This opening episode is dedicated to Lara a dear friend of ours all, pray may she gets well soon pronto.
The following podcast on why bad things happen to good people contains kabbalistic, theological, philosophical, and scientific content, or Torahism, that some persons may find disturbing. Listener discretion is advised.
Executive Summary
This episode is about why the world is broken, and what to do about it. Let’s start with the question. Why is the world broken, to begin with? Herein is where the Lie comes in. Let’s ask what the Lie is. The Lie is that the world is broken because it’s a broken world. Plain and simple. And what is the Truth? The Truth is that the world is broken because we break it. Equally plain and simple. That is, we keep breaking it in fixing things because we really don’t know how we know that we know what we know.
Well, the Lie cannot exist on its own, rather it stands on the shoulders of the Big Lie. On the one hand, the Big Lie supports the Lie by misinterpretation in the translation of the Holy Scriptures claiming that it says nothing about the relationship between the Whole and the Parts to make our World one. And on the other hand, the Big Truth supports the Truth that the Holy Scriptures do tell us that the Whole is constituted out of Triad parts so as to integrate civilization.
The key to unraveling this conundrum lies in engaging with the words of Scripture and recovering the Takeaway of the Bible which holds the Holy PaRaDiSePrinciple of Knowledge. That’s all there’s to it. To translate in good faith the wisdom contained in the Holy Book to broaden our values instead of dumbing them down to mundane interests.
The Lie is true only if we keep lying in supporting it down the line. That is, the Lie depends on the Big Lie much like the tip of the iceberg showing with the rest underneath giving it buoyancy. The Lie that the world is broken because it is a broken world by default is true, but if and only if we ourselves lie when falsely translating the Bible to fit our tendentious interpretation of things.
Behold. In the best possible of terms, herein I’m reporting a crime against humanity on the part of the rabbinic, secular, and ecclesiastical authorities. The religious and secular authorities are getting away with the murder of humankind. They have been acting with premeditation, deceit, and advantage on the beliefs, values, and interests of the unsuspecting flock of followers. Herein is presented a game plan to get rid of the Lie Culture and recover our creativity as was the original intent of the Holy Scriptures.
My recommendation is that you follow along with your King James Bible, or JPS Torah, and check if it’s not already sanitized for safe consumption and loaded with the scam software nanochip. If you have doubts, please use the app translate google or go to Sefaria dot org for the keyword of Mitzvah Commandment and Mitzvot Commandments. Additionally, please forward this message to your local secular and religious authority of any religious denominations and academic disciplines to take up this invitation to dialogue on this delicate matter of saving Creation by integrating civilization.
Thesis Statement
My thesis statement is that the 613 commandments in the Bible, reduce to 10 commandments, the Decalogue, and ultimately to the One Commandment, the Holy Takeaway of the Bible! Just do the math creatively to convince yourselves, 613=>6+1+3=10=>1+0=1! The One Commandment is not a specific commandment, nor a collective duo, not even a generic one, but rather contains the Universal Principle of Knowledge to creatively save Creation by integrating Civilization. That is to say, alongside the Holy Book of the Bible, the Holy Land of Israel, and the Holy Language of Hebrew, the One Universal Commandment as the Takeaway of the Bible is the Holy PaRaDiSe App.
A hermeneutical study of primeval kabbalah, or Torahism, is done on verses from the Book of Devarim Deuteronomy of the Masoretic translation to make the case that the rabbinic, secular, and ecclesiastical authorities in charge of the translation of the Hebrew Bible have fitted their interpretation to support the Lie. This scandalous hypocrisy is carried out in three ways. Firstly, downplaying the occurrence of the word Mitzvah Commandment (המצוה) in the singular specific by translating it rhetorically in the plural as Mitzvot Commandments (מצוות) without further ado. Secondly, by translating it in the singular but as a collective noun. And thirdly, translating the singular as generic, as by casualty, and placing it alongside the many other occurrences of commandments, decrees, ordinances, and testimonies to insure it passes unnoticed in the shuffle. All these guarantees that it is not given proper unique character and identity as the One Universal Commandment.
