 2020, and Saving Creation in 2021. For ease of understanding of these books there are seventy or so videos on YouTube which develop some of the topics. Additionally, there is the series of old and new podcasts. All this can be accessed at my webpage PaRaDiSism dot org.
Our approach is not issues-based. The issues are the problem not the solution. Our approach is holistic and heuristic. By this I mean a comprehensive long duration big picture view of things of broad qualitative strokes lacking quantitative detail, respectively. A point of procedure to save time and effort, I will be freely using the PaRaDiSe Model as tags to the concepts to both explain the narrative as well as to prove the validity of the model.
3 Archaic Israel and the PreSocratics
An inherent and unsolvable problem with the three-power State is that the government takes charge of social justice of the People. The more social justice required the bigger the role of government. Or if social justice issues are left to the private sector, it would in turn need supervision to avoid commission of excesses and defeat the original purpose of downsizing. But here again, bigger government and bigger business and smaller people and lesser social justice.
So then, this is where PaRaDiSe Common Sense as the WholeS / TriadPRD comes to the rescue. This will be covered in another exhibition later on, but for the moment suffice to state it and use it as an application of the sole principle in what follows. I am certainly not a one-man band. Therefore, if I’m to make any progress I must embark on making a manageable model of the whole of civilization of the last five-thousand years or so. I am a firm believer in common sense, of primeval common sense that is, before it was corrupted somewhere along the way into our present day adulterated common sense of “don’t fix it if it ain’t broken” attitude. To this we now proceed to develop holistic and heuristically. By this I mean recurring to all expressions of culture free of labeling, be they the works of the Middle East, Ancient Greece, or later on.
Hence, we’re God’s delegates on Earth having been made in the image and likeness of the Creator with the charge of integrating civilization as the way to save Creation. The converse holds as well, that keeping our world broken surmounts to destroying Creation. On the one hand, the PaRaDiSe Model of integrating Civilization is tantamount to the deist and humanist projects. On the other hand, all that Religion can come up with is Messianism, Science with trial and error as with Climate change, and philosophy, all we have to do is look at the geopolitical train-wreck on the verge of global civil war.
4 My assumptions for the holistic and heuristic model are as follows. Throughout what follows I’ll rely heavily on using tags from the PaRaDiSe Model to demonstrate both the thesis of the existence of the master principle of knowledge as well as to exemplify it in the narrative. Thought-S / manifests culturally-PRD in mass-P space-R and time-D. Specifically, thought-S / as religion in Israel-D, philosophy in Greece-R, and science in Modernity-P. The challenge is ultimately to come up with a model of thought-S / with cultural parameters-PRD to make the connections across historical ages.
In this simplified model of civilization, I’m leaving out altogether the far East of China and India and others, and America, and the other continents. Needless to say, the older the culture the more fundamental it is. Today’s predominant culture carries heavier weight than those on the fringes, meaning a West dominating over the East, to a first approximation. However, pre-Archaic history somehow finds its way onto the Archaic Period of the Middle East. By Middle East is understood what is commonly known as the fertile Crescent of Egypt and Mesopotamia, including lands inbetween. A fundamental assumption is that the Middle East dovetails unto Israel. This establishes a continuity of documentary development on the timeline. The Pentateuch of Moses is the cornerstone. The foundations are laid out during the Archaic period in Israel.
Our PaRaDiSe model of Civilization assumes continuity. This means that the PreSocratic Schools of Ionia are somehow the missing link between the Moses of Israel and the School of Athens of Greece. That is, the timeline is XII century bce Archaic Israel, VI century bce early Antiquity Ionia, and IV century bce middle Antiquity Greece. Let’s now give it a human face to better understand things. The patriarch is Moses, the triad sons are the PreSocratic Pythagoras, Parmenides, and Thales, the triad grandsons are the School of Athens Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, the triad great grandsons are the European Enlightenment thinkers Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau and the seven American Constitutionalists, and we today are the Postmodern bewildered fourth generation children. I have purposedly avoided using the id tags to lighten the load but will express them wherever its convenient.
5 Now, the Pentateuch refers to the five books of Moses, better known as the Bible, or narrowly as the Old Testament. The preSocratic thinkers comprise Thales of Miletus, founder of th Milesian School of the physicists-P; Xenophanes of Colophon and Parmenides of Elea, founders of the Eleatic School-D of Being is not being is not; Pythagoras of Samos, founder of the Pythagorean School of Triads-D, and of the Tetractys Secret Sect-S. The School of Athens was comprised by Socrates-R, Plato-D, and Aristotle-P, but there were many other philosophers and schools as well.
