The PaRaDi/Se Cause & Kabbayotlogy Movement (As Teaching Notes under MexoAmericanism) La causa PaRaDi/So, y, el movimiento cabayotlogía (Como Teaching Notes Spanish bajo MexoAmericanism)
Table of Contents of Web-Book (Book samples below & in menu above) Introduction Books Kabbalah Midrash / Theology Philosophy / Politics Science / Technology Conclusion Videos/ Podcasts/ Blog/ Contact
Please opine on the PaRaDiSe acronym of Genesis 1:1a/א stating the Universal Principle of Knowledge for Civilization. Thanks.
Save Civilization with the Universal Principle of Knowledge!
PaRaDiSe is acronym for the “Universal Principle of Knowledge” as in Genesis 1:1a/א.
The GOAL, summoning humanity as congregations, universities, communities, is to use the master key of the PaRaDiSe app to make the world whole once and for all time.
The Torah is written in code of Creation and all unravels in following the guiding thread of the master key of PaRaDiSe as found in Genesis 1:1a/א.
The choice is between reconstituting civilization once and for all with PaRaDiSe, or else endlessly repairing the world 24/7 only making things worse as is the case nowadays.
A new whole wide world opens up when thinking in terms of the PaRaDiSe app.
Explanation of Background:
The PaRaDiSe model of Genesis 1:1a/א is the cornerstone of the Bible. The model consists of a right-triangle inside an ellipse within a square.
For heading the acronym mnemonic PaRaDiSe standing for Genesis 1:1a/א, followed underneath in reverse order starting with the Kabbalah Life Secret S inside the ellipse, and surrounding the right triangle on the vertical side Midrash/Theology Imaginary spiritual Discern D, on the hypotenuse Philosophy/Politics Complex mental Reflect R, and on the horizontal side Science/Technology Real physical Plain P.
(The short version as relates to subject/adjective is: Kabbalah-S / Theology-D Philosophy-R Science-P.) This is the graphic of the Universal Principle of Knowledge of “The One Whole-S is made of Triad Parts-PRD“.
Everything you always wanted to know about Kabbalah but were afraid to ask. Please continue…
All the problems of the World have a common source, and it isn’t the Original Sin of the Second Creation Story.
The Big Bang of Creation by the Creator was followed by the Big Bust of Civilization by the non-creative “Sages” of yore!
By missing the Bible’s master teaching 101 at Genesis 1:1a/א the Sages cursed humanity to a dualism of crises with meteoric landing.
The Teaching 101 of the Torah Bible @ Genesis 1:1a/א is PaRaDiSe! In intuitive and heuristic terms this master teaching of “One Whole S is made of Triad Parts PRD” means that the whole secret is revealed in culture as a triad of parts of language.
Just like in a right triangle where opposite sides don’t touch yet are connected by the hypotenuse; or like a coin whose sides don’t touch yet are connected by the rim.
The 613 commandments of the Bible reduce to the One (1) Commandment of PaRaDiSe @ Genesis 1:1a/א!
613 => 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1!
Midrash / Theology
Why did the Sages break-in to the Torah Bible when the key to PaRaDiSe World Civilization was in plain sight?
And it wasn’t hidden to miss it, but rather on the entrance door lock itself at Genesis 1:1a/א!
Makes one wonder if there isn’t a backstory.
Return Teshuvah (תשובה) to T=0 of the Torah Bible @ Genesis 1:1a/א for the Teaching 101 to learn PaRaDiSe for the restart of Civilization by the Panacea app!
Is there proof that the Torah (תורה) Bible is Revelation? Yes, since the (תורה) Teaching 101 works!
Save the World from self-destruction by the Sages and Scholars of then and now.
Philosophy / Politics
Faith is not Religion any more than Knowledge is Science.
Faith-S & Knowledge-PRD are quantum entangled as PaRaDiSe.
Let’s lead by example in saving the World from fools by starting the Cause of the Age of Unveilment of Genesis 1:1a/א!
Sages and Scholars are half right half wrong, all of the time.
Teaching 101 @ Genesis 1:1a/א is PaRaDiSe that “One Whole Thought-S of Faith is in Triad Language Parts-PRD of Knowledge!”
Our World can be whole, just needs restarting @ Genesis 1:1a/א from T=0 with PaRaDiSe!
The Principle of Creation and Civilization. Kabbalah Reception (קבלה) of Moses in Primeval, Medieval and Modern versions, corresponding to Tree of Life array, Seed of Life Triad and Husk of Life Table.
Underneath Seed of Life Triad and Husk of Life Table.
To make our world whole let’s stop them from breaking it in the first place.
Be a mashiach enthusiast (מָשִׁחַ) by becoming a creative leader!
American Universal Constitution. What is badly needed is a new supreme law of the land that is based on the Universal Principle of Civilization that “the whole is triad parts“.
Once counting with this AmeriVersal Constitution model for the US, we can then make the Texas State Constitution conform to this standard, and likewise the rest of the states of the nation. Furthermore, as well guide for the States of the World if they so wish.
Ricardo 4 the Lone Star 2 Rescue the Earth. Finally, to put the cherry on the ice. A guide is needed to guarantee the desired outcome. Please support Ricardo to bring about these urgent vital changes.
Science / Technology
The Baby Bang of Civilization as the Universal Principle of Knowledge.
Just like there was the Big Bang of Creation of the Universe, likewise, there was the Baby Bang of Civilization of the University.
The universal, to be the most general, must to be the simplest.
Like the complex Pythagorean right-triangle consisting of a horizontal real side, an vertical imaginary side, and hypotenuse, or else as the common coin having a front side, a back side, and a rim, respectively.
Genesis 1:1a/א as Lesson 101 consists in combining the mute 1st letter of Hebrew AlefA (א) with the 1st word of the Creation Story Genesis 1:1a BeReshIthInBeginningOf (בראשית), such that it’s Genesis 1:1a/א as Alef/BeReshIthA/InBeginningOf (א/בראשית).
This is code for the Universal Principle of Knowledge that “the Whole is made of Triad parts“.
This can best be understood as language in which a Thought is secret, and is voiced in a Sentence consisting of Subject, Verb, and Object/Adjective.
The PaRaDiSe app.
Here Genesis 1:1a/א is broken up into its 4 parts as Alef / Be-Resh-IthA / In-Beginning-Of (א / ב–ראש-ית).
Like in language, the whole Alef as Thought is Secret-S, & as Triad is voiced as Subject Discover-D, as Verb Reflect-R, & as Object Plain-P.
Now as mnemonic acroynm it’s simply the PaRaDiSe application as a powertool to repair our badly neglected world.
Rescuing the Earth. Now with our newly harnessed PaRaDiSe app powertool we can proceed in the rescue of our Home, the Earth.
Climate Change only takes into consideration the Plain-P, the real or physical of the triad of the World. We need to address it from all fronts, holistically, not just the real physical. It’s also necessary to take into consideration the Reflection-R, the complex or mental, as well as the Discover-D, the imaginary or spiritual, to achieve our goal holistically.
The world is broken simply because we didn’t know what Whole meant.
Now we do that “The One Whole-S is Triad Parts-PRD”, PaRaDiSe for short.
What’s left now to do is get rid of the dead wood of Messianism and Evolution.
Summon congregations, universities, and communities to pow wow using the PaRaDiSe app to integrate our broken world.