Mention is made therein in the Biblical text at the outset in Devarim Deut 4:2 and 5:29 that nothing should be added, or subtracted from the wording, nor swaying to the right nor the left, respectively. Furthermore, it says that if such care is carried out in translation and interpretation, then the benefits to humanity are forthcoming. Likewise, the opposite is to be expected if manipulations are carried out on the original wording of the sacred text. That is, if we say the Truth, ours is a whole world, and if we Lie, ours is a broken world, but of our own doing. Furthermore, mention of this is made in more than a dozen places in the Book of Devarim Deut, selectively starting with 4:40, 5:30, 6:25 in I Pleaded Va’ethchannan, and in 8:1,11 and 11:8, 22 in Because Eikev, and further on as well.
Like a spare-change thinker of primeval Kabbalah, or Torahism, I still recall when knee-high being told the Lie that it’s in the nature of things to be broken. Later on, growing up in the Culture of Lies, I adapted to survive in the world of Double Standards. The thing is that the Lie feeds on the Big Lie, which sucks on the Bigger Lie, which is conceived in turn by the Biggest Lie. But who’s putting out the Lie and the Big Lie? Well, who’s in charge of the translation of the Bible? Religious and secular authorities of all denominations and disciplines are the authors of these concatenated Lies, of the fate of civilization, and ultimately of Creation insofar as we as Creatives are made in the image and likeness of the Creator.
Herein, in Part I, for fear of alienating my cherished audience and failing again to be of any service to humanity, I will limit my ranting to the Lie and the Big Lie, leaving for Part II the Bigger Lie and the Bigger Truth, and for Part III the Biggest Lie and the Biggest Truth. But perhaps sandwiched in-between to whet your appetite for political matters, I’ll provide the PaRaDiSeAmerican Constitution as a practical application to replace our expired 1789 US Constitution.
Model and Application
Since we started smack in the middle, and not at the beginning, in order to highlight its importance in detriment to systemic exposition, we will have to simply skip the Model and leave for homework the explanation to the listener. The assignment is to read my ten books on Amazon and help yourselves to the free videos on YouTube. However, the breakthrough book is PaRDeSism 2018, followed by PaRaDiSe the Age of Unveilment of Genesis 1:1a/alef 2019, The Principle of World Caring 2020, and Saving Creation 2021. For ease of understanding, there are 70 or so videos on YouTube. In either case, soon to follow are Part II and III of this “The Lie and the Truth” episode series.
The Lie and the Big Lie form the lower echelon of the PaRaDiSeApp, an acronym consisting of S-Secret, D-Discover, R-Reflect, and P-Plain, as the Lie, the Plain-P, and the Big Lie, the Reflect-R. As just said, all this can be found in my books on Amazon and videos on YouTube. We’ll have the opportunity later on to flesh out this primeval Kabbalah finding, but for the moment bear with me as simply given the nomenclature of the Model. The Lie is supposedly the fact of our broken world, and it’s supported by the Big Lie in the biased translation and misinterpretation of passages from the Good Book, the Torah, which stands for Teaching in Hebrew. I will limit my contributions to the Archaic period of Biblical times, a safe three-thousand years distance from Modern days, leaving connecting the dots of the narrative to the attentive listener to pursue it.
For the sake of expediency, I’m not going to take the argument from the top, but from the middle, and jump straight into the chaos of present-day times on the verge of global civil war, starting with the United States of America and rippling outwards. Let’s then dive into the alleged support of the Big Lie in the misinterpretation of the Book of Devarim Deuteronomy for the Lie that the world is broken because it is a broken world, as well as the Truth that the world is broken because we break it, and what to do about it.
Bible Translation as Interpretation
Let’s start by mentioning the ground rules for any meaningful discussion as found in the Holy Scriptures. Please pardon my daring not being a rabbi nor a scholar, but a physicist, a friend of knowledge, and one angry at the abomination of the leadership behind the demise of our Earth. I will paraphrase the following from an authoritative interlinear translation of the Hebrew text. For the sake of fluency, I will paraphrase in quoting from the Book of Devarim Deuteronomy 4:2.
Deut 4:2.