Since we’re claiming continuity of thought throughout civilization, we need to say more about the contribution of Moses in order to tie the knots further down the line. My claim is that Moses laid out primeval common sense upfront by simply having us combine the first letter of Hebrew with the first word of the Genesis. It’s that easy and simple. That is, Alef A (א) with BeReshIth InBeginningOf (בראשית), as Alef/BeReshIth A/InBeginningOf (א/בראשית). This hypothesis takes the shape of the acronym PaRaDiSe, standing for WholeS/TriadPRD.
Herein each of these letters stands for one of the constituent parts of primeval common sense that the one whole-S / is made of triad parts-PRD. By triad is meant that the three parts lock together as the square ruler tool, much like the Pythagorean right triangle. In other words, restating it and placing the letters to make the match we have Whole-S / Imaginary-D Mental-R Real-P. This way the acronym PaRaDiSe stands for a quick way of stating primeval common sense. The object of all this is to turn our finding into an application for practical use to solve our everyday problems.
Now let’s continue with our continuity of thought argument between religion of Archaic Israel and philosophy of Greek antiquity. Athenian democracy comes from Israeli theocracy. Israeli theocracy was an improvement on absolutist rulers of the Archaic period of the Middle East. They had autocracy, meaning self-sufficient ruler, accountable to no one or thing. With Israel the King was anointed by a prophet and subject to reign in adherence to the Bible. The Torah served the role of Constitution. The king wasn’t an absolute ruler in this sense, at least in theory. They had majority rule when it came to decisions and were strongly paternalistic. Needless to say, slaves couldn’t vote nor could women nor children or foreigners.
Let’s now then briefly characterize Athenian democracy. In Athens slaves couldn’t vote, nor could women whose place was the family, nor children, nor those free men who didn’t have property, or skin in the game. The Athenians had a general assembly, not a king, not a bicameral form of legislature. They had a judicial system in place. My guess is that parallel there was the belief of the Olympus of the reign of the gods, but not taken seriously.
6 PreSocratics and Greek Antiquity
Now to American democracy. Originally blacks couldn’t vote because they were slaves, nor could women, nor children, though property was not a condition. However, public office was mostly honorific, not paid a living salary, such that only propertied gentry could effectively hold office. In today’s democracy there is no slavery so everybody can vote, regardless of property, including women, though not children under eighteen years of age. There is need to register to vote and conditions hold on identification.
Before we continue laying out the historical carpet from Greek Antiquity to Western Modernity, we need to restate the corresponding connections otherwise we’ll lose our way in the shuffle of things. This serves just to refresh our memory. Our statement is that our model of reason goes by various names such as Master Key of the Bible, Primeval Common Sense, Universal Principle of Knowledge, PaRaDiSe application, Cornerstone of Culture, amongst others.
Our hypothesis takes the shape of the acronym PaRaDiSe, standing for WholeS/TriadPRD. Now we provide the following characterization of the Alef/BeReshIth A/InBeginningOf (א/בראשית) as is the norm. Passing from principle to application this unfolds as PaRaDiSe (פרדס) from primeval Kabbalah. Normally this is expressed as Sod Secret (סוד)-S / Derash Discover (דרש)-D Remez Remit (רמז)-R Peshat Plain (פשט)-P.
In simpler terms it usually comes across variously as Being-S / Spiritual-D Mental-R Physical-P, or alternatively as Existence-S / Imaginary-D Interactive-R Real- P, or else as Whole-S / Inside-D Between-R Outside-P. Also, as PaRaDiSe–S / One Commandment-D Universal Principle of Knowledge-R Primeval Common Sense-P. Additionally as0-S / 1-D 3-R 2-P, and so on. Essentially, the PaRaDiSe App is a model serving as placeholder for four different categories based on the one WholeS / is made of TriadPRD.
7 That said, our claim is that the PreSocratic Schools and Sect each developed in turn an aspect of the WholeS/TriadPRD. That is, the Pythagorean Religious Sect developed the Sod Secret (סוד)-S / in their “Tetractys”. The Eleatic School of Parmenides of Elea developed the Derash Discover (דרש)-D of “Being is and not being is not”. The Pythagorean School of the followers of Pythagoras of Samos developed the Remez Remit (רמז)-R of the “Triads”. The Milesian School of Thales of Miletus developed the Peshat Plain (פשט)-P of the “Physicists”.