לֹ֣א תֹסִ֗פוּ עַל־הַדָּבָר֙ אֲשֶׁ֤ר אָנֹכִי֙ מְצַוֶּ֣ה אֶתְכֶ֔ם וְלֹ֥א תִגְרְע֖וּ מִמֶּ֑נּוּ לִשְׁמֹ֗ר אֶת־מִצְוֺת֙ יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר אָנֹכִ֖י מְצַוֶּ֥ה אֶתְכֶֽם׃
Do not add to the word which I command you, nor shall you subtract from it; to observe dialogue with the commandments, of YHVH your God, that I command you:
This is pretty straightforward and familiar from any Bible. However, I’m interpreting the direct object marker ’eth as dialogue-with (את) and leaving the Tetragrammaton YHVH (יהוה), the four-letter name of God, as written without vowels to avoid the temptation of pronunciation. All else is the same. The above verse is not rocket science, it simply and unambiguously states that the Bible as written is the standard of perfection and should not be tampered with by imperfect human hands. Rather, effort should be made to fathom its depths instead of pretending to correct it for fear of only making things worse, as is today’s chaos, courtesy of our religious and secular authorities.
Let me recap the argument to have it fresh on our minds after the previous prolegomena. The Lie is that the world is broken because it’s a broken world. (Spanish, el mundo está rota porque es roto.) Period! Now, the Big Lie pretends to justify this pseudo-fact based on verses from the Bible. All of these hinges on the interpretation in the translation of the word Mitzvah Commandment (מצוה), at times translated as Mitzvot Commandments (מצוות), in the plural, and at times in the singular as Mitzvah Commandment (מצוה), as above mentioned. What is behind this apparently inane point is but of liberating and revolutionary importance, as we’ll shortly have occasion to witness firsthand.
The scheme is carried out threefold. I’ll put it out at the opening and delve later on it extensively. At times the singular word Mitzvah Commandment (מצוה) is translated as such in the singular but interpreted as a collective noun of two classes. At other times the singular word is translated in the singular but dismissed as not having major importance. And finally, at other times the singular word is translated in the plural, as generic classification, and glossed over as if nothing out of the ordinary. But and this is the catch, at no time is the singular identified sui generis as the Universal Commandment. Herein lies the scam.
This is the Deal.
If, on the one hand, the singular is translated in the singular, to what unique Mitzvah Commandment (מצוה) could it possibly be referring? This is the query. If, on the other hand, the singular is translated into the plural, it can take one of two forms. Firstly, as a collective noun of two sets. But what purpose would such a redundancy serve? None whatsoever! And secondly, if the singular is translated in the plural as the generic, one of the (10) Ten Commandments, or as one of the (613) six-hundred thirteen commandments of the sages, how is such grammatical usage justified? It isn’t. You simply have to call a thing by its name, or else it’s the reign of the Tower of nonsense.
In an ordinary text, the solution is usually to fit the text to the fact, or theory to experiment, and that’s it. But with the Deut 4:2 restrictionof growing and deepening in understanding, instead of dumbing it down to our size, this is not an option. As a kabbalist allow me to share a little creative math. The 613 commandments, if added outright, give 6+1+3=10, and iteratively twice, 10=>1+0=1! In primeval kabbalah, this means that the (613) six-hundred thirteen commandments of the sages reduce to the (10) Ten Commandments given to Moses at Mount Sinai, and this Decalogue further reduces to the (1) One Commandment given in the Creation Story.
The point is that the singular Mitzvah Commandment (מצוה) acts as the concept, of unity in diversity in the universal. And that this Takeaway holds the key to making our world whole. It’s that simple. Much like the concept of the forest, the universal is all the trees, but it is not another tree itself. That said, let’s now retrace our steps and check where the Big Lie unfolds. It is not that I’m being irreverent to the secular and religious sages who after all have been right 99% of the time, but rather that I’m being reverent to the Torah Bible which is right 100%! Out of the numerous instances from the text, I have chosen a small sample to prove my argument. I’m sure that if you take the time, you can find numerous instances to support our thesis statement of the existence of this canceled Universal Commandment by the authorities in charge.
Exhibit #1 The singular as a collective noun.
Let’s present our case laying out Exhibit # 1 with Devarim Deut 6:1. This is how it is presented, with the singular Mitzvah Commandment (מצוה) as in the singular, but as a collective noun, that is, as veiled plural, signifying nothing else than the decrees and the ordinances themselves, as if these decrees and ordinances required a previous commandment that they must to be obeyed, being the case that they are orders in themselves.
Firstly, I will present the literal version of Deut 6:1. I will henceforth emphasize the One Universal Commandment of the Takeaway of the Bible, as it is singled out of the 613 commandments, and of the 10 Commandments, the Decalogue. Afterward, I’ll quote the mistranslation as it appears in most Bibles.
Deut 6:1
וְזֹ֣את הַמִּצְוָ֗ה הַֽחֻקִּים֙ וְהַמִּשְׁפָּטִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוָּ֛ה יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶ֖ם לְלַמֵּ֣ד אֶתְכֶ֑ם לַעֲשׂ֣וֹת בָּאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר אַתֶּ֛ם עֹבְרִ֥ים שָׁ֖מָּה לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
And this is The Commandment, the Decrees and the Ordinances, that commands YHVH your G’d to teach to you; to perform in the land, that you are crossing thereto, to possess it:
Now the mistranslation of the verse.
And this is the Commandment—the Decrees and the Ordinances—that your God YHVH has commanded me to impart to you, to be observed in the land that you are about to cross into and occupy:
That is, that the Commandment is just the collective of the Decrees and the Ordinances, nothing more. In other words, that the Commandment is just a short way of grouping the Decrees and the Ordinances as a single unit.
Exhibit #2 The Singular as a specific singular.
In continuation presenting our case Exhibit #2 with Deut 6:24-25, the singular is translated as a singular item, but nothing of it. Herein in verse 24 vet kol hachukkim dialogue-with all the Decrees (אֶת־כׇּל־הַחֻקִּ֣ים) is given as representative of the Decrees and Ordinances, and in verse 25 vet kol hammitzvah dialogue-with all The Commandment (אֶת־כׇּל־הַמִּצְוָ֣ה) is mentioned outright without room for doubt, passed over as if there’s more of importance to add. While the translation is accurate, the interpretation is misleading, as above mentioned. This we now transcribe.
Deut 6:24
וַיְצַוֵּ֣נוּ יְהֹוָ֗ה לַעֲשׂוֹת֙ אֶת־כׇּל־הַחֻקִּ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה לְיִרְאָ֖ה אֶת־יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֵ֑ינוּ לְט֥וֹב לָ֙נוּ֙ כׇּל־הַיָּמִ֔ים לְחַיֹּתֵ֖נוּ כְּהַיּ֥וֹם הַזֶּֽה׃
“Then YHVH commanded us to observe dialogue-with all these Decrees, to revere dialogue-with our God YHVH; for our lasting good, and for our survival, as is now the case:
Deut 6:25
וּצְדָקָ֖ה תִּֽהְיֶה־לָּ֑נוּ כִּֽי־נִשְׁמֹ֨ר לַעֲשׂ֜וֹת אֶת־כׇּל־הַמִּצְוָ֣ה הַזֹּ֗את לִפְנֵ֛י יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוָּֽנוּ׃
It will be therefore to our merit before our God YHVH to observe dialogue-with all The Commandment, as YHVH our G’d, has commanded us:”
While the translation is correct, it is nevertheless glossed over as if there’s nothing worthy of comment. Here we see that there is awareness of the text, yet it seems to be understood as a glitch of sorts in the Bible. Imagine that! So, it’s not that they were not aware, rather, there’s the intention of simply ignoring it.
Years ago, when I started studying these words, I naively thought that it was an oversight, collective oversight more so than individual, but human error, that’s all. Now I know better, there’s a backstory to the front presented.
Exhibit #3 The Singular as generic plural.
Let’s continue presenting our case with Deut 5:28. Now the singular is translated as generic plural, as if correct. Astonishing! Go figure!
The correct translation of the singular Commandment as the singular Commandment should be:
Deut 5:28
וְאַתָּ֗ה פֹּה֮ עֲמֹ֣ד עִמָּדִי֒ וַאֲדַבְּרָ֣ה אֵלֶ֗יךָ אֵ֧ת כׇּל־הַמִּצְוָ֛ה וְהַחֻקִּ֥ים וְהַמִּשְׁפָּטִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר תְּלַמְּדֵ֑ם וְעָשׂ֣וּ בָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֧ר אָנֹכִ֛י נֹתֵ֥ן לָהֶ֖ם לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
“But you remain here with Me, and I will give you dialogue-with all The Commandment, and the Decrees, and the Ordinances, that you shall impart to them; for them to observe in the land that I am giving them to possess.”