I will just mention three Pythagorean preSocratic thinkers who are mostly unknown to give you a flavor of their thoughts, but because they also served as missing link between Archaic Israel and Greek Antiquity. I will include the acronym tags alongside their sayings. Ion of Chios DK36B1: “The beginning of my work is: everything is Three and nothing more or less than three. The virtue-S / of each thing is a Triad–PRD: intelligence-R, strength-P and luck-D.” The virtue of each thing-S / as concept means that it’s made up of the parts, on the one end of the spectrum Strength-P, the outside Physical, and on the other end Luck-D, the inside Spiritual, and bouncing back and forth between these untouchables was Intelligence-R, the rim Mental.
Another presocratic thinker was Philolaus of Croton (DK44B1): “the nature in the cosmos was fitted together from unlimited-S / and limiters-PRD, both the cosmos as a whole-S / and everything-PRD in it.” Now, the Pythagorean Oath: “Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy, holy Tetractys-S /, thou that contains the root and source of the eternally flowing creation-PRD!” They’re mentioned here because purportedly they form the missing link between Moses’ Tetragrammaton YHVH Creator (יהוה) as PaRaDiSe WholeS/TriadPRD and the School of Athens as above mentioned.
Regarding the School of Athens, the correspondences are the Priesthood who developed the Sod Secret (סוד)-S / in their Greek Pantheon. Plato developed Derash Discover (דרש)-D of idealism. Socrates developed the Remez Remit (רמז)-R of the I only know that I know nothing. Aristotle developed the Peshat Plain (פשט)-P of realism. The problem is that Plato confessed not knowing if he was coming or going from first principles, Aristotle proposed a myriad of principles, and Socrates only knew that he knew nothing. Greek philosophy-S / boils down to themes of Truth-D, Beauty-P and the Good-R. From One holistic universal principle of Moses of the whole-S / made of triad-PRD parts it went downhill to the first principles of the Greeks. Each of the parts is a principle in turn and reigning over the rest, in an indeterminate manner. Somehow the unifying principle of the Church-S / was kept separate from the powers of the State-PRD.
8 Greek Antiquity, Enlightenment, and Modernity
Fast forward from Greek Antiquity IV bce to European Enlightenment of the Modern Era XVIII century ce. This giant leap is justified in that there is a passing of culture as in a relay race from Greece to Rome, through the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, to the Enlightenment period. Ultimately, the European Enlightenment is heir of Greek Antiquity which is heir in turn of Israeli Archaic of the Mosaic tradition. To understand the present day which is heir of the Age of the Enlightenment we need to briefly map the Model accordingly to these two Ages.
That said, we need to characterize the schools of thought of the Enlightenment and Modernity and link them to our master players of the components of the Primeval Common-Sense Model in its PaRaDiSe App presentation. Namely, to the Sod Secret (סוד)-S / Derash Discover (דרש)-D Remez Remit (רמז)-R Peshat Plain (פשט)-P, just like we did with the PreSocratics, the School of Athens and with the Mosaic Tradition.
Let’s now map the guiding thread connecting the Enlightenment thinkers with the left, center, and right as guide names for liberalism, independentism, and conservatism, all under Church-S / State-PRD separation. Given its proximity to our times we’ll be more deliberative.
All the Enlightenment thinkers believed in Church/State separation, with the Church under the State, such that the Church-S / but under the State-PRD.
Comes to mind firstly the English Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) who wrote Leviathan (1651), a defense of absolutism. First humanity lived in a state of nature, much like living in the wild, but with time the populations moved from this state to one which protects life-D, property-P, and liberty-R. They drafted a social contract amongst themselves and surrendered their freedom to a king in exchange for security of their three priced possessions. Within our model we identify Hobbes with Sod Secret (סוד)-S /, due to his absolutism.
Next comes to mind the English John Locke (1632-1704) who wrote Two Treatises on Government (1690). He shared certain beliefs with Hobbes, such as the need of a social contract. However, he argued that man had natural rights of life-D, liberty-R and property-P in the original state of nature, and that these rights were inalienable in the social contract. Also, that the contract wasn’t amongst the people but rather between the people and the ruler. Within our model, we identify Locke with Derash Discover (דרש)-D of limited ruler reached by consensus under the social contract.
9 Next comes to mind the French Charles Montesquieu (1689-1755) who wrote the Spirit of the Laws (1748). He argued that it was when people united that war arose, which in turn leads to human laws and government for the purpose of maintaining law and order-D, as well as freedom-R and property-P of the people. He advocated for the three powers of the state as well as checks and balances of power. More to the point he proposed the Legislative-D, Executive-P and Judicial-R powers of the state. Within our model, we identify Montesquieu with Remez Remit (רמז)-R of a state under a constitution of laws.
Lastly, comes to mind the Swiss Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) who wrote an essay entitled the Social Contract (1762). He argued for a state of nature as free-R, equal, peaceful, and happy-D. Then private property-P came into the picture and things went downhill. He argues that the People are sovereign-S / and favored a representative form of government, something like a republic or a democracy. Within our model, we identify Rousseau with Peshat Plain (פשט)-P of the People as Sovereign.
Within the American part of the Enlightenment, there are seven personalities who one way or another share in varying degrees the Sod Secret (סוד)-S / Derash Discover (דרש)-D Remez Remit (רמז)-R Peshat Plain (פשט)-P. These are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and John Adams. They all participated in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution of the United States of America of 1789. This is beyond my competence, suffice to mention it and move on.
So much for European and American Enlightenment, now onwards to Modernity in general. In broad strokes within our model, we would identify the Church with Sod Secret (סוד)-S /, in its absolutism. There is ChurchS/StatePRD separation just as in PaRaDiSe standing for WholeS/TriadPRD. The Right, or conservatism, we would identify with Derash Discover (דרש)-D. The Center, or independent, we would identify with Remez Remit (רמז)-R for its back and forth. The Left, or liberal, we would identify with Peshat Plain (פשט)-P for its populism.
10 PostModernity
Arguably Modernity ends with WWII and now we’re living in Post Modernity, or Posmodernity, for lack of a better name. Interestingly, the cues from Modernity of the US Constitution moving forward to PostModernity lie precisely in the Declaration of Independence and in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the Bill of Rights. This will become clearer in what follows.
Now that we’ve set out the table we can finally get to work. Here I can do one of two things. I can proceed systemically to derive the conclusions, or else cut to the chase by using the PaRaDiSe App and deliver the goods, leaving for homework to the diligent listener to consult my books and videos previously mentioned which address this topic under the heading of the New Universal PaRaDiSe Democratic Constitution.
The Model in question referred to is that the PaRaDiSe App unfolds from Ellipse with Main Triad to the Triad of Triads once, and then to Triad of Triad of Triads twice. This works pretty much like the lenses of a laboratory microscope. Here the middle R-term of the hypotenuse of the Main Triad in turn unfolds a first time as Dr, Rr, and Pr, but the middle term Rr in turn unfolds a second time as Drr, Rrr, and Prr.
At the ground level as plain PaRaDiSe it refers to the Civilization-S / Culture-PRD, with Beliefs-D, Values-R and Interests-P. If we were talking about religion, we would focus on amplifying the Beliefs-D, if we were talking about economics, we would focus on amplifying the Interests-P, but since we’re taking about politics we will focus on values-R, on amplifying the Triad Rr.
At this level we’re at basic democracy as understood during the Enlightenment period of the XVIII century Europe and America. More specifically, this serves to understand the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, as well as the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, and others as well. As it stands now, the US Constitution maps the State of three-powers as follows. State-S / Executive-Dr We People-Rr Legislative-Pr.
Now to the cues moving towards a Universal Democratic Constitution of Posmodernity. Briefly, we have in the Preamble of the US Constitution “We the People US…establish Constitution of the United States”. Later on, in the Bill of Rights we have on the Ninth Amendment “In the Constitution…certain rights…retained by the people”, and on the Tenth Amendment “The powers not delegated…are reserved…to the people”. The point of interest is the People. This being the case, we’ll simply further amplify the We People-Rr from the previous level. Doing this operation would then give us Drr, Rrr, and Prr. The question at this point is identifying these placeholders.
11 A little historical perspective will provide us with the needed insight moving forward. From Rousseau we get the People as Sovereign, and from Montesquieu we get the division of powers of the state into Legislative, Executive and Judicial. Supposedly, this is because empirically he equated these state powers with actual powers of the nation back then of the King, Nobility, and the Church, respectively. In any case, things have changed in the XXI century since the XVIII century. Since we’re talking about powers and following his reasoning of observing the facts on the ground and elevating them to principles, the fact is that we’re living in the ages of Information and Knowledge. My hunch is that information fits well with Social and News Media and knowledge with Colleges and University. The state power of Justice is fine, just needs making it independent of both the Executive and Legislative powers, and place term limits. Crisis is opportunity, needless to mention.
To a first approximation, trusting that scholars will fine tune it later on, my proposal is adding these two new powers of the Media and the University to the State. That is, from a three-power State move on to a five-power State. The problem with the three-power State is that the plutocratic democracy excluding the News Media and the University has turned in practice into a duocracy. The hope is that this updating of our state will rescue it into an XXI century universal democracy.