Now the mistranslation of the verse.
“But you remain here with Me, and I will give you all the Commandments, and the Decrees, and the Ordinances, that you shall impart to them; for them to observe in the land that I am giving them to possess.”
That is, the singular The Commandment is incorrectly translated as plural generic as the Commandments.
Exhibit #4 The Singular as universal.
Finally, in closing, to the effect of getting it right, we use the section Parshah Because Eikev in Devarim Deut 11:1.
Deut 11:1
וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ וְשָׁמַרְתָּ֣ מִשְׁמַרְתּ֗וֹ וְחֻקֹּתָ֧יו וּמִשְׁפָּטָ֛יו וּמִצְוֺתָ֖יו כׇּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃
Love dialogue-with YHVH, your God; and keep Its Trust, Its Decrees, Its Ordinances, and Its Commandments, all these days:
Its Trust, in the singular, is the name given to the Universal Commandment. It is distinguished from the Decrees, Ordinances, and the Commandments themselves, and is placed in a separate category. This universality of The Commandment is precisely what gives the Takeaway of the Bible its holy character, that is, having it standing separate from the rest of the Decrees, Ordinances, and Commandments.
In all cases above, the cantillation marks showing accentuation and punctuation support our reading, and don’t support in the least the mistranslation. What the authorities are doing is fudging things to cover their tracks after their overt collusion. It would have been preferable to recognize the existence of the One Commandment and simply confess their ignorance about what and where it is.
If, then.
With this, I close the exhibits of my case, but not before amplifying the transcendence of The Commandment in question which we have been careful to identify as existent and not glossed over with games of plural, and collective noun, and as specific singular, but nothing of it.
In other words, the argument is made up of three parts. The pronouncement, the conditional, and the result. Deut 5:28 mentions the Commandment, Deut 5:29, not to misinterpret the text, and finally, Deut 5:30 mentions the consequences of the good life as a reward of an integrated world.
Let’s quote the following Devarim Deut 5:28-30 with the correct translation only.
Deut 5:28
וְאַתָּ֗ה פֹּה֮ עֲמֹ֣ד עִמָּדִי֒ וַאֲדַבְּרָ֣ה אֵלֶ֗יךָ אֵ֧ת כׇּל־הַמִּצְוָ֛ה וְהַחֻקִּ֥ים וְהַמִּשְׁפָּטִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר תְּלַמְּדֵ֑ם וְעָשׂ֣וּ בָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֧ר אָנֹכִ֛י נֹתֵ֥ן לָהֶ֖ם לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
But as for you, here stand with Me and I shall speak to you dialogue-with all The Commandment, and the Decrees, and the Ordinances, that you shall teach them in the land that I am giving to them to possess it:
Deut 5:29
וּשְׁמַרְתֶּ֣ם לַעֲשׂ֔וֹת כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוָּ֛ה יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶ֖ם אֶתְכֶ֑ם לֹ֥א תָסֻ֖רוּ יָמִ֥ין וּשְׂמֹֽאל׃
You shall be careful to do as has commanded YHVH your G’d to you; do not stray right or left:
Deut 5:30
בְּכׇל־הַדֶּ֗רֶךְ אֲשֶׁ֨ר צִוָּ֜ה יְהֹוָ֧ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶ֛ם אֶתְכֶ֖ם תֵּלֵ֑כוּ לְמַ֤עַן תִּֽחְיוּן֙ וְט֣וֹב לָכֶ֔ם וְהַאֲרַכְתֶּ֣ם יָמִ֔ים בָּאָ֖רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר תִּֽירָשֽׁוּן׃
On the entire way that commanded YHVH your G’d to you shall you go, so that you shall live, and it will be good for you, and you shall prolong your days in the land that you shall possess:
The above three verses Devarim Deut 5:28-30 clearly identify the cause of the woes of our world. The Lie and Big Lie are what’s behind our broken world. Likewise, the Truth and the Big Truth are the way to make our world whole.
PaRaDiSe App layout
In what follows, without further ado, I’ll lay out verses Devarim Deut 4:45 and 5:28 with the PaRaDiSe App indices inserted for clarity of exposition. The Model, that the Whole-S is a Triad of Parts-PRD, unfolds as the acronym PaRaDiSe, wherein the consonants stand for Secret-S / Discover-D Reflect-R Plain-P. Next, we embody the PaRaDiSe App in the following verses. Don’t worry if it’s not clear. As previously warned, I’m assuming the Model outright and using its App without additional clarifications.
Deut 4:45
אֵ֚לֶּה הָֽעֵדֹ֔ת וְהַֽחֻקִּ֖ים וְהַמִּשְׁפָּטִ֑ים אֲשֶׁ֨ר דִּבֶּ֤ר מֹשֶׁה֙ אֶל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל בְּצֵאתָ֖ם מִמִּצְרָֽיִם׃
These are the Testimonies-R, the Decrees-D, and Ordinances-P that Moses addressed to the people of Israel after they had left Egypt:
Deut 5:28
וְאַתָּ֗ה פֹּה֮ עֲמֹ֣ד עִמָּדִי֒ וַאֲדַבְּרָ֣ה אֵלֶ֗יךָ אֵ֧ת כׇּל־הַמִּצְוָ֛ה וְהַחֻקִּ֥ים וְהַמִּשְׁפָּטִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר תְּלַמְּדֵ֑ם וְעָשׂ֣וּ בָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֧ר אָנֹכִ֛י נֹתֵ֥ן לָהֶ֖ם לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
But you remain here with Me, and I will give you dialogue-with all the Commandment-S, And-/ the Decrees-D, and-R the Ordinances-P, that you shall impart to them; for them to observe in the land that I am giving them to possess.
The explanation is as follows, bearing in mind PaRaDiSe unfolding as S / D R P, from right to left as in Hebrew. The “Commandment” stands for the Secret-S. The first “and” stands for the /. The Decrees stand for Discover-D. The second “and” stands for Testimonies as Reflect-R. The Ordinances stands for Plain-P.
There you have it. It wasn’t that painful, much like the COVID shot. To get you up to speed I highly recommend checking out the books at Amazon all the while viewing the videos on YouTube for backup, or on my web page at PaRaDiSism dot org.
This could very well prove to be the greatest breakthrough of the last two thousand years, well deserving as the opening of the III Millennium. That is, as the missing link between the heavens and the earth. This motion is tabled on the Court of public opinion, and it won’t accept cancelation as an option.
It calls out the Lie that the world is essentially broken by default. It is not, all we have to do is follow The Commandment, as the synthesis of all the 613 commandments, further distilled as the 10 Commandments, the Decalogue. The Holy One Commandment is all we need to integrate civilization.
Wrapping up. What have we just proved? Firstly, that there is the Lie, that the world is essentially broken, and it is disproved by Deut 5:29-30! The Truth. Secondly, there is the Big Lie. That there is nothing in Scripture alluding to anything which would indicate that we can integrate civilization on earth. On the contrary, verses Deut 6:1, 6:24-25, and 5:28 are manipulated to hide the existence of The Commandment, precisely all that we need to achieve our garden on earth. On the side of the Big Truth, all these verses prove the very existence of the holy PaRaDiSe App of the Bible.
At first, I naively thought it was an accidental collective oversight, but playing the devil’s advocate, allows getting behind the front to the backstory that there is intentionally biased interpretation in the translation. They’re getting away with murder. That is, it’s not collective oversight, but a plain and outright Lie for personal and group gain. How long are we to wait to turn the page on the secular and religious authorities and move on to a better world?
Rabbinism and Scholarism and Ecclesiasticism are behind the ideological interpretation inherent in the translations. This should not be confused with the rabbis, priests, and secular leaders at the community level, which we all love and respect. Not irreverent to the sages who are 99% right, but rather reverent to the Torah 100%!
This last point makes me wonder how long this Big Lie goes back in time. I mention it because there are various translations of the Hebrew Bible from Biblical Hebrew. The first is the Septuagint into Greek 3rd-1st century BCE, next the Onkelos into Aramean circa 4th-century CE, the Vulgate 382 ce into Latin, lastly the Masoretic 6th-10th centuries, and from it into most modern languages. The Masoretic is the authoritative Hebrew text which provides vocalization and accentuation to the Biblical original. The King James Bible is based on the Masoretic translation.