In terms of the PaRaDiSe App model this five-power State would consist of a government of two-powers and a People of three-powers. That is, the Government would consist of Legislative-Pr and Executive-Dr, and the People, originally encapsulated within the Judicial-Rr, would now consist of the University-Drr, Judicial-Rrr and Media-Prr. The Judicial-Rr originally played a buffer role as We the People between the two active powers of the Executive-Dr and the Legislative-Pr.
Again, going to conclusions leaving pending the argumentation, I would like to include a few more points, leaving for homework going to my books and videos for details. These two points is giving a triad of votes to the person instead of the customary one vote per person, as well as giving children the right to vote by way of their parents or legal guardians till they reach the threshold voting age.
In following I’ll put up for discussion my proposal of the New Universal Democratic PaRaDiSe Constitution to replace the obsolete once democratic now duocratic US Constitution of 1789.
In the particular case of the US at present the identification beyond reasonable doubt would be ChurchS/StatePRD as follows. Church, or absolutism, with Sod Secret (סוד)-S /. The Right, or conservatism, of Derash Discover (דרש)-D we would identify with the Republican Party. The Independent, or mixed feelings, of Remez Remit (רמז)-R we would identify with the Independent Parties, such as Green, Libertarian, and others during elections.The Left, or liberalism, we would identify with Peshat Plain (פשט)-P and further with the Democratic Party.
12 Necessary and sufficient conditions
Necessary and sufficient conditions. The necessary conditions for something to occur would be the know conditions, whereas the sufficient conditions would be the unknown. In our case of interest, the necessary condition for democracy would be the three-power state and the sufficient conditions would be the five-power state. The necessary condition for democracy is the three-power state consisting of the Legislative-Pr, Executive-Dr, and Judicial-Rr powers, actually this guarantees duocracy. The sufficient condition for democracy is the five-power state consisting of Legislative-Pr, Executive-Dr powers, but with the Judicial-Rr power further unfolding as triad of triad of triads, namely, as the University-Drr, Judicial-Rrr and Media-Prr.
The New Universal Democratic PaRaDiSe Constitution
1. The State of five-Powers: (PaRaDiSe model of Civilization)
The Government, two Powers: Legislative & Executive.
The People, three Powers: Judicial, and two more Powers (News-Media & University)
(Based on the Preamble US Constitution. “We the People US…establish Constitution US.”)
2. Fourth Power, the News Media. (Age of Information)
(On the Ninth Amendment. “In the Constitution…certain rights…retained by the people.”)
3. Fifth Power, the University. (Age of Knowledge)
(On the Tenth Amendment. “The powers not delegated…are reserved…to the people.”)
Triad votes per person. (The One Whole-S is made of Triad-PRD Parts)
(Based on PaRaDiSe.)
1. One person, triad three-votes Democracy not One person, single one-vote Duocracy. Triad vote per person for Democracy, one vote per person for Duocracy.
2. Children entitled to vote via their parents or legal guardians.
Five-Power State: Government, Two Powers, & People, Three Powers.
Government: First Power, Legislative, Second Power, Executive.
People: Third Power, Judicial; Fourth Power, News Media; Fifth Power, University.
Executive => Security & Essentials; Legislative => Laws; Judicial => Justice, Constitution;
Media => Accountability, Watchdog; University => We the People, Budget Spending.
The role of the News Media would be watchdog. By News Media is meant the social and news media. The role of the University would be administration of the budget. By University is meant the tertiary, secondary and primary levels of education. All details would be left to the delegates to the Constitutional Assembly.
Unifying principle of civilization. Everything fits into place with PaRaDiSe common sense and falls out of place without it. Unadulterated common sense is the primeval sense of PaRaDiSe built-in us from Creation proper.
On the one hand, the PaRaDiSe Model of Civilization explains what we know of civilization, and on the other hand, lights the way to the unknown path towards the Democratic Constitution. PaRaDiSe Model of Civilization states the necessary and sufficient conditions for a Universal Democracy.
Not a wish list of a constitution, but yes include the wish list in the Constitution. But the societal constitution should be but a reflection of the constitution of the human being. The People not robots are sovereign. People sovereign of the House of Representatives. States not sovereign there’s no Senate. However, the nation can be divided into states for government. Right to distrust the government and neighbors. Right to bear arms for protection against tyranny and lack of order.
Announcement of constitutive Assembly locally, nationally, and globally to deliberate and redact this Universal Democratic PaRaDiSe Constitution.
13 End

